Fabric Block Chain Third Party CA Use Tutorial

Posted by de.monkeyz on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 03:39:47 +0100

Hyperledger Fabric (HF) provides fabric-ca tools for end users to use their own CAs.However, root CAs should be as secure as possible in production environments, such as offline root CAs, and certificate issuance agents in Hyperledger Fabric environments should be given to the middle
CA.In this article, we will describe how to use third-party CAs as root CAs, fabric-ca as intermediate CAs, and how to integrate third-party CAs with fabric-ca in the CA trust chain.

Hyperledger Fabric Block Chain Development Tutorial: Node.js | Java | Golang

1. Preparations

To demonstrate the use of external and intermediate CAs, we will deploy a root CA, which will only issue certificates for intermediate CAs.This intermediate CA uses a Fabric CA, which is responsible for issuing user and node certificates.For simplicity, in this tutorial, we'll make OpenSSL.

Before you begin, consult the appropriate documentation to complete the deployment and knowledge preparation of the following pre-links:

  • Install docker, docker-compose, git, and curl
  • Hyperledger Fabric and bash/sheel scripting Basics
  • PKI Basics

Cloning this tutorial demonstrates the code repository, which contains all the scripts used:

git clone https://github.com/aldredb/external-ca
cd external-ca

Download the Hyperledger Fabric precompiler and delete unnecessary files.We only use cryptogen, fabric-ca-client, and configtx.

curl -sSL http://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s -- 1.4.1 -d -s
rm -f config/configtx.yaml config/core.yaml config/orderer.yaml

Use cryptogen to generate certificates and keys for the Sort Node Authority:

export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
cryptogen generate --config=./crypto-config.yaml

Create a directory structure to hold the certificates and keys of the peer node institution org1.example.com.As shown below, the organization contains a node, peer0.org1.example.com, and two users: admin and Admin@org1.example.com.The certificate and key of the intermediate CA are saved in the Ca folder.


2. Create intermediate CA

Generate private key and certificate signature request/CSR.Note that the values of the mechanism are the same as the root CA.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out \
openssl req -new -sha256 -key $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.key.pem \
  -out $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.csr \
  -subj "/C=SG/ST=Singapore/L=Singapore/O=org1.example.com/OU=/CN=ica.org1.example.com"

The root CA is responsible for signing the CSR of the intermediate CA and Issuing the certificate, which has half the validity of the root CA certificate.Notice that we use the v3_intermediate_ca extension.

openssl ca -batch -config openssl_root.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca \
  -days 1825 -notext -md sha256 -in $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.csr \
  -out $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.crt.pem

Now let's take a look at the certificates we get:

openssl x509 -in $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.crt.pem -text -noout

As shown below, you can see that the issuing authority of the certificate is rca.org1.example.com:

Issuer: C=SG, ST=Singapore, L=Singapore, O=org1.example.com, CN=rca.org1.example.com
    Not Before: May  3 10:16:44 2019 GMT
    Not After : Apr 30 10:16:44 2029 GMT
Subject: C=SG, ST=Singapore, O=org1.example.com, CN=ica.org1.example.com

Once we have issued a certificate for the intermediate CA, the root CA is no longer needed unless you need to create another intermediate CA or recycle the certificate for the intermediate CA.

Now create a CA chain file that contains the certificates for the intermediate CA and genCA:

cat $ORG_DIR/ca/ica.org1.example.com.crt.pem \
  $PWD/rca/certs/rca.org1.example.com.crt.pem > \

Finally, the intermediate CA is started, and its configuration file points to the certificates, keys, and CA chains we created earlier.
You can refer to the ca-config/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml file:

docker-compose up -d ica.org1.example.com

3. Issue peer node certificates and user certificates

With the intermediate CA ready, we can now issue user certificates and peer node certificates.

First join the (enroll) admin user, who has the right to register other users:

fabric-ca-client enroll --csr.names C=SG,ST=Singapore,L=Singapore,O=org1.example.com \
  -m admin -u http://admin:adminpw@localhost:7054

Now use Admin@org1.example.com, the administrator of admin registry org1.example.com, and peer node peer0.org1.example.com:

fabric-ca-client register --id.name Admin@org1.example.com \
  --id.secret mysecret --id.type client --id.affiliation org1 \
  -u http://localhost:7054fabric-ca-client register \
  --id.name peer0.org1.example.com --id.secret mysecret \
  --id.type peer --id.affiliation org1 -u http://localhost:7054

Join Admin@org1.example.com:

fabric-ca-client enroll \
  --csr.names C=SG,ST=Singapore,L=Singapore,O=org1.example.com \
  -m Admin@org1.example.com \
  -u http://Admin@org1.example.com:mysecret@localhost:7054
mkdir -p $ADMIN_DIR/msp/admincerts && \
  cp $ADMIN_DIR/msp/signcerts/*.pem $ADMIN_DIR/msp/admincerts/

Join peer0.org1.example.com:

export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$PEER_DIRfabric-ca-client enroll \
  --csr.names C=SG,ST=Singapore,L=Singapore,O=org1.example.com \
  -m peer0.org1.example.com \
  -u http://peer0.org1.example.com:mysecret@localhost:7054
mkdir -p $PEER_DIR/msp/admincerts && \
  cp $ADMIN_DIR/msp/signcerts/*.pem $PEER_DIR/msp/admincerts/

Now let's look at one of these certificates, such as peer0.org1.example.com:

openssl x509 -in $PEER_DIR/msp/signcerts/cert.pem -text -noout

The issuer of the certificate should be ica.org1.example.com:

Issuer: C=SG, ST=Singapore, O=org1.example.com, CN=ica.org1.example.com
    Not Before: May  3 10:27:59 2019 GMT
    Not After : May  2 10:28:00 2020 GMT
Subject: C=SG, ST=Singapore, L=Singapore, O=org1.example.com, OU=peer, OU=org1, CN=peer0.org1.example.com

Congratulations!We have completed the integration of third party CA and Fabric CA!

Original Link: Tutorials and Source Code for Using Third Party CA s in Hyperledger Fabric-Wizard

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