ES6 of JavaScript series

Posted by PRodgers4284 on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 09:34:39 +0100

1, Basic grammar

1. let command

(1) Declare variable

	let a;
	Declare variables and assign values (variable initialization)
	let a = 100;
 	console.log(a);  // 100

(2) Note:

① Variable cannot be declared repeatedly

  let star = 'ldh';
   let star = 'zxy';
   console.log(star);  // Will report an error

② Written in a code block {} is called block level scope, global, function, eval

  if else while for
    let name = 'ldh';
    console.log(name);  //  'ldh' written outside {} is invalid.

③ There is no variable promotion

let name = 'ldh'; // report errors

④ Scope chain is not affected

     let name = 'ldh';
     function fn() {
     fn(); // ldh

2. const command

(1) Meaning:

An amount that declares that a constant value cannot be modified is called a constant

(2) Features:

① Be sure to declare and assign values.

  const  NAME = 'ldh';

② Repeated declarations are not allowed. It is recommended that constants be capitalized.

   const Message = 'Goodbye!';
   const Mge = 30;  // report errors

③ The value of a constant cannot be modified.

  contst PI = 3.1415; 
  PI = 3; //TypeError:Assignment to constant variable.

④ Block level scope

  const NAME = 'ldh';
  console.log(NAME);  // It is invalid to write outside {}.

⑤ For the element modification of arrays and objects, it does not count as the modification of constants, and no error will be reported.

  const TEAM = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
  console.log(TEAM.push('d'));  // 4

3. Deconstruction assignment

(1) Meaning:

ES6 allows you to extract values from arrays and objects according to a certain pattern and assign values to variables, which is called deconstruction assignment.

(2) Deconstruction of arrays

 const F4 = ['Zhang San', 'Li Si', 'Wang Wu', 'Zhao Liu'];
  let [a,b,c,d] = F4;  // It can also be const
   console.log(a);  // Zhang San
   console.log(b);  // Li Si
   console.log(c);  // Wang Wu
   console.log(d);  // Zhao Liu

(3) Deconstruction of objects

   const ldh = {
    name: 'Lau Andy',
    age: 18,
    sing: function () {
   let { name, age, sing } = ldh;
   console.log(name); // Lau Andy
   console.log(age); // 18
   sing(); // sing

4. Template string

(1) Meaning:

ES6 introduces a new way to declare strings with backquotes``

(2) Statement:

 let str = `I am a string`;
 console.log(str,typeof str);

(3) Line breaks can appear directly in the content

  let str = `<ul>

(4) , variable splicing ${}

   let name = 'Lau Andy';
   let text = `${name}Is my idol`;
   console.log(text);  // Andy Lau is my idol

2, Extension of function

1. Default value of function parameter

(1) Meaning:

ES6 allows assignment of initial values to function parameters

(2) For example:

① Formal parameter initial value

  function add(a, b, c = 3) {
    // The default value parameter is generally placed in the last position.
     return a + b + c;
   let result = add(1, 2);
   console.log(result); // 6

② Combined with deconstruction assignment

  function fn({name , age = 20, sex }) {
     // let name =;
     // let age = pink.age;
    // let sex =;
     console.log(name);  // ldh
     console.log(age);  // 20
    console.log(sex);  // male
     name: 'ldh',
     sex: 'male',

2. rest parameter

(1) Meaning:

ES6 introduces the rest parameter to obtain the function arguments instead of arguments.

(2) For example:

① ES5 arguments how to get arguments

   function date() {
   date('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');

② ES6 rest parameters

  function date(...args) {
     console.log(args); // Get an array
   date('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');

③ The rest parameter must be placed at the end of the parameter

   function fn(a, b, ...args) {
     console.log(a);  // pink
     console.log(b);  // ldh
     console.log(args); // Get an array of length 6
   fn('pink', 'ldh', 'a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3);

3. Arrow function

(1) Definition:

ES6 allows the use of [arrow] () = > to define functions.

(2) Syntax:

   A normal function declares a function
   let fn = function() {
   The arrow function declares a function
   let fn = (a, b) => {
     //There are formal parameters in parentheses
     return a + b;

   Call function
   let result = fn(1, 2);
   console.log(result);  // 3

(3) For example:

① This is static. This always points to the value of this under the scope where the function is declared.

   function getName() {
   let getName2 = () => {
   //Set the name property of the window object. = 'pink';
   //Direct call
   getName(); // pink
   getName2(); // pink
   // Create an object
   const SCHOOL = {
     name: 'Shang Silicon Valley',
   //The call method call can change the direction of the ordinary function this, but cannot change the direction of the arrow function this.; // Shang Silicon Valley; // pink

② Arrow functions cannot be instantiated as construction objects

  let Ldh = (name, age) => { = name;
     this.age = age;
   let pink = new Ldh('Lau Andy', 18);
   //The above code will report an error

