Easy to learn Python data analysis 2-Excel reading and generation

Posted by nati on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 00:56:20 +0100

It takes about 5 minutes to read this article

  • Main contents: Excel office automation and data analysis

  • Applicable population: office staff / Python beginners / personnel interested in data analysis

  • Preparation content: Anaconda Spyder, Pandas Library

If you will not install the library, you can refer to the following tutorials:

How Anaconda installs Python Libraries

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There are many tutorials on data analysis on the Internet and in books, but OF holds the mission OF making data analysis the most complete, the simplest and the most practical, so that everyone can really master Pandas and use it perfectly.

1. Pandas data structure, i.e. basic principles (learning will get twice the result with half the effort)

Easy to learn Python data analysis 1 - the simplest and practical explanation of Pandas

2. Data reading and generation

3. Data processing (data cleaning, etc.)

4. Data visualization chart

5. Project practice

Today, we will introduce the practical application. First, let's introduce Part 2: how to read Excel data and generate excel.

 Read Excel

1. Read Excel content

If the read path is in the same folder as python, write the file name directly. If it is not in the same folder, write the full path.

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx') #File path print(df)

2. Read the first few lines

The head (n) method is used to read the previous n lines. If the parameter n is not filled in, 5 lines are returned by default.

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx') #File path print(df.head(2))

Operation results:

    Odd Numbers        quantity     time difference     Creation time           Audit date     Class code class name 0  SD1907 twenty-one 004   5   twenty-one.697014 2019-10-27 16:45:53 2019-10-28     1   Effect 1  SD191016007   6  115.231053 2019-10-27 15:twenty-one:25 2019-10-28     2   other  

Read the contents of the last few lines: the tail (n) method is used to read the N lines at the end. If the parameter n is not filled in, 5 lines are returned by default, and the values of each field in an empty line are returned to NaN.

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx') #File path print(df.tail(3))

Operation results:

Odd Numbers    quantity        time difference                Creation time       Approval date category code category name 19  SD191025004  25.0  52.976748 20 twenty-one-04-07 00:00:00 2019-10-28   5.0   Size 20  SD191022004  27.0  52.976748 2019-10-27 14:52:53 2019-12-02   5.0   Size 21  SD191022005   NaN        NaN                 NaT        NaT  

3. Read Excel basic information

The info() method returns some basic information about the table.

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx') #File path print(df.info())

Operation results:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>RangeIndex: 22 entries, 0 to 21Data columns (total 7 columns):Odd Numbers      22 non-null object quantity      21 non-null float64 time difference     21 non-null float64 Creation time    21 non-null datetime64[ns]Audit date    21 non-null datetime64[ns]Category code    21 non-null float64 Category name    21 non-null objectdtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(3), object(2)memory usage: 1.3+ KBNone

From here, we can see the number of rows and columns in Excel, which columns have null values, etc.

4. Read other Sheet pages (read_excel function)

For example, if we want to read "Sheet2" instead of the default "Sheet1", we need to write:

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2') #File path print(df)

Operation results:

 No.  Code         Name  Age0    1  1001       Office   251    2  1002        touch   232    3  1003  Officetouch   18

Readers who already have a foundation can carefully read the following contents. We can have a deeper understanding of Python and know why. Let's learn about read_ Common parameters of Excel function:

Although we can search read online_ Excel function, but every time we search online, it's always trouble + a little knowledge, so we take this opportunity to understand why we can use Pandas to realize so many functions.

1) On your own program, press and hold Ctrl + click pandas to enter the pandas program, and then we Ctrl+F to search read_excel

2) Press Ctrl + click read_excel, we can see read_ Contents of Excel functions

Here, we can know the parameter names we want to use, such as "sheet_name", "index_col", etc.

5. Read the data of the specified condition

In the basic principles of Pandas, we have said that you can use the loc function to read the data of the specified row. Today we will introduce it a little more. For example, we need to display only data older than 20:

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2') #File path print (DF. LOC [DF ['age '] > 20])

Operation results:

 No.  Code    Name  Age0    1  1001  Office   251    2  1002   touch   23

Generate Excel

Today, let's briefly explain how to generate Excel. For example, after processing the data in the above figure, we need to export the data with age > 20 to Excel. ​​​​​​​

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel('./data/test_insert.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2') #File path DF1 = DF loc[df['Age']>20]df1. to_ excel('./data/test1.xlsx',sheet_name="sheet3")

After running, we can find test1 under the specified path Xlsx, isn't it simple?

Concluding remarks

Today, OF introduces the relevant knowledge OF Excel reading and generation. In the third article on data processing, we will add more knowledge points. OF mainly introduces the most complete, simplest and practical methods to learn office automation and data analysis. It is enough to use Pandas to process Excel data. Like other python libraries such as openpyxl, xlwings and xlsxwriter, you can learn by yourself if you are interested. The content OF the next few issues will be more practical. Look forward to it!

3. Pandas data processing (data cleaning, etc.)

4. Pandas data visualization chart

5. Project practice of Pandas

  • If readers have any suggestions on the selection and content, please feel free to comment or write to me. As long as it is a good suggestion, OF will not disappoint you and will be pleasantly surprised 🎁 Here you go.

  • If the students have questions about the knowledge points or want to learn more useful knowledge, please comment or write to me at any time. Please believe in the sincerity OF of and will try to help you find - solve problems and improve their core competitiveness.

Topics: Python Excel Data Analysis pandas