14. iterator and for...of loop
*Different data structures achieve the goal of reading different data structures through the unified form of for...
*But the iterator interface behind it is different.
{ //Circular array let arr = ["hello", "world"]; let map = arr[Symbol.iterator](); console.log(map.next()); //{value: "hello", done: false} console.log(map.next()); //{value: "world", done: false} console.log(map.next()); //{value: undefined, done: true} }
{ //custom iterator Interface let obj = { start: [1, 3, 2], end: [7, 9, 8], [Symbol.iterator]() { let self = this; let index = 0; let arr = self.start.concat(self.end); let len = arr.length; return { next() { if (index < len) { return { value: arr[index++], done: false }; } else { return { value: arr[index++], done: true }; } } }; } }; for (let key of obj) { console.log(key); //1 3 2 7 9 8 } }
{ let arr = ["hello", "world"]; for (let item of arr) { console.log("item", item); // hello // world } }
15. Generator
Asynchronous programming solution
Basic definition
{ // Basic definition let tell = function*() { yield "a"; yield "b"; return "c"; }; let k = tell(); // call next()The first one yield,Ensure the asynchronous operation process in the function body console.log(k.next()); console.log(k.next()); console.log(k.next()); console.log(k.next()); // {value: "a", done: false} // {value: "b", done: false} // {value: "c", done: true} // {value: undefined, done: true} }
Relationship between generator and iterator
{ let obj = {}; obj[Symbol.iterator] = function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }; for (let value of obj) { console.log(value); //1 //2 //3 } }
State machine
{ //State machine let state = function*() { while (1) { yield "A"; yield "B"; yield "C"; } }; let status = state(); console.log(status.next()); console.log(status.next()); console.log(status.next()); console.log(status.next()); console.log(status.next()); // {value: "A", done: false} // {value: "B", done: false} // {value: "C", done: false} // {value: "A", done: false} // {value: "B", done: false} } // async await // { // let state = async function() { // while (1) { // await "A"; // await "B"; // await "C"; // } // }; // let status = state(); // console.log(status.next()); // console.log(status.next()); // console.log(status.next()); // console.log(status.next()); // console.log(status.next()); // }
{ //Luck draw let draw = function(count) { //Specific lottery logic console.log(`Surplus ${count}second`); }; //Computation times let residue = function*(count) { while (count > 0) { count--; yield draw(count); } }; let star = residue(5); let btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.id = "start"; btn.textContent = "Luck draw"; document.body.appendChild(btn); document.getElementById("start").addEventListener( "click", function() { star.next(); }, false ); } { //Long polling let ajax = function*() { yield new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ code: 0 }); }, 200); }); }; let pull = function() { let generator = ajax(); let step = generator.next(); step.value.then(function(d) { if (d.code != 0) { setTimeout(() => { console.info("wait"); pull(); }, 1000); } else { console.info(d); } }); }; pull(); //{code: 0} }
16. Decorator - decorator
A function used to modify the behavior of a class, which can be understood as extending the function of a class
{ let readonly = function(target, name, descriptor) { descriptor.writable = false; return descriptor; }; class Test { //The modifier is added here. Reassignment is not allowed. @readonly Time() { return "2019-07-11"; } } let test = new Test(); console.log(test.Time()); //2019-07-11 }
{ let typename = function(target, name, descriptor) { target.myname = "hello"; }; @typename class Test {} //Class modifier console.log(Test.myname); //hello }
{ let log = type => { return function(target, name, descriptor) { let src_method = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = (...arg) => { src_method.apply(target, arg); console.info(`log ${type}`); }; }; }; class AD { @log("show") show() { console.info("ad is show"); } @log("click") click() { console.info("ad is click"); } } let ad = new AD(); ad.show(); ad.click(); }
17. Modularity
Method 1
/*Method 1 export let A = 123; export function test() { console.log("test"); } export class Hello { test() { console.log("class"); } } */
// import { A, test, Hello } from "./class/lesson17"; // import { A } from "./class/lesson17"; // import * as lesson from "./class/lesson17";
Method 2 (recommended)
let A = 123; let test = function() { console.log("test"); }; class Hello { test() { console.log("class"); } } export default { A, test, Hello };
import lesson17 from "./class/lesson17";
// console.log(A, test, Hello); // console.log(A); // console.log(lesson.A); // console.log(lesson.test()); console.log(lesson17.A);