Fat framework AllinOne cluster deployment

Posted by webpoet on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 14:26:57 +0100

In this paper, the original reprint has been appropriately modified through the deployment guide.

1, Prepare

1. Hardware

Prepare at least a 12 core CPU, 24G memory, 1T hard disk (preferably SSD) and a network with no less than 10MB to access the Internet. (it's better to meet the above conditions, otherwise even if there is no problem with the installation, it may not run).

2. Software

Xshell and VMware Workstation 16 Pro, download addresses of these two software: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1j6j4n4TMlxxvtSFb-r_G5A Extraction code: 52bv

Centos, download address:


2, Installing VMWare virtual machines

Download and install the VMWare software from the network disk address I gave, and activate it by yourself. If you have any questions, ask Du Niang.

After installation, click "edit → virtual network editor", as shown below:

Find gateway

Select VMnet8 and click NAT settings.

Find the gateway here: remember this gateway, which will be used when configuring the network later.

3, CentOS installation

Open vwmare software and click create new virtual machine

Select typical (recommended) and then next.

Select next“

As shown in the figure below, select Linux, Centos7 64 bit, and then select next“

Name the virtual machine. The first virtual machine is named "fate01" and the second virtual machine is named "fate02".

Then select the installation path and install it on the drive letter with large space. Then select next

Set the maximum disk size to "500G", select "split disk into multiple files", and then select "next"

Select custom hardware, as shown below:

Then set the memory to 8G, the number of processors to 1, and the number of cores per processor to 4. In the "new CD/DCD(IDE)" option, set the path of the "CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1804.iso" file. After completing the above settings, select close.

(Deployment Guide configuration: 8 core /16GB memory / 500GB hard disk / 10M bandwidth)

Then we can see the configuration of the virtual machine. If there is no problem, select "finish" and wait for the virtual machine installation to end.

The following figure shows that the installation is complete. Select "start this virtual machine" and you can see the installation page of Centos7.

Select Install CentOS 7 and press Enter.

Show the following screen, select "Chinese", select "simplified Chinese (China)" on the right, and then select "continue".

Select "keyboard", click "+", select "English (UK)", then click "add", and then select "finish".

Next, click "software selection". Select "minimum installation" on the left and "debugging tool" and "system management tool" on the right. Then select finish.

(I installed GNOME desktop)

Set the installation location, then select I want to configure the partition, and then select finish.

Then the following screen appears and select "click here to create them automatically"

Select "home", set the expected capacity to 100GiB, and then click "+"

Add a new mount point "/ data" with a capacity of "341.12GiB", and then click "add mount point".

Then click finish and select accept changes

Click "network and host name"

Ethernet, select "open", set the host name to "fate01", click "application", and then select "configuration".

Click "IPv4 settings", set the method to "manual", and click "Add" to Add the IP address, as shown in the figure below. The IP address is "", and the IP address of the other is set to The subnet mask and gateway are the same, set to "24" and "" respectively (this gateway we mentioned earlier). Set the DNS server to "", and check "IPv4 address is required to complete this connection".

Click "IPv6 settings" and select "ignore" as the method. Then select save.

Then observe whether the IP settings are correct. If there is no problem, select finish.

After completing the above settings, select "start installation". Then set the root password.

Set the password to "123456", then click "finish" and wait for the installation to complete.

After installation, click "restart".

After restart, the following screen will appear. Enter "root" and password "123456" to log in to the root account.

The installation steps of the other virtual machine are the same as those of the first one, except that the name is "fate02" and the IP address is "".

After installation, install xshell and log in with xshell. Personally, I think it is more convenient to execute commands with xshell.