③ Arrow functions cannot use the arguments variable

   let fn = () => {
   fn(1, 2, 3);
   //The above code will report an error

4. Abbreviation of arrow function

(1) Omit parentheses when there is only one formal parameter.

  let add = n => {
     return n + n;
   console.log(add(9)); // 18

(2) Omit curly braces when there is only one statement in contemporary code body.

   let pow = n => n * n;   // In this case, return must be omitted, and the execution result of the statement is the return value of the function.
   console.log(pow(9));  // 81
   //This is equivalent to performing the following operations
   let pow = (n) => {
     return n * n;
   console.log(pow(9)); // 81

(3) Note:

① Application scenario of arrow function: it is suitable for this independent callback, timer and array method callback.
② Not suitable for event callback, object method.

3, Array extension

1. Introduction to extension operator

(1) Meaning:

The [...] extension operator can convert [array] to comma separated [parameter sequence]

(2) For example:

  // Declare an array
  // const f4 =['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'];  // => 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'
  // //Declare a function
  // function fn() {
  //   console.log(arguments);
  // }
  // fn(...f4);  //  Similar to FN ('a ',' B ',' B ',' C ')
  // fn(f4);

2. Application of extension operator

(1) Merging of arrays

  const name1 = ['a', 'b'];
   const name2 = ['c', 'd'];
   // const name3 = name1.concat(name2);  //  Traditional writing
   const name3 = [...name1, ...name2];  // new method

(2) Cloning of arrays

   const f4 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
   const newf4 = [...f4];
   console.log(newf4);  // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

(3) Convert a pseudo array to a real array

   const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div');    // Write four div tags on the body part
  const divArr = [...divs];
  console.log(divArr);  // [div, div, div, div]

3. Method of adding array

① Array.of()

//Converts a set of values to an array
var arr=Array.of(1,2,3,4);

② Array.from()

   //Convert pseudo array to array
    var aLi=Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("li"));
    console.log(aLi instanceof Array);//instanceof determines whether an object belongs to an instance of a class

③ Array.find()

  //Find data by conditions and return the first qualified data
    var arr=[1,2,4,3];
    var n=arr.find(function(item,index,array){
        return item>3;
    console.log(n);  // 4

④ Array.findIndex()

    //Find the subscript of the qualified data in the array. If it is not found, it returns undefined
    var arr=[1,2,4,3];
    var n=arr.findIndex(function(item,index,array){
        return item>3;
    console.log(n);  // 2

⑤ fill()

// The fill() method fills an array with the given value.
var arr =  ['a','b','c']
arr.fill(7); // [7,7,7]
 new Array(3).fill(7); //[7,7,7]

⑥ includes()

 // This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether an array contains the given value, similar to the include method of string.
 ES6 This method is introduced.
  var arr =   [1,2,3]
  arr.includes(2);  // true
  arr.includes(4);  // false
  [1,2,NaN].includes(NaN);  // true

⑦ for of and for in

// 1. for of is ES6 and fon in is ES5
// 2. for of traverses values and for in traverses keys
// 3. for of cannot traverse objects. for in can traverse both arrays and objects
// 4. When for of traverses the array, if there are undefined items, the traversal result is undefined, but for in cannot
// 5. for of cannot traverse the attributes (custom attributes) defined on the prototype, and for in can traverse
// 6. The compatibility of for is not very good. Android wechat browser on the mobile terminal does not support it, and Safari supports it
    var arr=[1,2,3,,4];
    for(let item of arr){
        console.log(item)//1 2 3 undefined 4
    for(let prop in arr){
        console.log(prop)//0 1 2 4 hehe
    var obj={
        name:"Sun Yizhen",
    for(let item of obj){//report errors
    for(let prop in obj){
        console.log(prop)//name age

4, Object extension

1. Abbreviation of object

  // ES6 allows variables and functions to be written directly into braces as object properties and methods.
  let name = 'pink';
  let change = function (a) {
    console.log('Can change us!');
   const school = {
     name,   //When the key value is the same as the value value, we can write one
     improve() {       // Traditional method improve:function() {}
       console.log('Can improve our skills');
   console.log(name); // pink
   school.change();  // Can change us
   school.improve();  // Can improve our skills

2. Adding method of object


 //Determine whether two objects point to the same memory address
     var obj1={a:1,b:2};
     var obj2=obj1;,obj2);//true'foo','foo'); //true{},{}); //false  
	 // The same value is equal, similar to = = = except that: + 0 is not equal to - 0; NaN equals itself

② Object.assign()

//Merge objects
var obj1={name:"Sun Yizhen",age:20};
var obj2={sex:"female"};
var newObj=Object.assign(obj1,obj2);
console.log(newObj);   //{name: "Sun Yizhen", age:20,sex: "female"}

Topics: Javascript ECMAScript