EMQX > > MQTT > AUTH > Authentication/Access Control II (EMQX-AUTH-Mysql)

Posted by LAEinc. Creations on Fri, 06 Sep 2019 12:30:21 +0200

EMQ X Auth & ACL Based on MySQL

Before reading this tutorial, assume you already know it. MQTT,MQTT 5 And EMQ X Simple knowledge.

emqx-auth-mysql It achieves access control to terminals by checking whether the username and password accessed by each terminal are consistent with the information stored in user-specified MySQL database. Its function logic is as follows:


This article assumes that MySQL has been installed on your machine and that you can connect to the MySQL server. Note: EMQ X Open Source Edition does not support MySQL 8.0 until v3.1-beta.2, so the following content only applies to MySQL 5.7 and below.

$ mysql --version
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.25, for macos10.14 (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

Plug-in Configuration Item Description


emqx-auth-mysql provides mqtt.sql files to help users quickly create data tables and import default data. Mqtt.sql will import the following default rules for the mqtt_acl data table:

mysql> select * from mqtt_acl;
| id | allow | ipaddr    | username  | clientid | access | topic  |
|  1 |     1 | NULL      | $all      | NULL     |      2 | #      |
|  2 |     0 | NULL      | $all      | NULL     |      1 | $SYS/# |
|  3 |     0 | NULL      | $all      | NULL     |      1 | eq #   |
|  4 |     1 | | NULL      | NULL     |      2 | $SYS/# |
|  5 |     1 | | NULL      | NULL     |      2 | #      |
|  6 |     1 | NULL      | dashboard | NULL     |      1 | $SYS/# |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

allow - 1: allow; 0: deny

access - 1: subscribe; 2: publish; 3: publish and subscribe

The above rules indicate that:

  • Allow any user to publish messages on any topic other than the'$'character
  • Refuse any user to subscribe to any theme that starts with "$SYS/"
  • Refuse any user to subscribe to the # theme
  • Allow native users to publish any theme starting with "$SYS/"
  • Allow native users to publish messages on any topic other than the'$'character
  • Allow dashboard users to subscribe to any theme starting with "$SYS/"

In addition, users can import custom ACL rules.

Auth and ACL Functional Verification

  1. Installation of mosquitto in Mac environment

    brew install mosquitto

  2. Create a database and import data

    The mqtt.sql path can be changed by itself according to the actual situation.

    mysql> create database mqtt;
    mysql> use mqtt;
    mysql> source ./emqx_auth_mysql/mqtt.sql
    mysql> insert into mqtt_user (id, is_superuser, username, password, salt)
        -> values (1, false, 'test', 'password', 'salt');
    mysql> insert into mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic)
        -> values (7, 0, NULL, 'test', NULL, 1, 'mytopic');
    mysql> exit;
  3. Modify configuration files

    Anonymous access is prohibited:

    ## .../etc/emqx.conf
    allow_anonymous = false

    The password in the configuration database is encrypted by plain, i.e. not encrypted:

    ## .../etc/plugins/emqx_auth_mysql.conf
    auth.mysql.password_hash = plain

    Configure the database to be accessed and the username password:

    ## .../etc/plugins/emqx_auth_mysql.conf
    auth.mysql.username = root
    auth.mysql.password = public
    auth.mysql.database = mqtt
  4. Start EMQ X and emqx-auth-mysql

    $ ./_rel/emqx/bin/emqx start
    emqx 3.1 is started successfully!
    $ ./_rel/emqx/bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_mysql
  1. test

    1. Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the topic

      $ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t 'topic' -d
      Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod sending CONNECT
      Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod received CONNACK
      Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: topic, QoS: 0)
      Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod received SUBACK
      Subscribed (mid: 1): 0

      Phenomenon: Successful connection and subscription

    2. Connect with the wrong username or password and subscribe to the topic

      $ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u bad_user -P password -t 'topic' -d
      Client mosqsub|91136-zhouzibod sending CONNECT
      Client mosqsub|91136-zhouzibod received CONNACK
      Connection Refused: not authorised.

      Phenomenon: Connection rejected

    3. Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the # theme

      $ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t '#' -d
      Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod sending CONNECT
      Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod received CONNACK
      Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0)
      Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod received SUBACK
      Subscribed (mid: 1): 128

      Phenomenon: Successful connection, unsuccessful subscription, reason code 128

    4. Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the "mytopic" topic

      $ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t 'mytopic' -d
      Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod sending CONNECT
      Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod received CONNACK
      Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: mytopic, QoS: 0)
      Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod received SUBACK
      Subscribed (mid: 1): 128

      Phenomenon: Successful connection, unsuccessful subscription, reason code 128

For more information, please visit our website. emqx.io Or focus on our open source projects github.com/emqx/emqx For detailed documentation, please visit Official Documents.

Topics: MySQL Database SQL Mac