(I like to use visual desktop)

4, Fat AllInOne deployment cluster

1. Server configuration

The server
quantity1 or 2
to configure8 core /16GB memory / 500GB hard disk / 10M bandwidth
operating systemCentOS linux 7.2 and above / Ubuntu 18.04
Dependent package(installed automatically on deployment)
userUser: app, owner: apps (APP user can sudo su root without password)
file system1. Mount 500g hard disk in / data directory; 2. Create the / data / projects directory, which belongs to app:apps

2. Cluster planning

partyhost nameIP addressoperating systemInstall softwareservice
PartyAVM_0_1_centos192.168.0.1CentOS 7.2/Ubuntu 18.04fate,eggroll,mysqlfate_flow,fateboard,clustermanager,nodemanager,rollsite,mysql
PartyBVM_0_2_centos192.168.0.2CentOS 7.2/Ubuntu 18.04fate,eggroll,mysqlfate_flow,fateboard,clustermanager,nodemanager,rollsite,mysql

Architecture diagram:

3. Component description

software product assemblyportexplain
fatefate_flow9360;9380Joint learning task pipeline management module
fatefateboard8080Joint learning process visualization module
eggrollclustermanager4670cluster manager manages clusters
eggrollnodemanager4671node manager manages the resources of each machine
eggrollrollsite9370Cross site or cross party communication components are equivalent to proxy+federation in previous versions
mysqlmysql3306Data storage, clustermanager and fateflow dependencies

4. Basic environment configuration

4.1 hostname configuration

1) Modify host name

Execute under root user:

hostnamectl set-hostname VM_0_1_centos

Execute under root user:

hostnamectl set-hostname VM_0_2_centos

2) Join host mapping

Execute under the root user of the target server (

vi /etc/hosts

Add content VM_0_1_centos VM_0_2_centos

After adding, log in again.

su root

4.2 close selinux

Execute under the root user of the target server (

Confirm that selinux is installed

centos system execution:

rpm -qa | grep selinux

ubuntu system execution: apt list --installed | grep selinux

If selinux is installed:

setenforce 0

4.3 configuring yum warehouse

Execute under the root user of the target server (

1) Back up CentOS base Repo file

mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak

2) Modify yum warehouse configuration

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

add to:

# CentOS-Base.repo
# The mirror system uses the connecting IP address of the client and the
# update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and
# geographically close to the client.  You should use this for CentOS updates
# unless you are manually picking other mirrors.
# If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the
# remarked out baseurl= line instead.
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
#released updates
name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates
#additional packages that may be useful
name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras
#additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages
name=CentOS-$releasever - Plus

3) Make the new warehouse configuration effective

yum clean all
yum makecache

4.4 modifying Linux system parameters

Execute under the root user of the target server (

1) Clean up 20 nproc Conf file

cd /etc/security/limits.d
ls -lrt 20-nproc.conf

If present:

mv 20-nproc.conf 20-nproc.conf_bak

2) Modify limits Conf file

vim /etc/security/limits.conf

add to:

* soft nofile 65535
* hard nofile 65535
* soft nproc 65535
* hard nproc 65535

Log in again to see if it takes effect

su root
ulimit -a

4.5 modify system mysql configuration

mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf_bak

4.6 turn off firewall (optional)

Execute under the root user of the target server (

In case of Centos system:

systemctl disable firewalld.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl status firewalld.service

In case of Ubuntu system:

ufw disable

ufw status

4.7 software environment initialization

1) Create user

Execute under the root user of the target server (

groupadd -g 6000 apps
useradd -s /bin/bash -g apps -d /home/app app
passwd app

Input password:

2) Configure sudo

Execute under the root user of the target server (

vim /etc/sudoers.d/app

add to:

Defaults !env_reset

Add write permission to sudoers file

chmod u+w /etc/sudoers

Edit sudoers file

vi /etc/sudoers

Append under root ALL=(ALL) ALL:

root    ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
app     ALL=(ALL)       ALL
app     ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

Delete write permission to sudoers file

chmod u-w /etc/sudoers

3) Configure ssh non secret login

① Configure self privacy

Execute under the app user of the target server (

VM in virtual machine_ 0_ 1_ Execute as app user in home directory on CentOS

su app
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >>/home/app/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Use ssh command to test. You need to confirm yes for the first time, and then you can log in as successful without password.

In VM_ 0_ 2_ Perform the same steps on CentOS to configure the VM_0_2_centos's own password free login.

