Official documents: Java Transport Client (deprecated) [7.17] | Elastic
1. Create client
The TransportClient client will be deprecated in ES version 7.0 and completely removed in version 8.0
Create steps:
//Directly in You can see the cluster corresponding to es in_ name Settings settings= Settings.builder() .put("","Here is es Corresponding cluster_name").build(); TransportClient transportClient=new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings); transportClient.addTransportAddress(new TransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""),9300));
Then you can operate es through the transportClient.
There are also corresponding RestLowLevelClient low-level clients, but there are not many users.
RestHighLevelClient is officially launched. It uses Http to connect the query results, so it needs port 9200. It's RestFul.
RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient(){ RestHighLevelClient client = new RestHighLevelClient( RestClient.builder( new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))); return client; }
Then you can operate es through the client.
These are the two longest clients.
Github: GitHub - searchbox-io/Jest: Elasticsearch Java Rest Client.
If different versions of ES clusters are used in the project, using native clients will be a problem. If the version of ES is not a problem, it is better to use the native client. Es does not have a Rest client, so the reason for Jest.
Maven Repository: Index of /groups/public/io/searchbox/jest From 5 JDK8 is the minimum requirement from version X
/** * Simply build a Jestclient * * @param serverList es List of cluster machines. The shape of each machine is as follows: * @return */ public static JestHttpClient getJestHttpClient(List<String> serverList) { JestClientFactory jestClientFactory = new JestClientFactory(); HttpClientConfig.Builder httpClientConfigBuilder = new HttpClientConfig.Builder(serverList); jestClientFactory.setHttpClientConfig(; JestHttpClient jestHttpClient = (JestHttpClient) jestClientFactory.getObject(); return jestHttpClient; }
parameter | explain | remarks |
serverList | ES cluster machine list | |
isMultiThreaded | Whether to use HttpClient connection pool | |
isDiscoveryEnabled | Enable node detection | It is recommended to use this parameter to detect and update the machine list when the machine in the cluster goes offline |
discoveryFilter | ||
isRequestCompressionEnabled | Enable GZIP compression request | Requires ES node to set http compression |
connTimeout | connTimeout of HttpClient | |
readTimeout | readTimeout of HttpClient | |
discoveryFrequency | Frequency of node detection | |
maxConnectionIdleTime | ||
discoveryFrequencyTimeUnit | Frequency unit of node detection | TimeUnit |
maxConnectionIdleTimeDurationTimeUnit | ||
gson | ||
defaultSchemeForDiscoveredNodes | ||
maxTotalConnection | The maximum number of connections in the HttpClient connection pool | |
defaultMaxTotalConnectionPerRoute | The default maximum number of connections per route in the HttpClient connection pool | |
maxTotalConnectionPerRoute | Maximum number of connections routed by HttpClient connection pool | The default value of defaultMaxTotalConnectionPerRoute will be overridden |
credentialsProvider | ||
sslSocketFactory | ||
plainSocketFactory | ||
httpRoutePlanner | ||
proxyAuthenticationStrategy | ||
httpIOSessionStrategy | ||
httpsIOSessionStrategy | ||
preemptiveAuthTargetHosts |
Both are built on the premise of RestHighLevelClient advanced restful style client. Get the client above
@Autowired private RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient; //PUT testCreate @Test void testCreate() throws IOException { //1. Create index request CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest("test_create"); //2. Execute the create request {IndicesClient, and get the response after the request CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse = restHighLevelClient.indices().create(createIndexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(createIndexResponse); } //Test to obtain the index and judge whether it exists @Test void getEs() throws IOException { GetIndexRequest test_create = new GetIndexRequest("test_create"); boolean exists = restHighLevelClient.indices().exists(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists); } //Test delete index @Test void deleteEs() throws IOException { DeleteIndexRequest test_create = new DeleteIndexRequest("test_create"); AcknowledgedResponse delete = restHighLevelClient.indices().delete(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(delete); } //Test add document @Test void AddEsWd() throws IOException { //Create entity class object User user = new User("I'm test integration java",12); //Create request IndexRequest test_create = new IndexRequest("test_create"); //Rule creation"1"); test_create.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1)); //If it exceeds 1s, it will not be executed test_create.timeout("1s"); //Fast JSON is used here to put the data into the request, but hutool tool class is recommended IndexRequest source = test_create.source(JSON.toJSONString(user), XContentType.JSON); //client poke request IndexResponse index = restHighLevelClient.index(source, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); //Get the corresponding results System.out.println(index.toString()); //IndexResponse[index=test_create,type=_doc,id=1,version=1,result=created,seqNo=0,primaryTerm=1,shards={"total":2,"successful":1,"failed":0}] System.out.println(index.status()); //CREATED } //Test acquisition document @Test void getWd() throws IOException { GetRequest test_create = new GetRequest("test1", "1"); //Do not get returned_ source context is more efficient test_create.fetchSourceContext(new FetchSourceContext(false)); test_create.storedFields("_none_"); boolean exists = restHighLevelClient.exists(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists); } //Test to get the information of the document @Test void getWdXx() throws IOException { GetRequest test_create = new GetRequest("test_create", "1"); GetResponse exists = restHighLevelClient.get(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists);//Return all contents System.out.println(exists.getSource());//Get the information in source {name = I'm testing integration java, age=12} System.out.println(exists.getVersion());//Get version System.out.println(exists.getSourceAsString());//Print the content of the document {"age":12,"name": "I'm testing integration java"} } //Update the information of the document @Test void updateWdXx() throws IOException { UpdateRequest test_create = new UpdateRequest("test_create","1"); User user = new User("Update test", 12); test_create.doc(JSON.toJSONString(user),XContentType.JSON); UpdateResponse update = restHighLevelClient.update(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update); } //Delete document record @Test void deleteWdXx() throws IOException { DeleteRequest test_create = new DeleteRequest("test_create", "1"); DeleteResponse delete = restHighLevelClient.delete(test_create, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(delete); } //Real projects need to insert data in batches @Test void testBulkRequest() throws IOException { BulkRequest bulkRequest = new BulkRequest(); bulkRequest.timeout("10s"); ArrayList<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); users.add(new User("test1",1)); users.add(new User("test2",2)); users.add(new User("test3",3)); users.add(new User("test4",4)); users.add(new User("test5",5)); //Batch request int i = 1; for (User user : users){ i++; bulkRequest.add(new IndexRequest("test_create") .id(""+i) //If you don't write an id, a random id will be generated .source(JSON.toJSONString(user),XContentType.JSON)); } BulkResponse bulk = restHighLevelClient.bulk(bulkRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(bulk); System.out.println(bulk.hasFailures());//Fail false success } //query @Test void testSearch() throws IOException { SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("test_create"); //Build search criteria SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); //Create a query constructor for grouping queries MatchQueryBuilder matchQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name","test"); searchSourceBuilder.query(matchQueryBuilder); searchSourceBuilder.timeout(new TimeValue(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); searchRequest.source(searchSourceBuilder); //RequestOptions.DEFAULT default SearchResponse search =,RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(search.getHits()); System.out.println("======================="); for (SearchHit hit : search.getHits()){ System.out.println(hit.getSourceAsString()); } }
3.ElasticsearchRepository<T, String>
The TransportClient client can be used. RestHighLevelClient should be ok if it has not been tested.
