EasyExcel course classification module of grain College

Posted by amylisa on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 06:02:45 +0100

Article catalogue

1, Introduction to EasyExcel

1. Application scenarios for Excel import and export

  • Data import: reduce the input workload
  • Data export: statistical information archiving
  • Data transmission: data transmission between heterogeneous systems

2. EasyExcel features

The well-known frameworks for parsing and generating Excel in the Java field include Apache poi, jxl, etc. But they all have a serious problem, which is very memory consumption. If your system has a small amount of concurrency, it may be OK, but once concurrency comes up, it will be full gc of OOM or JVM frequently.

EasyExcel is an open source excel processing framework of Alibaba, which is famous for its simple use and memory saving. The main reason why EasyExcel can greatly reduce the memory consumption is that it does not load all the file data into the memory at one time when parsing excel, but reads the data line by line from the disk and parses it one by one.

EasyExcel adopts the line by line parsing mode, and notifies the processing (analysis event listener) of the parsing results of one line in the mode of observer.

3. Case 1: Excel write operation by easyexcel

1. Introducing pom dependency in xml

    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba/easyexcel -->
    <!-- because EasyExcel The bottom is Poi Therefore, it is necessary to introduce poi Dependence of -->


2. Create entity class

public class WriteData {

    //Set excel header name
    @ExcelProperty("Student number")
    private Integer sno;

    @ExcelProperty("Student name")
    private String sname;

3. Implement write operation

public static void testWrite(){
    //Write operation of excel
    //1. Set write folder address and excel name
    String filename = "F:\write.xlsx";
    //2. Call the method in easyexcel to realize the write operation
    EasyExcel.write(filename, WriteData.class).sheet("Student list").doWrite(getData());

public static List <WriteData> getData(){
    List <WriteData> list = new ArrayList <>();
    for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++){
        String sname = "lucy"+i;
        list.add(new WriteData(i, sname));
    return list;

4. Case 2:EasyExcel reading operation

1. Create an entity class and mark the corresponding column relationship

public class ReadData {
    //Set excel header name
    @ExcelProperty(index = 0)
    private Integer sno;

    @ExcelProperty(index = 1)
    private String sname;

2. Create listener to read excel file

public class ExcelListner extends AnalysisEventListener<ReadData> {
   List<ReadData> list =  new ArrayList<ReadData>();

   //Read line by line
    public void invoke(ReadData readData, AnalysisContext analysisContext) {

    //Read Excel header information
    public void invokeHeadMap(Map <Integer, String> headMap, AnalysisContext context) {
        System.out.println("Header information :"+headMap);

    //Execute after reading
    public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {


3. Read operation

public static void testRead(){
    String filename = "F:\write.xlsx";
    EasyExcel.read(filename,ReadData.class,new ExcelListner()).sheet().doRead();

2, Add function of course classification (back end)

Core: EasyExcel reading excel content implementation

1. Introducing easyexcel dependency

2. Use the code generator to generate the course classification code

3. Create correspondence between entity class and excel

public class SubjectData {
    @ExcelProperty(index = 0)
    private String oneSujectName;

    @ExcelProperty(index = 1)
    private String twoSujectName;

4. Write EduSubjectController class

@Api(description = "Course classification")
public class EduSubjectController {

    private EduSubjectService eduSubjectService;

    //Add course classification
    @ApiOperation(value = "Add course classification")
    public R addSubjects(MultipartFile file){
        boolean flag = eduSubjectService.saveSubjects(file);
            return R.ok().message("File imported successfully!");
            return R.error().message("File import failed!");

5. Write the EduSubjectServiceImpl class

public class EduSubjectServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<EduSubjectMapper, EduSubject> implements EduSubjectService {

    private EduSubjectService eduSubjectService;

    //Add course classification
    public boolean saveSubjects(MultipartFile file) {

        try {
            InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream();
            //Read excel file
            EasyExcel.read(inputStream, SubjectData.class, new SubjectExcelListner(eduSubjectService)).sheet().doRead();
            return true;
        }catch (Exception e){
            return false;


6. Create read Excel listener

public class SubjectExcelListner extends AnalysisEventListener<SubjectData> {
    //Because SubjectExcelListner is used in EduSubjectServiceImpl in the form of new every time, SubjectExcelListner cannot be handed over to
    //Spring manages, so you can't inject objects with @ Autowird or @ Resource annotations
    //However, this class needs to call the methods in the service for database operation. How to use it?
    //You can pass parameters through construction methods and use service objects

    private EduSubjectService eduSubjectService;

    public SubjectExcelListner(EduSubjectService eduSubjectService) {
        this.eduSubjectService = eduSubjectService;

    public SubjectExcelListner() {}

    //Read line by line
    public void invoke(SubjectData subjectData, AnalysisContext analysisContext) {
            throw new GuLiException(20001,"Data is empty!");
        //Add primary classification
        EduSubject oneSubject = this.existOneSubject(subjectData.getOneSubjectName());
        if(oneSubject==null){//There is no same primary classification
            oneSubject = new EduSubject();

        //Get primary classification id
        String pid = oneSubject.getId();

        //Add secondary classification
        EduSubject twoSubject = this.existTwoSubject(subjectData.getTwoSubjectName(), pid);
            twoSubject = new EduSubject();


    //Read Excel header
    public void invokeHeadMap(Map <Integer, String> headMap, AnalysisContext context) {
        System.out.println("Header information :"+headMap);

    //Operation after reading
    public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext analysisContext) {


    //Judge whether the primary classification is repeated
    private EduSubject existOneSubject(String name){
        QueryWrapper <EduSubject> wrapper = new QueryWrapper <>();
        wrapper.eq("title", name).eq("parent_id",0);
        EduSubject subject = eduSubjectService.getOne(wrapper);
        return subject;