② Configure VM_0_1_centos password free login VM_0_2_centos

In VM_ 0_ 1_ Execute under CentOS app user

scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys app@

Input VM_0_2_centos app password

In VM_ 0_ 2_ Execute under CentOS app user

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /home/app/.ssh/authorized_keys
scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys app@

Input VM_0_1_centos app password completes file transfer.

In VM_ 0_ 1_ Execute under CentOS app user


You should be able to log in to fate02 without a password.

Here we have completed the configuration of the environment.

4.6 adding virtual memory

Target server (

When the production environment is used, 128G virtual memory needs to be added due to memory calculation. Before execution, check whether the storage space is sufficient.

Created manually and executed by root:

cd /data
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/swapfile128G bs=1024 count=134217728
mkswap /data/swapfile128G
swapon /data/swapfile128G
cat /proc/swaps
echo '/data/swapfile128G swap swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab


cat /proc/swaps

Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
/data/swapfile32G_1                     file            33554428        0       -1
/data/swapfile32G_2                     file            33554428        0       -2
/data/swapfile32G_3                     file            33554428        0       -3
/data/swapfile32G_4                     file            33554428        0       -4

free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          15715        6885          91         254        8739        8461
Swap:        131071           0      131071

5. Project deployment

Note: the installation directory of this guide defaults to / data/projects /, and the execution user is app. It can be modified according to the actual situation during installation.

Set projects directory

Execute under the root user of the target server (

cd /data
mkdir projects
chown app:apps projects
ls -l
chown -R app /data

5.1 obtaining items

Execute under the app user of the target server ( with external network environment)

Enter the / data/projects / directory of the execution node and execute:

cd /data/projects/
wget https://webank-ai-1251170195.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/fate_cluster_install_1.6.0_release-c7-u18.tar.gz
tar xzf fate_cluster_install_1.6.0_release-c7-u18.tar.gz

5.2 pre deployment inspection

Execute under the app user of the target server (

Put the check script fat cluster install / tools install / check SH copy from to

#Execute the check script on the and servers, respectively
sh ./check.sh

#Confirm that the app user has configured sudo
#The size of virtual memory shall not be less than 128G. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be reset by referring to chapter 4.6
#The number of file handles shall not be less than 65535. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be reset by referring to chapter 4.3
#The number of user processes shall not be less than 64000. If it does not meet the requirements, it shall be reset by referring to chapter 4.3
#Confirm that there is no fat process and port conflict before deployment
#Confirm / etc / my Whether CNF exists and needs mv; Confirm whether the / data/projects/fate directory exists. If so, back up the fate directory mv.

5.3 modification and example of configuration file

Execute under the app user of the target server (

Modify the configuration file fat cluster install / AllInOne / conf / setup conf.

vi fate-cluster-install/allInone/conf/setup.conf

Configuration file setup Conf Description:

Configuration itemConfiguration item valueexplain
rolesDefault: "host" "guest"Deployed roles include HOST end and guess end
versionDefault: 1.5.1Fat version number
pbaseDefault: / data/projectsProject root directory
lbaseDefault: / data/logsKeep the default and do not modify it
ssh_userDefault: appThe user who ssh connects to the target machine is also the owner of the deployed file
ssh_groupDefault: appsThe user group of the ssh connection target is also the group of the deployed file
ssh_portDefault: 22, modified according to the actual situationssh connection port. Confirm the port before deployment, otherwise a connection error will be reported
eggroll_dbnameDefault: eggroll_metaDB name of eggroll connection
fate_flow_dbnameDefault: fat_ flowfate_flow, fateboard and other connected DB names
mysql_admin_passdefaultmysql administrator (root) password
redis_passdefaultredis password, not used yet
mysql_userDefault: fatApplication connection account of msyql
mysql_portDefault: 3306, modified according to the actual situationPort on which msql service listens
host_idDefault: 10000, modified according to the implementation planparty id of the HOST side.
host_ip192.168.0.1HOST ip
host_mysql_ipDefault and host_ip consistentHOST mysql ip
host_mysql_passdefaultApplication connection account of HOST msyql
guest_idDefault: 9999, modified according to the implementation planparty id of guess end
guest_ip192.168.0.2ip address of guess end
guest_mysql_ipDefault and guest_ip consistentmysql ip on guess side
guest_mysql_passdefaultApplication connection account msyql of guess
dbmodulesDefault: "mysql"List of deployment modules of DB components, such as mysql
basemodulesDefault: "tools" "base" "java" "python" "eggroll" "fat"List of deployment modules of non DB components, such as "tools", "base", "java", "python", "eggroll" and "fat"
fateflow_grpc_portDefault: 9360fateflow grpc service port
fateflow_http_portDefault: 9380fateflow http service port
fateboard_portDefault: 8080fateboard service port
rollsite_portDefault: 9370rollsite service port
clustermanager_portDefault: 4670clustermanager service port
nodemanager_portDefault: 4671nodemanager service port

