Establishment of graph (adjacency matrix and adjacency table)

Posted by needphphelp on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 20:37:29 +0100

The basic concept of map can be turned over


Template base class of graph

adjacency matrix

Concrete class implementation of adjacency matrix

Implementation of adjacency matrix constructor (an adjacency matrix can be initialized based on this constructor)

The second storage method of graph adjacency table

  Adjacency table establishment algorithm!

Generally speaking, there are four kinds of graph storage, but because of the examination and I am a person, I only discuss the adjacency matrix and adjacency table

Template base class of graph

const int maxWeight = ......;	    //Value of infinity (= )
const int DefaultVertices = 30;	    //Maximum number of vertices (= n)
template <class T, class E>
class Graph {			    //Class definition of graph
    int maxVertices;		    //Maximum number of vertices in graph
    int numEdges;			    //Current number of sides
   	int numVertices;		    //Current vertex number
   	int getVertexPos (T vertex);	
      //Give the position of vertex in the graph
    Graph (int sz = DefaultVertices);  	//Constructor
    ~Graph();				//Destructor
    bool GraphEmpty () const 		//Judge whether the drawing is empty or not
        { return numEdges == 0; }	
   	int NumberOfVertices () { return numVertices; }
      //Returns the current vertex count
   	int NumberOfEdges () { return numEdges; }
      //Returns the current number of edges
	virtual T getValue (int i);		//Take the value of vertex i
    virtual E getWeight (int v1, int v2);  //Take the weight on the edge
    virtual int getFirstNeighbor (int v); //Take the first adjacent vertex of vertex v
	virtual int getNextNeighbor (int v, int w);
      //Take the next adjacent vertex of the adjacent vertex w
   	virtual bool insertVertex (const T vertex);
      //Insert a vertex
   	virtual bool insertEdge (int v1, int v2, E cost);
 	  //Insert edge (v1,v2), weight cost
   	virtual bool removeVertex (int v);	
      //Delete vertex v and all associated edges
   	virtual bool removeEdge (int v1, int v2);	
      //Delete the edge (v1,v2) in the figure

The above is just a basic class. Just have a general understanding

adjacency matrix

Basic concepts

In the adjacency matrix representation of a graph, there is a method to record the information of each vertex Vertex table , there is also a that represents the relationship between the vertices adjacency matrix .
Layout A = (V, E) It's a n Graph with multiple vertices , The adjacency matrix of a graph is a two-dimensional array A . edge[ n ][ n ] , definition:

  Generally speaking, the edge band weight of a directed graph is a network


Concrete class implementation of adjacency matrix

template <class T, class E>
class Graphmtx : public Graph<T, E> {
friend istream& operator >> (istream& in,   Graphmtx<T, E>& G);			//input
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, Graphmtx<T, E>& G);		//output
    T *VerticesList; 			//Vertex table - > can be understood as vertex array
   	E **Edge;				//The secondary pointer of adjacency matrix represents a two-dimensional array. Pay attention to it when applying for array space
	int getVertexPos (T vertex) {   //Give the position of vertex in the graph
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
	        if (VerticesList[i] == Vertex) 
                        return i;        //Return array subscript
 	    return -1; 
    Graphmtx (int sz = DefaultVertices);    //Constructor
    ~Graphmtx ()				      //Destructor
     { delete [ ]VerticesList;  delete [ ]Edge; }
    T getValue (int i) {  //Take the value of vertex i, I is unreasonable, and return 0 [prevent crossing]
 	    return i >= 0 && i <= numVertices ? VerticesList[i] : NULL; 
   	E getWeight (int v1, int v2) {  //Take the weight on the edge (v1,v2)
        if(return v1 != -1 && v2 != -1 )
 	      return Edge[v1][v2];
            return 0;
    int getFirstNeighbor (int v);       //Take the first adjacent vertex of vertex v
    int getNextNeighbor (int v, int w);	
      //Take the adjacent vertex of v and the next adjacent vertex of w
   	bool insertVertex (const T vertex);	
      //Insert vertex
   	bool insertEdge (int v1, int v2, E cost);
      //Insert an edge (v1, v2) with a weight of cost
   	bool removeVertex (int v);
      //Delete vertex v and all its associated edges
   	bool removeEdge (int v1, int v2);
      //Delete the edge (v1,v2) in the figure


Implementation of adjacency matrix constructor (an adjacency matrix can be initialized based on this constructor)

Each edge in the constructor is initialized to a maximum value

template <class T, class E>
Graphmtx<T, E>::Graphmtx (int sz) {      //Constructor
    maxVertices = sz;  
    numVertices = 0;  numEdges = 0;
	int i, j;
	VerticesList = new T[maxVertices];  //Create vertex table (vertex array)
    Edge = (int **) new int *[maxVertices];
	for (i = 0; i < maxVertices; i++)
	    Edge[i] = new int[maxVertices];   //Construct adjacency matrix to generate two-dimensional array 
   	for (i = 0; i < maxVertices; i++)        //The matrix is initialized to the maximum value
	    for (j = 0; j < maxVertices; j++)
		  Edge[i][j] = (i == j) ? 0 : maxWeight; 

Find the first edge of a vertex

template <class T, class E>
int Graphmtx<T, E>::getFirstNeighbor (int v) {
//The position of the first adjacent vertex with vertex position v is given, 
//If not found, the function returns - 1
    if (v != -1) {
 	   for (int col = 0; col < numVertices; col++)
           if (Edge[v][col] && Edge[v][col] < maxWeight)   
               return col;
   	return -1;

