First acquaintance of C language

Posted by kimberlc on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 10:30:48 +0100

First acquaintance of C language

The video comes from station b
Geng Bo is just to serve as a learning note... No intention of embezzlement

1. Write c language code:

1. Create project
2. Create files
3. Execute Ctrl + F5

#include "stdio.h"
int main()
 printf("hello world/n");
	 return 0;

4. Set linker:

5. Set line number:


//include contains a file called "stdio.h"
//std - standard stadanard input output
#include "stdio.h"

//int means integer
//The int in front of main indicates that the main function call returns an integer value

int main()//Main function - the entry of the program, with and only one

 printf("hello world/n");//Here, complete the task, output hello world on the screen, function - print function-printf - print function
//Library function - the function provided by C language itself for us to use
// Other people's things - say hello
// #include

	 return 0;//Return to '0'

2. Data type:

// char - character data type
// Short - short integer
// int - integer
// Long long integer
// long long longer integer
// float single precision floating point number
// Double double precision floating point number

//%c - print character format data
//%d - print integer decimal data
//%f - print floating point numbers - print decimals
//%lf - print double data
//%p - print as address
//%x - print hex
//%o ....

int main()

 char ch = 'A';
  return 0;


int main()
  short age = 20;//Apply for 2 bytes = 16bit from the memory to store 20 bytes
  return 0;

4. Variables:

4.1 definition:

int age =150;

float weight =45.5f;

char ch = "w";

4.2 local / global variables:

Global variables: variables defined outside {...};
Local variables: variables defined within {...};

//It is recommended that the names of local variables and global variables should not be the same - it is easy to misunderstand
//Local variables are limited when the names of local variables and global variables are repeated

int main()
//Calculate the sum of two numbers
	int num1 = 0;
	int num2 = 0;
	int sum =0;
// Input data - use input functions
	scanf("%d%d",&num1,&num2);// &Get address symbol

	//C language should be defined at the front of the current code segment;
	sum = num1 + num2;
	printf("sum = %d\n",sum);
	return 0;


6. Scope and life cycle of variables:


Scope: where can I use this "variable" and where can I not

int main()
	{ int num =0;}
	printf("num = %d\n",num);
	return 0;


Life cycle: a period of time from variable creation to destruction
1. Life cycle of local variables: start the life cycle of entering scope and end the life cycle of exiting scope
2. Life cycle of global variable: the life cycle of the whole program

3. Ignore warnings

Add a sentence before the code:

//Add to the first line of the source file

2. These library functions are considered unsafe


4. Automatic header (TIPS)

1. First find the absolute path to install VC:

D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcprojectitems

2. Find the file NEWC + + file cpp:

3. Open edit save:

5. Constant:

1. Type of constant:

1. Literal constant:

Written directly... For example: 3, 4, 5

2.const modified constant:

3.#define defined identifier constants:

4. Enumeration constants:

enum Sex
};//Ale female secret -- Enumeration constant

6. String + escape character + comment:

1. String:

2. Storage string:

1. char array to store string:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
{ char arry[] = "abcd";//An array of type char holds strings


  return 0;


2. Debug if the printed results are inconsistent:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
{ char arry[] = "abcd";//An array of type char holds strings

  char arry1[] = {'a','b','c','d'};

  return 0;


3. Complement 0 to play the role of "\ 0" Terminator:

4. The results are consistent:

5. String definition

6. Output string length:

arry1 '\ 0' is not a length
There is no "\ 0" in arry2, which is filled with random numbers, so the length is increased

Then the answer is: 3 and random value

7. Escape character (change the original meaning):


  printf("%c\n",'\x61');// x61 hexadecimal 61 corresponds to 97, i.e. "a"

3. Differences between \ 0, 0 and "0":

7. Notes:

1. "\"

2."/* */"

3. Multiline comments:

CTRL + K + C > > > multiline comment
CTRL + K + U > > > uncomment multiple lines

8. Conditional statements:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
	int input = 0 ;//Store the input variable input
	printf("Add bit\n");
	printf("Do you want to study hard?(1/0):");
	scanf("%d",&input);// 1/0
	if(input == 1)
		printf("good offer\n");
	    printf("Selling sweet potatoes\n");
int main()
	int line = 0;
	printf("Add bit\n");

       printf("Type one line of code:%d\n",line);
	   line ++;

		printf("good offer\n");

9. Function

1. int ADD(int x,int y)

Functions that can achieve the same function

int ADD(int x,int y)
	int z =x+y;
	return z;		


int main()
	int a=10;
	int b =10;
	int sum =0;
	sum = ADD(a,b);


2. Function for maximum value:

The first is written directly in the main() function:

int main()
int num = 1;
int num1 = 2;
	printf("The maximum value is:%d\n",num);
	printf("The maximum value is:%d\n",num1);
return 0;

The second method is to call sub functions:

int max(int x,int y)
	return x;
	return y;


int main()
{ int num1 = 1;
  int num2 = 2;
  int zui = 0;//Find a zui to receive the maximum value returned;
  zui = max(num1,num2);

  return 0;

10. Array

1. Basic definition of array:

int main ()
{   // Define array
	int arry[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int main ()
{   // Define array
	int arry[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
	int i = 0;


2. Meaning of int arry:

In int array, int defines the type of data in the data, and the array has its own type;

11. Operator

1. Arithmetic operator:

"+" "-" "*" "/"% "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

2. Shift operator

"> >" "< <" move right and left

3. Bitwise operator

"&" "|" "^" and or XOR

XOR: 0 if the binary bits are the same / 1 if the binary bits are different

4. Assignment:

a = a + 10 / a += 10
a -= 20, a & = 20... / / compound assignment character

5. Unary operator (one operand)

Binocular operator (two operands)
Ternary operator (three operands)

! Logical negation

5.1 calculating array size:

Total array size / size of each element

12.size of ( ):

1. Example:

2. There are several elements in the array:

13. "~" is inverted by binary:

1. Code:

int main()
  int a = 0;//4 bytes, 32bit 00000000 000000000 000000000 000000000
  int b =~a;// 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111

  return 0;

2. Analysis:
a should not be 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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