The es operation references the library.
T represents the entity class corresponding to the index, which stores the fields to be returned in the index, the corresponding getset method and the construction method with and without parameters.
You can directly use the annotations in lombok to add the corresponding getset and construction methods
import lombok.*; import; import; @Getter @Setter @ToString @AllArgsConstructor //Have reference @NoArgsConstructor //No reference //@Document(indexName = "test", type = "_doc") @Document(indexName = "Index name", type = "type") public class test implements Serializable { @Id private String id;// Primary key id in index private String name; private Date birthday; }
Then create a dao layer to implement elasticsearchrepository < test, string >
To rewrite the method you need, you can use service to invoke the dao layer to search for it.
import com.hyq.test; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; public interface test extends ElasticsearchRepository<ELKZFJD, String> { @Override public Iterable<test> findAll(); @Override Optional<test> findById(String s); @Override void deleteById(String s); @Override void deleteAll(Iterable<? extends test> entities); @Override void deleteAll(); @Override Page<test> search(SearchQuery searchQuery); @Override Page<test> search(QueryBuilder queryBuilder, Pageable pageable); }
Class, such as page < test > Search (querybuilder, querybuilder, pageable pageable);
It can be called in the business layer. Then use * * querybuilder (boolquerybuilder, matchquerybuilder..) Write query logic. And set Pageable for paging and sorting. Pass in these two parameters to get the query result.
Common methods:
//Perform a single value exact match termQuery("key", obj) exact match QueryBuilders.termQuery("name","I am Chinese,") //Perform fuzzy query, multiMatchQuery("key.keyword", "*field1 *"); Wildcards can be used Whether keyword is added? Check the FAQ of Es above QueryBuilders.wildcardQuery("name"/"name.keyword","*I'm Chinese*") //Perform multiple value exact matching termsQuery("key", obj1, obj2...) Match multiple values at once String[] a = {"a","ab","ac","qq"} QueryBuilders.termsQuery("name",a) //Wildcards cannot be used when fuzzy query is compared with wildcardQuery QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name","I am") //matchPhraseQuery for Chinese exact matching queryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("key", value) //Make Boolean query QueryBuilders.boolQuery() //Fuzzy query QueryBuilders.boolQuery() //Query the range. gte is greater than or equal to, lte is less than or equal to, gt is greater than or less than QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("age") .gte(jsonObjectEq.get("1")) .lte(jsonObjectEq.get("10"))) ......
Multi condition judgment query can be performed
BoolQueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); //Must where the conditions must be met and builder.must(queryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("key", value)); //mustNot where the condition must not be met builder.mustNot(queryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("key", value)); //should one of the conditions is satisfied or builder.should(queryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("key", value)); builder.should(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name","I am"));
When must and should are used at the same time, minumum_should_match defaults to 0. So should won't work.
boolQueryBuilder.minimumShouldMatch(1) can solve this problem by changing it to 1.
Then put it into NativeSearchQueryBuilder withQuery(builder). Use native searchquerybuilder for more complex queries.
NativeSearchQuery is a native query condition class, which is used to match with some native query methods of ES to realize some complex queries.
Native searchquerybuilder can perform complex query settings.
NativeSearchQueryBuilder nativeSearchQueryBuilder = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder(); //Set search criteria to build nativeSearchQueryBuilder.withQuery(builder); //Set paging to build nativeSearchQueryBuilder.withPageable(page); //Set the sorting to the construction (I'm not good at it, so I'd better set it directly in Pageable and put it in the upper page) nativeSearchQueryBuilder.withSort(sort); //Production NativeSearchQuery NativeSearchQuery query =;
Then put the query into the search method or searchrequestbuilder Query(). Perform a copy query and obtain the corresponding return results.
It mainly uses its implementation class PageRequest.
import; import; //Page refers to the current number of pages, length refers to the number of data on one page, and sort refers to sorting (see the next section for details) Pageable page1 = PageRequest.of(page, length, sort); //You can also not set sorting Pageable page1 = PageRequest.of(page, length);
import; Sort sort =,"Fields to sort"); Sort sort =,"update_time")