Find the next edge of an edge of the adjacency matrix

template <class T, class E>
int Graphmtx<T, E>::getNextNeighbor (int v, int w) {
//Give the next adjacent vertex of an adjacent vertex w of vertex v 
    if (v != -1 && w != -1) {
	   for (int col = w+1; col < numVertices; col++) 
          if (Edge[v][col] && Edge[v][col] < maxWeight)  
              return col; 
   	return -1;

The second storage method of graph adjacency table

Note: select the adjacency table to save space and the adjacency matrix to save time. The time complexity can be analyzed according to the characteristics of linked list and matrix

Adjacency table is an improved form of adjacency matrix. Therefore, the rows of adjacency matrix need to be organized into a single linked list.
In the adjacency list, the edges from the same vertex are linked in the same edge chain list. Each chain node represents an edge (edge node), and the node has the subscript of another vertex dest And pointer link . For weighted graphs, the weight of the edge should also be saved in the edge node cost .
Vertex table i Save the data of the vertex and the head pointer of its corresponding edge linked list in a vertex adj .



In the edge linked list of adjacency table, the chain in order of each edge node is arbitrary, depending on the input order of edge nodes.
There are in the design drawing n A vertex, e When an adjacency table is used to represent an undirected graph n A vertex node, 2 e Edge nodes; When using adjacency table to represent a directed graph, if the inverse adjacency table is not considered, only n A vertex node, e An edge node.

Constructor for each node of the adjacency table

template <class T, class E>
struct Edge {			   //Definition of edge node
    int dest;				   //Another vertex position of the edge
   	E cost;				   //Weight on edge
   	Edge<T, E> *link;		   //Next side chain pointer
   	Edge () {}				   //Constructor
   	Edge (int num, E cost) 	   //Constructor
        : dest (num), weight (cost), link (NULL) { }
   	bool operator != (Edge<T, E>& R) const
	    { return dest != R.dest; }	   //Edge judgment, etc

Vertex definition of adjacency table

template <class T, class E>
struct Vertex {			   //Definition of vertices
    T data;				   //The name of the vertex
	Edge<T, E> *adj;		   //Header pointer of side linked list

Definition of adjacency table class

template <class T, class E>
class Graphlnk : public Graph<T, E> {   //Class definition of graph
friend istream& operator >> (istream& in, 	Graphlnk<T, E>& G);		    //input
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, 	Graphlnk<T, E>& G);		    //output
    Vertex<T, E> *NodeTable;
        //Vertex list (the head node of each side linked list)
 	int getVertexPos (const T vertx) {	
        //Give the position of vertex in the graph
	    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
	        if (NodeTable[i].data == vertx) return i;
 	    return -1; 
    Graphlnk (int sz = DefaultVertices);  //Constructor
   	~Graphlnk();				   //Destructor
    T getValue (int i) {		     //Take the value of vertex i
	  return (i >= 0 && i < NumVertices) ? NodeTable[i].data : 0;
	E getWeight (int v1, int v2);	     //Weight of edge (v1,v2)
	bool insertVertex (const T& vertex);
    bool removeVertex (int v);
    bool insertEdge (int v1, int v2, E cost);
	bool removeEdge (int v1, int v2);
    int getFirstNeighbor (int v);
    int getNextNeighbor (int v, int w);	

Adjacency table constructor

template <class T, class E>
Graphlnk<T, E>::Graphlnk (int sz) {
//Constructor: create an empty adjacency table
    maxVertices = sz;
    numVertices = 0;  numEdges = 0;
    NodeTable = new Vertex<T, E>[maxVertices];		//Create vertex table array
    if (NodeTable == NULL) 
       { cerr << "Wrong storage allocation!" << endl;  exit(1); }
    for (int i = 0; i < maxVertices; i++) 
        NodeTable[i].adj = NULL;
template <class T, class E>
Graphlnk<T, E>::~Graphlnk() {	
//Destructor: delete an adjacency table
    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ ) {
	    Edge<T, E> *p = NodeTable[i].adj;
        while (p != NULL) {				
            NodeTable[i].adj = p->link;
            delete p;  p = NodeTable[i].adj;
   	delete [ ]NodeTable;  		     //Delete vertex table array

template <class T, class E>
int Graphlnk<T, E>::getFirstNeighbor (int v) {
//The position of the first adjacent vertex with vertex position v is given, 
//If not found, the function returns - 1
    if (v != -1) {			//Vertex v exists
    Edge<T, E> *p = NodeTable[v].adj;			//The first edge node of the corresponding edge linked list
	if (p != NULL) return p->dest;				//Exists, returns the first adjacent vertex
   	return -1;		//The first adjacent vertex does not exist

template <class T, class E>
int Graphlnk<T, E>::getNextNeighbor (int v, int w) {
//The position of the next adjacent vertex of the adjacent vertex w of the top point v is given,
//If there is no next adjacent vertex, the function returns - 1
    if (v != -1) {				//Vertex v exists
        Edge<T, E> *p = NodeTable[v].adj;
        while (p != NULL && p->dest != w)
            p = p->link;
	    if (p != NULL && p->link != NULL) 
            return p->link->dest; 	//Returns the next adjacent vertex
   	return -1; 			//The next adjacent vertex does not exist

  Adjacency table establishment algorithm!

template<class T , class E>
void Graphlnk<T,E>::CreateNodeTable(void){
	int n,i,j,m;
	Edge<T,E> *p;
	cin>>n;//Number of nodes
		cin>>NodeTable[i].data;//Enter node value
		cin>>m;					//Number of adjacent points of each node
			p=new Edge<T,E>;
			cin>>p->dest;		//Establish the edge node and input the node value to dest field
			//The weighted graph adds an additional weight input CIN > > p - > cost;
			NodeTable[i].adj=p;	//Head interpolation establishment


Topics: Graph Theory