1) Two hosts partyA+partyB are deployed simultaneously**

#to install role
roles=( "host" "guest" )

#project base
#log directory

#user who connects dest machine by ssh
#ssh port

#eggroll_db name
#fate_flow_db name

#mysql init root password

#redis passwd

#mysql user
#mysql port

#host party id
#host ip
#host mysql ip

#guest party id
#guest ip
#guest mysql ip

#db module lists
dbmodules=( "mysql" )

#base module lists
basemodules=( "tools" "base" "java" "python" "eggroll" "fate" )



2) Deploy only one party

#to install role
roles=( "host" )

#project base
#log directory

#user who connects dest machine by ssh
#ssh port

#eggroll_db name
#fate_flow_db name

#mysql init root password

#redis passwd

#mysql user
#mysql port

#host party id
#host ip
#host mysql ip

#guest party id
#guest ip
#guest mysql ip

#db module lists
dbmodules=( "mysql" )

#base module lists
basemodules=( "tools" "base" "java" "python" "eggroll" "fate" )



5.4 deployment

Modify setup according to the above configuration meaning After the configuration item corresponding to the conf file, execute the deployment script in the fast cluster install / AllInOne Directory:

cd fate-cluster-install/allInone
nohup sh ./deploy.sh > logs/boot.log 2>&1 &

The deployment log is output in the fast cluster install / AllInOne / logs directory. Check whether there are errors in real time:

tail -f ./logs/deploy.log (After deployment, just check it.)
tail -f ./logs/deploy-guest.log (Real time printing GUEST End deployment)
tail -f ./logs/deploy-mysql-guest.log  (Real time printing GUEST end mysql Deployment of)
tail -f ./logs/deploy-host.log    (Real time printing HOST End deployment)
tail -f ./logs/deploy-mysql-host.log    (Real time printing HOST end mysql Deployment of)

deploy. The following contents appear in the log, indicating that the installation is complete

init over
deploy guest mysql over
deploy guest over
deploy host mysql over
deploy host over

5.5 problem location

1) eggroll log







2) fateflow log


3) fateboard log


6. Test

6.1 Toy_example deployment validation

You need to set three parameters for this test: guest_partyid,host_partyid,work_mode.

6.1.1 unilateral test

1), guest_partyid and host_ Party ID is set to 10000:

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/examples/toy_example/
python run_toy_example.py 10000 10000 1

Similar results indicate success:

"2020-04-28 18:26:20,789 - secure_add_guest.py[line:126] - INFO: success to calculate secure_sum, it is 1999.9999999999998"

Tip: if max cores per job is 1, please modify job parameters gives an error message, you need to modify the file toy in the current directory_ example_ Parameter task in conf.json_ Cores is 1

2), guest_partyid and host_ Party ID is set to 9999:

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/examples/toy_example/
python run_toy_example.py 9999 9999 1

Similar results indicate success:

"2020-04-28 18:26:20,789 - secure_add_guest.py[line:126] - INFO: success to calculate secure_sum, it is 1999.9999999999998"

6.1.2 bilateral test

Select 9999 as the guest party and execute on

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/examples/toy_example/
python run_toy_example.py 9999 10000 1

Similar results indicate success:

"2020-04-28 18:26:20,789 - secure_add_guest.py[line:126] - INFO: success to calculate secure_sum, it is 1999.9999999999998"

6.2 minimization test

6.2.1 upload preset data:

Execute on and respectively:

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/examples/scripts/
python upload_default_data.py -m 1

6.2.2 quick mode:

Please ensure that both guest and host have uploaded preset data through the given script.