    //Judge whether the secondary classification is repeated
    private EduSubject existTwoSubject(String name,String pid){
        QueryWrapper <EduSubject> wrapper = new QueryWrapper <>();
        wrapper.eq("title", name).eq("parent_id", pid);
        EduSubject subject = eduSubjectService.getOne(wrapper);
        return subject;

7. Restart the oss service and upload the test files in Swagger


3, Add function of course classification (front end)

1. Add course classification route


        path: '/subject',
        component: Layout, //layout
        redirect: '/subject/table',
        name: 'SubjectSort',
        meta: { title: 'Course classification management', icon: 'nested' },
        children: [{
                path: 'list',
                name: 'EduSubjectList',
                component: () =>
                    import ('@/views/edu/subject/list'),
                meta: { title: 'Course classification list', icon: 'table' }
                path: 'import',
                name: 'EduSubjectImport',
                component: () =>
                    import ('@/views/edu/subject/import'),
                meta: { title: 'Import course classification', icon: 'tree' }

2. Create a course classification page and modify the page path corresponding to the route

3. The effect is achieved on the page of adding course classification

Compose page:

  <div class="app-container">
    <el-form label-width="120px">
      <el-form-item label="Information description">
        <el-tag type="info">excel Template description</el-tag>
          <i class="el-icon-download"/>
          <a :href="OSS_PATH + '/excel/template.xlsx'">Click download template</a>


      <el-form-item label="choice Excel">
          <el-button slot="trigger" size="small" type="primary">Select file</el-button>
            style="margin-left: 10px;"
            @click="submitUpload">{{ fileUploadBtnText }}</el-button>

Writing js method:

export default {

  data() {
    return {
      BASE_API: process.env.BASE_API, // Interface API address
      OSS_PATH: process.env.OSS_PATH, // Alibaba cloud OSS address
      fileUploadBtnText: 'Upload to server', // Button text
      importBtnDisabled: false, // Whether the button is disabled,
      loading: false
  created() {
  methods: {
    //Upload successfully called method
      if (response.success === true) {
        this.fileUploadBtnText = 'Import succeeded'
        this.loading = false
            type: 'success',
            message: response.message
      //Jump to list page
    //Method called when upload failed
      if(response.success === false){
        this.fileUploadBtnText = 'Import failed'
        this.loading = false
            type: 'error',
            message: response.message
      //Jump to list page
    //Click the button to upload the file to the interface
      this.importBtnDisabled = true //Upload button disabled
      this.loading = true

4. Start service test

4, Course classification list (back end)

1. Create the corresponding entity class according to the returned data

//Primary classification
public class OneSubject {
    private String id;
    private String title;

    //There are multiple secondary classifications in a primary classification
    private List<TwoSubject> children = new ArrayList<>();

//Secondary classification
public class TwoSubject {
    private String id;
    private String title;

The returned data format is:

2. Write Controller class

@ApiOperation(value = "Query all course classifications")
public R getAllSubject(){
    List <OneSubject> oneSubjectList =  eduSubjectService.getAllSubject();
    return R.ok().data("list",oneSubjectList);

3. Write Service class

//Query all course categories = = > tree
    public List <OneSubject> getAllSubject() {
        //1. Query all primary classification parents_ id=0
        QueryWrapper<EduSubject> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<EduSubject>();
        List <EduSubject> oneSubjectList = this.baseMapper.selectList(wrapper);

        //2. Query all secondary classification parents_ id!= 0
        wrapper = new QueryWrapper<EduSubject>();
        List <EduSubject> twoSubjectList = this.baseMapper.selectList(wrapper);

        //Define the final return type
        List <OneSubject> finalSubjectList = new ArrayList <OneSubject>();

        ///3 primary classification of packaging
        //Query all the level-1 classification list sets, get each level-1 classification object, and go back to the value of each level-1 classification object,
        //Encapsulated in the required list collection list < onesubject > findsubjectlist
        //List<EduSubject> ==> List <OneSubject> finalSubjectList
        for (EduSubject subject : oneSubjectList) {
            //Encapsulate oneSubjectList into finalSubjectList
            OneSubject oneSubject = new OneSubject();
            //Both of the following methods can be used
            // oneSubject.setId(subject.getId());
            // oneSubject.setTitle(subject.getTitle());

            //Loop through and query all the secondary classifications in the primary classification
            //Create a list set to encapsulate the secondary classification of each primary classification
            List <TwoSubject> children = new ArrayList <>();
            for (EduSubject eduSubject : twoSubjectList) {
                TwoSubject twoSubject = new TwoSubject();
                if (eduSubject.getParentId().equals(subject.getId())){

            finalSubjectList.add(oneSubject);//Add the result set and put the statement after 76 lines. You can also think about why???

        return finalSubjectList;

4. Test with swagger


5, Course classification list (front end)

1. Write front-end interface

import request from '@/utils/request'

export default {
    //Query all course classifications
    getAllSubject() {
        return request({
            url: `/eduservice/subject/getAllSubject`,
            method: 'get'

2. Refer to the tree module to integrate the front end

  <div class="app-container">
    <el-input v-model="filterText" placeholder="Filter keyword" style="margin-bottom:30px;" />



3. Front end interface call

import subject from '@/api/edu/subject' 
export default {

  data() {
    return {
      filterText: '',
      data2: [],
      defaultProps: {
        children: 'children',
        label: 'title'
  watch: {
    filterText(val) {

  created() {
    //After the page is loaded, it is called.

  methods: {
          this.data2 = response.data.list;
    filterNode(value, data) {
      if (!value) return true
      return data.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) !== -1 //Search is not case sensitive

4. Start project service test

Topics: Java Front-end Spring html