Role: Resolve asynchronous callback issues
1 //Establish 2 new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ 3 if(success){ 4 resolve('success') 5 }else{ 6 reject('error') 7 } 8 }) .then(res=>{//Return a Promise 9 console.log(res) 10 }) .catch(err=>{ 11 console.log(err) 12 })
Promise.resolve('aa') converts AA to a Promise object and is in the resolve state
"Equivalent to: new Promise (resolve=>{resolve('aa')})
Promise.reject('bb') converts BB to a Promsie object and is rejected
Equivalent to: new Promise (reject=>{reject('bb')})
//hold promise Pack it into an array, p1,p2,p3 All for promise object //Must ensure that all promise All objects are resolve Status will execute then Promise.all([p1,p2,p3]).then(res=>{ let [res1,res2,res3] = res; //... }).catch(err){ } //There is one resolve On returns Promise.race([p1,p2,p3]).then(res=>{ }).catch(err){ }
2. Modularization
- CommonJs
Modules require a server-side environment
Export: export const a = function() {}
<script type="module">
import {a} from './module/test.js'
Import * can be used to import all exported modules of this file
You can alias the module when it is introduced, import {a as b} from'. /. /';
export default a=function(){} can be used when exporting, and no curly braces are required when introducing
Multiple modules can be exported at the same time, such as:
export default {
import is automatically promoted to the top and executed first. If a timer changes a variable in the exported module content, the outside will also be changed.
import() is similar to node require(), but require can be imported dynamically and import cannot
import() returns a promise object
* The es6 modularization defaults to strict mode ('use strict')
async function main(){//Asynchronous function const mod1 = await import('./module/1.js') const mod2 = await import('./module/2.js') }
await waits for the current code execution to complete before proceeding to the next step
4. class
1) es5 implementation class method
function Person(name,age){ this.name = name; this.age = age } Person.prototype.showName(){ return this.name; } //perhaps Object.assign(Person.prototype,{ showName(){ }, showAge(){ } }) let p1 = new Person('liuqiyang',22)
class Person{ constructor(name,age){//Constructor, new Called automatically when this.name=name; this.age=age; }//No commas showName(){ return this.name; } showAge(){ return this.age; } } let p1 = new Person('liuqiyang',22)
Method names can use variables as follows:
let a = 'strive'; let b = 'method'; class Person(){ constructor(){} [a](){ } [a+b](){ } } //call p.strive() p.strivemethod()
[Note] Classes have no elevation and must be redefined before being called
setter and getter in class
class Person{ constructor(name,age){//Constructor, new Called automatically when this.name=name; this.age=age; } set name(val){ } get age(){ } }
Static methods on classes: static
class Person{ constructor(name,age){//Constructor, new Called automatically when this.name=name; this.age=age; } static fn(){ // } } //call Person.fn()
//es5 function Person(name){ this.name = name; } Person.prototype.showName(){ console.log(this.name) } function Student(name,action){ Person.call(this,name); this.action = action; } Student.prototype = new Person(); //es6 class Person{ constructor(name){ this.name=name; } showName(){ } } class Student extends Person{ constructor(name,action){ super(name); this.action = action; } showAction(){ } }//When a child class encounters a method with the same name as the parent class, the child overrides the parent class
super.showName();//Simultaneously inherit parent method
Symbol: Add basic data type, return unique value, can be detected by typeof
Create: let syl = Symbol('aaa') cannot use new
The for-in loop cannot be accessed as a key value
5. generator Generator Function
Role: Solving Asynchronous Problems
//statement function * gen(){ yield 'hello'; yield 'world'; return 'hello world' } //Use--Manual traversal let g1 = gen(); g1.next() //{value:'hello',done:false} g1.next() //{value:'world',done:false} g1.next() //{value:'hello world',done:true} //Use for...of loop for(let value of g1){ } //Destructuring assignment let [a,b] =gen() //a--hello,b--world let [a,b,c]=gen() //c--undefined //Remaining parameters let[a,...b]=gen() //Extension Operator ...gen() //hello world Array.form(gen()) //[hello,world]
generator can combine axios data requests
Asynchronous solution:
- callback
- event listeners
- publish-subscribe
- Promise
- async