Entry level Python multithreading learning notes

Posted by BPWheeler on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:58:02 +0100


1, Multithreading module: threading

Two, module function

1 create thread

2. Start thread

3. Wait for thread

4. Thread lock

5. Number of threads currently alive

Tip: the following is the main content of this article. The following cases can be used for reference

1, Multithreading module: threading

threading module is a module about multithreading that comes with python. It is easy to use and supports creating multiple threads, sharing data and locking threads.

Import module

import threading

Two, module function

1 create thread



The parameter group is used for thread grouping management, and the group name of the incoming thread. Not often.

The parameter target is used to pass in the object to be called by the thread, which can be a method or a class

Parameter name, used to pass in the name of the thread.

Parameter args is used to pass in the parameter of the calling object. The passed in must be a tuple

Parameter kwargs is the keyword parameter dictionary used to call the target function

Parameter daemon, which explicitly sets whether the thread is in daemon mode. When daemon=True is to enable the daemon mode, when the main thread ends, the created thread ends directly. When the daemon saves the default value, when the main thread ends, the created thread continues to run until it ends.


import threading
def task(num):	#Create a method	
	print("Successfully created 1 thread")
	print(f"The name of the thread is:{t.name}")
	print(f"The parameters passed in are:{num}")
t=threading.Thread(target=task,name="download",args="8")	#Create a thread
t.start()	#Start thread

2. Start thread



When a thread is created, it is called. It can only be called once in a thread.


import threading
def task():	#Create a method
	print("Successfully created 1 thread")
t=threading.Thread(target=task)	#Create a thread
t.start()	#Start thread

3. Wait for thread



When the thread calls the join() method
If the timeout parameter does not exist or is None, the thread calling this method will be blocked. The code behind the join() method will not be executed until the thread execution is completed.
If the timeout parameter exists and is not None, it should be a floating-point number or fraction in seconds used to specify the operation timeout.

import threading
from time import sleep
def task():	#Create a method
	print("Create 1 thread\n")
	sleep(1)	#Delay 1 second
	print("Thread created successfully")
t=threading.Thread(target=task)	#Create a thread
t.start()	#Start thread
t.join()		#Wait until the thread ends
print("Thread ended")

4. Thread lock



It is used to lock a variable or other things to prevent different threads from calling the same variable at the same time. Lock() has two methods: acquire() and release(). Acquire () changes the status to locked and release () changes it to unlocked.


import time 
import threading as tg
task=100000	#Number of tasks per thread
thread=10   #Number of threads
num=0 		#Number of tasks completed by all threads
threads=[]	#Used to save all threads
lock=tg.Lock()	#A lock (used to lock a variable or something else to prevent different threads from calling the same variable at the same time)

def download():	#Create a method for the thread to call
	global num
	for i in range(task):
		lock.acquire()	#Lock to prevent other threads from reading / modifying
		num +=1 	#Complete 1 task, add 1 to the total
		lock.release()	#Unlock so that other threads can read / modify

for i in range(thread):
	t=tg.Thread(target=download)	#Create thread 	, And pass in the method to be called by the thread
	threads.append(t)	#Save the created thread to the list
	t.start()	#Start thread
for t in threads:
	t.join()	#Wait for all threads to complete execution before executing the following code
print(f"Number of tasks to be completed:{task*thread}")
print(f"Number of tasks actually completed:{num}")

5. Number of threads currently alive



Returns the number of threads currently alive. The return value is consistent with the length of the list returned by enumerate().

import threading
from time import sleep
def task():	#Create a method
	print("Create 1 thread\n")
	sleep(1)	#Delay 1 second
	print(f"thread {t.name}Created successfully")
t=threading.Thread(target=task)	#Create a thread
t.start()	#Start thread
num=threading.active_count()	#Returns the number of lines currently alive
print(f"Number of lines currently alive=Main thread+Created thread={num}")
t.join()		#Wait until the thread ends
print("The thread created has ended")
num=threading.active_count()	#Returns the number of lines currently alive
print(f"Number of lines currently alive=Main thread={num}")

Thanks for uncle Mai's programming tutorial:

Python multithreading practice_ Beep beep beep_ bilibili


Topics: Python Multithreading