String Lookup
ES6 also adds string lookup and supports Chinese
Find under es5: indexof()
let jspang='technology'; let blog = 'I'm glad you read this article. I'm your old friend's technology.In this lesson, we'll learn string templates.'; document.write(blog.indexOf(jspang));
Result: 20
Find under es6: include ()
let jspang='technology'; let blog = 'I'm glad you read this article. I'm your old friend's technology.In this lesson, we'll learn string templates.'; document.write(blog.includes(jspang));
Determine if startsWith() exists at the beginning
Return value is Boolean type
let jspang='Technical fat'; let blog = 'I'm glad you read this article. I'm your old friend, Technical Fat.In this lesson, we'll learn string templates.'; blog.startsWith(jspang); //false
Determine if endsWith() exists at the end
let jspang='Technical fat'; let blog = 'I'm glad you read this article. I'm your old friend, Technical Fat.In this lesson, we'll learn string templates.'; blog.endsWidth(jspang); //false
Note that both starts and ends should be followed by s
Substring Recognition of Strings
- includes() method that returns true if the specified text is detected in the string, or false otherwise.
- The startsWith() method returns true if the specified text is detected in the actual part of the string, or false otherwise.
- endsWhit() method that returns true if the specified text is detected at the end of the string, or false otherwise.
Both of the above three methods can accept two parameters:
- The first parameter specifies the text to search for;
- The second parameter is optional, specifying a starting search location.
- If the second parameter is specified, the includes method and the startsWith method will start matching from this miniature value, and the endsWith method will start matching forward by subtracting the length of the text to be searched from this index value.
- Examples are as follows:
let msg = "hello world!"; //judge console.log(msg.includes('hello')); //Judgement End console.log(msg.endsWith('!')); //Judgment Start console.log(msg.startsWith('h')); console.log(msg.startsWith('0')); console.log(msg.endsWith('world!')); console.log(msg.includes('x')); console.log(msg.startsWith('o',4)); console.log(msg.endsWith('o',8)); console.log(msg.includes('0',8));
Output Results
➜ ES6 Practice git:(master) ✗ node string.js true true true false true false true true false
Summary: When all three methods have two parameters, they all play a role in the search function. StartsWithand endsWithnot only exist at the beginning or the end, but also true. StartsWithis the beginning or not of the second parameter, while endsWithis the second parameter minus the length of the text you want to search and starts to match forward
repeat() method
es6 provides a repeat method for a string that accepts a numbered parameter indicating the number of times the string has been repeated, and the return value is a certain number of times the current string has been repeated, as shown in the following example:
console.log('x'.repeat(2)); console.log('hello'.repeat(3));
Output Results
xx hellohellohello
ES6 Digital Operation
Number Judgment and Conversion
Number.isFinite (xx) for numeric validation
Determine if it is a number
Number.isFinite() can be used for numeric validation, returning true for any number, whether floating-point or reshaping, and false for others.
let a= 11/4; let b=11 let c=3.1475926 console.log(Number.isFinite(b)); //true console.log(Number.isFinite(c));//true console.log(Number.isFinite(a));//true console.log(Number.isFinite('jspang'));//false console.log(Number.isFinite(NaN));//false console.log(Number.isFinite(undefined));//false
NaN Validation
NaN is a special non-number that can be verified using Number.isNaN().The code console below returns true.
console.log(NaN == NaN); //false console.log(NaN === NaN);//false console.log(isNaN(NaN));//true
Determine if it is an integer Number.isInteger(xx)
let a=123.1; console.log(Number.isInteger(a)); //false
Integer conversion Number.parseInt(xxx) and floating-point conversion Number.parseFloat (xxxx)
let a='9.18'; console.log(Number.parseInt(a)); //9 console.log(Number.parseFloat(a)); //9.18