In the fast mode, the minimized test script will use a relatively small data set, that is, the brew data set containing 569 data.

Select 9999 as the guest party and execute on

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/examples/min_test_task/
#Unilateral test
python run_task.py -m 1 -gid 9999 -hid 9999 -aid 9999 -f fast
#Bilateral test
python run_task.py -m 1 -gid 9999 -hid 10000 -aid 10000 -f fast

Other parameters that may be useful include:

  1. -f: File type used "Fast" stands for the fast dataset, and "normal" stands for the default credit dataset
  2. –add_sbt: if it is set to 1, the securebooost task will be started after running lr. If it is set to 0, the securebooost task will not be started. If this parameter is not set, the system defaults to 1.

If the word "success" is displayed in the result after a few minutes, it indicates that the operation has been run successfully. If "FAILED" or the program is stuck, it means that the test has FAILED.

6.2.3 normal mode:

Just replace "fast" with "normal" in the command, and the rest is the same as quick mode.

6.3 Fateboard testing

Fateboard is a Web service. If the fateboard service is started successfully, you can access and To view the task information. If there is a firewall, it needs to be opened.

7. System operation and maintenance

7.1 service management

Execute under the app user of the target server (

7.1.1 Eggroll service management

source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/eggroll

Start / close / view / restart all:

sh ./bin/eggroll.sh all start/stop/status/restart

Start / close / view / restart a single module (optional: cluster manager, nodemanager, rollsite):

sh ./bin/eggroll.sh clustermanager start/stop/status/restart

7.1.2 Fate service management

  1. Start / close / view / restart fate_flow service
source /data/projects/fate/bin/init_env.sh
cd /data/projects/fate/python/fate_flow
sh service.sh start|stop|status|restart

If you start modules one by one, you need to start eggroll first and then fateflow. Fateflow depends on the startup of eggroll.

  1. Start / shut down / restart the fateboard service
cd /data/projects/fate/fateboard
sh service.sh start|stop|status|restart

7.1.3 Mysql service management

Start / close / view / restart mysql service

cd /data/projects/fate/common/mysql/mysql-8.0.13
sh ./service.sh start|stop|status|restart

7.2 viewing processes and ports

Execute under the app user of the target server (

7.2.1 viewing process

#Check whether the process is started according to the deployment plan
ps -ef | grep -i clustermanager
ps -ef | grep -i nodemanager
ps -ef | grep -i rollsite
ps -ef | grep -i fate_flow_server.py
ps -ef | grep -i fateboard

7.2.2 viewing process ports

#Check whether the process port exists according to the deployment plan
netstat -tlnp | grep 4670
netstat -tlnp | grep 4671
netstat -tlnp | grep 9370
netstat -tlnp | grep 9360
netstat -tlnp | grep 8080

7.3 service log

serviceLog path
fate_ Flow & task log/data/projects/fate/python/logs

8. Appendix

8.1 Eggroll parameter tuning

Assuming that the number of cpu cores is C, the number of nodemanagers is n, and the number of tasks to be run simultaneously is p, then:

egg_num=eggroll.session.processors.per.node = c * 0.8 / p

Partitions (number of roll pair partitions) = egg_num * n

You can specify the parameters used by the job through job parameters in job conf:

  1. egg_num: configure task_cores or configure eggroll_ Processors in run_ per_ Node parameter
  2. Partitions: configure computing_partitions

For more information about job submission configuration, refer to dsl_conf_v2_setting_guide_zh

Copyright notice: This is the original article of CSDN blogger "AI Hao", which follows the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this notice for reprint.
Original link: https://blog.csdn.net/hhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwww/article/details/118894462