ES6 Promise Usage Summary

Posted by Kev0121 on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 13:49:39 +0100


1, Promise overview

In short, Promise is a solution for asynchronous programming. Syntactically, Promise is an object from which messages for asynchronous operations can be obtained.

2, Benefits of using Promise

  • It can avoid the nesting problem of multiple asynchronous calls (callback hell) and improve the readability of the code.
  • promise provides a concise API to make asynchronous operations easier.

3, Promise basic usage

  • Instantiate the Promise object, pass parameters in the constructor, which is used to handle asynchronous tasks.
  • Two parameters, resolve and reject, are used to handle success and failure, and obtain the processing results through p.then.
var p = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
	// Call resolve() on success
	// Call reject() on failure
	//Get normal results from resolve
	//Get error message from reject

Small case of practical operation:

  <script type="text/javascript">
     1. Promise Basic use
           We use new to build a constructor of promise promise to receive a parameter, which is a function, and pass in two parameters: resolve and reject, which respectively represent the callback function after the asynchronous operation succeeds and the callback function after the asynchronous operation fails

    var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
      //2. This is used to implement the asynchronous task setTimeout
        var flag = false;
        if(flag) {
          //3. Normal conditions
          //4. Abnormal conditions
      }, 100);
    //  5 after the project instance is generated, you can use the then method to specify the callback functions of the resolved state and the reject state 
    //  In the then method, you can also return the data directly instead of the Promise object, and then you can receive the data in the later then method  

4, Send Ajax request based on Promise

  <script type="text/javascript">
      Send Ajax request based on Promise
    function queryData(url) {
     #   1.1 Create a Promise Example
      var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
          if(xhr.readyState != 4) return;
          if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
            # 1.2 Deal with normal conditions
            # 1.3 Handling exceptions
            reject('Server error');
        };'get', url);
      return p;
    # In the then method, you can also directlyreturnData, not Promise Object, after then Data can be received in
        #  1.4 If you want to continue chain programming, you need to return  
        return queryData('http://localhost:3000/data1');
      .then(function(data){ //Returns the result of the previous instance object
        return queryData('http://localhost:3000/data2');

5, Promise basic API

Example method

These APIs are all located in the function prototype and are instance methods, so they should be called with instances.

  • Used to get the correct result after asynchronous task execution
  • Get exception information
  • Success or failure will be implemented (not official standard, supported by the latest Chrome)
  <script type="text/javascript">
      Promise Common API instance method
    // console.dir(Promise);
    function foo() {
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          // resolve(123);
        }, 100);
    // foo()
    //   .then(function(data){
    //     console.log(data)
    //   })
    //   .catch(function(data){
    //     console.log(data)
    //   })
    //   .finally(function(){
    //     console.log('finished')
    //   });

    // --------------------------
    // The two writing methods are equivalent
        # Get the right results for asynchronous tasks
        # Get exception information
      # Success or failure will be implemented (not a formal standard) 

Static method

  • Promise.all() processes multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, and the results can only be obtained after all tasks are executed.
  • The Promise.all method takes an array as a parameter, and the objects (p1, p2, p3) in the array are promise instances (if not a promise, the item will be converted to a promise with Promise.resolve). Its state is determined by these three promise instances
  • The returned result is an array, and the order of the results corresponds to the order of the Promise instance object of the array.
  • Promise.all() processes multiple asynchronous tasks concurrently, and results can be obtained as long as one task is completed.

  • The Promise.race method also takes an array as an argument. When the state of an instance in p1, p2 and p3 changes (to fully or rejected), the state of p changes accordingly. And pass the return value of the first promise that changes state to the callback function of p

  • The returned result is an array, and the order of the results corresponds to the order of the Promise instance object of the array.

  <script type="text/javascript">
      Promise Common API object methods
    // console.dir(Promise)
    function queryData(url) {
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
          if(xhr.readyState != 4) return;
          if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
            // Deal with normal conditions
            // Handling exceptions
            reject('Server error');
        };'get', url);

    var p1 = queryData('http://localhost:3000/a1');
    var p2 = queryData('http://localhost:3000/a2');
    var p3 = queryData('http://localhost:3000/a3');
       //   The parameters [p1,p2,p3] in all correspond to the returned result one by one ["Hello Tom", "Hello Jerry", "Hello spice"]
       console.log(result) //["HELLO TOM", "HELLO JERRY", "HELLO SPIKE"]
      // Because P1 executes faster, Promise's then() gets the result 'P1'. p2,p3 are still executing, but the result will be discarded.
      console.log(result) // "HELLO TOM"

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