Flink Initial Notes: Flink Installation Deployment

Posted by contra10 on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 14:57:59 +0200

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Flink Installation and Configuration

1. Install flink (1)

1. Download flink
1. Official website
2. Tsinghua Mirror Source
2. Decompression

$ tar -zxvf flink-1.8.1-bin-scala_2.11.tgz 

$ mv flink-1.8.1 flink

3. Start flink

# Start flink command
$ flink/bin/start-cluster.sh 
# View the process
[hadoop@192 app]$ jps
10003 StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint
10521 Jps
10447 TaskManagerRunner

4.webUI View
Open the browser and enter:
5. Start a flink example

flink/bin/flink run flink/examples/batch/WordCount.jar --input /home/hadoop/file/test.txt --output /home/hadoop/file/output.txt

2. Flnk Standalone mode deployment

2.1. Modify configuration files

1. Modify flink-conf.yaml

$ vim conf/flink-conf.yaml 

# Specify the host of job manager
jobmanager.rpc.address: hadoop-master

2. Modify slaves

# Simply change the host name; stand-alone deployment, so there is only one machine

3. Domain Name Resolution
Modify the c: windows system 32 drivers etc hosts file
Add to  hadoop-master

4. Start the cluster

$ flink/bin/start-cluster.sh 

5.webUI View

3. YARN mode installation

3.1. Hadoop Installation

3.1.1. Hadoop download and decompression

1. Download hadoop
Apache's native Hadoop is almost useless in production. Developers usually deploy the Hadoop distribution Cloudera Hadoop, or CDH.
CDH 5.4.3 Download Address
[CDH 5.4.3 document]
Choose hadoop-2.6.0-cdh 5.4.3/

2. Decompression

$ tar -zxvf hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3.tar.gz 
$ mv hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3 hadoop

3. Configure JAVA_HOME path
The bottom layer of hadoop is developed in java, and the operation of hadoop depends on Java

export JAVA_HOME=/home/hadoop/app/jdk

3.1.2. Configuration of Hadoop configuration file

To start hadoop and run it, you have to configure some configuration files. Mainly used to configure: hdfs file copy number, specify mr running on yarn, specify the address of YARN's ResourceManager, reduce the way to get data, etc.
The configuration file is in the directory / home/hadoop/app/hadoop/etc/hadoop
1. Configure core-site.xml

  • First create the temporary file directory
    mkdir /home/hadoop/app/hadoop/data
  • Modify core-site.xml

2. Configure hdfs-site.xml

            <!--hdfs Number of copies of documents -->

3. Configure mapred-site.xml

  • First you need to modify the file name
$ mv mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml
  • Second, configure mapred-site.xml
<!-- Appoint mr Running in yarn upper -->

4. Configure yarn-site.xml

<!-- Appoint YARN The elder( ResourceManager)Address -->
	<!-- reducer How to get data -->

5. Modify slaves


3.1.3. Start hadoop

1. Formatting hadoop

bin/hdfs namenode -format

2. Start hadoop


[hadoop@hadoop-master hadoop]$ jps
2721 TaskManagerRunner
3524 SecondaryNameNode
3924 NodeManager
3972 Jps
3258 NameNode
3658 ResourceManager
2285 StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint
3374 DataNode

3.1.4. The process of starting hadoop requires entering password, which is very tedious, so password-free login needs to be configured under Linux.

$ ssh-keygen
$ cd .ssh
$ ls
id_rsa  id_rsa.pub
$ cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
# Authorization:
chmod 600 authorized_keys
$ ssh localhost	

[Note] To avoid errors, do not execute this command first. Because after execution, a known_hosts file will be generated in the. ssh / directory. Copy to other hosts and regret the error.

You can log in directly to localhost
hadoop@hadoop1:~/.ssh$ ls
authorized_keys id_rsa id_rsa.pub
Copy to other hosts
scp -r .ssh hadoop@hadoop1:/home/hadoop

3.2. Flnk on yarn submitting tasks

Start hadoop, start hdfs, then yarn
$ sbin/start-dfs.sh
$ sbin/start-yarn.sh

[Note] Monitoring page of hadoop
http://hadoop-master:8088/ - Yarn monitoring page
http://hadoop-master:50070/ Hdfs monitoring page

Then the hadoop-master node submits Yarn-Session, using the yarn-session.sh script in the bin directory under the installation directory.

./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster ./examples/batch/WordCount.jar

Topics: Hadoop xml ssh Linux