- gulp is an automated package building tool for project development
- Based on node environment
What is an automated packaging tool
such as
In the process of development, we will write js files, css files, and so on
If our project wants to go online, it must be smaller. The smaller the file size, the better
When we write js files, there will be a lot of line breaks / spaces and so on
These newlines / spaces are part of the file volume
Then we need to delete these line breaks / spaces as much as possible before going online
We can't delete files one by one
We need an automated tool to help us get rid of these superfluous things
This is the meaning of automation tools
Common automated packaging build tools
- gulp
- webpack
Installing the GULP environment
gulp is also a running environment
But this environment depends on the node environment
So before installing the gulp environment, make sure that the node environment is installed
- $ node --version
- $ npm --version
The reason why we also want to detect the following npm environment is that we want to use npm to install gulp environment
We can install a gulp global package directly
# Open command line (MAC terminal) # Just use npm to install it directly # windows instruction $ npm install --global gulp # MAC instruction $ sudo npm install --global gulp
Just wait for the installation. The latest stable version will be installed by default
If you want to confirm that the following gulp is installed successfully
You can directly use instructions on the command line (terminal) to view the following version numbers
- $ gulp --version
- A CLI version: x.x.x appears
- It means that the installation is successful
After installing the gulp environment, we can use it
Why use gulp
In our development process
As we write code, it will automatically help us compress / merge / obfuscate / transcode /
Because gulp runs based on the node environment, it can provide us with a server
Let our project start on the server to achieve an automatic refresh and automatic synchronization function
Because of the emergence of the server, we can use the server proxy when requesting some data
When we use gulp, all our source code will use gulp for compression / transcoding
And will eventually put it in a new folder for us
- In other words, our source code is in one folder, and all files after compression / transcoding are in one folder
- Our gulp environment has been installed. Next, we will use gulp to package our project
1. Create a project
We will use gulp to manage our projects
First, we need a project to appear
Here I'll create one called gulp_test folder as my project folder
Because we are working on a project, we will certainly download dependent packages, so we'd better use npm to manage them
First do a $npm init initialization
# Enter project folder $ cd gulp_test # Manage our projects with npm $ npm init -y
Next, we will decide the directory structure of our source code
Create a file called gulpfile in the project directory JS file
This file is the rule file when gulp is running
gulp runs as you write in gulpfile JS file
For example, we want to define:
Which files are packaged as css files
Which files are packaged as js files
Different files have different packaging rules
Because the directory structure of each project may be different
Therefore, each project will have its own gulpfile JS file to specify your own rules
I will prepare a directory called src as all my source code
- gulp_text Project folder - src Project source directory + css deposit css All documents + data Storing data files + js deposit js All documents + lib Store some third-party and public resources( swiper/utils/...) + pages Store all pages + sass deposit sass All documents - static Store all static resource files + audios Store all audio files + images Store all picture files + videos Store all video files - gulpfile.js Of the project gulp Packaging rules - package.json npm Project management documents
2. Download gulp in the project
Just now we installed the global gulp
It just provides our computer with an environment that can run gulp commands
If our project wants to use the gulp tool, we need to download the project dependent gulp in the project
Let's download a project dependency gulp first
# Download project dependent gulp $ npm install --save-dev gulp
When the download is complete, click package There will be corresponding records in the JSON file
{ "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^4.0.2" } }
- We'll see that what we install is gulp@4.0.2 Version of
- This is a relatively new and stable version at present
Then we're in gulpfile Introduce gulp dependency into JS file
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp')
Next, we can start specifying our packaging rules
3. Several common API s of gulp
First of all, we should know that gulp packages code by tasks
such as
We specify a task to package css
Let's make a task of packaging js
As soon as we execute this css task in the future, we will compress the css code
For all our files, we just create tasks one by one and let them execute them in turn
Next, let's talk about some common APIs in gulp
gulp.task(): used to create tasks
task('css', function () {})
First parameter: what is the name of this task
Second parameter: what does this task do
gulp.src(): matching files, that is, which files we want to operate on
The first parameter is the path of the file to be matched (it can take many forms)
./ src/css/index.css: match a file
./ src/css/*.css: all suffixes in the matching CSS folder are CSS file
./ src/css / * *: matches all files in the css folder
./ src/**/*.css: matches all directories under Src css suffix file
These are some of the ways we often use, and there are many other ways
Need to learn, you can refer to
gulp.pipe(): pipe function, used to do things for us
Pipe (compressed css)
Parameters can be various plug-ins, which are used to help us do things
For example, you can do something to automatically prefix css attributes
Do a compressed css file thing
gulp.dest(): used to write files
First parameter: a directory address
As long as it is used to write our compressed files to which folder
If the folder does not exist, it will be created automatically
gulp.series(): task execution chain of gulp
You can fill in many parameters, and each parameter is a task name
Will perform tasks in the order you write
The writing method is to separate the tasks according to their names
gulp.series('css', 'js')
A css task will be executed first, and then the js task will be executed
The last parameter (optional): function, the callback function that will be executed after all the tasks you have arranged are executed
gulp.parallel(): task execution chain of gulp
Multiple tasks can be filled in, and several tasks will be executed synchronously
parallel('css', 'js')
Will start two tasks at the same time
The two tasks started in parallel
- monitor file changes
watch('./src/css/*.css', function () {})
First parameter: file path to be monitored
The second parameter: you need a function to do when the file you monitor changes
4. Create a compressed css task
The next step is to create a compressed css file using gulp
We certainly can't delete the spaces ourselves or write a piece of code to replace them
Instead, you use a dependency package related to gulp
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-cssmin
Just download it and use it directly
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Create a css task gulp.task('css', function () { return gulp .src('./src/css/*.css') // Use the src method to find the file we want to compress .pipe(cssmin()) // Perform a compression behavior using pipeline functions .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) // Put the compressed files in the css folder under the dist folder })
- In this way, our simple task of compressing css files is completed
- Next, just let the task perform the following
We went to the command line (terminal) to perform the task we wrote called css
# Use gulp instructions to perform this css task $ gulp css
- After execution, you will find an additional dist folder
- There is a css folder inside
- There is one in it css file, this is the compressed file
Auto prefix
In fact, our compression is OK here
But sometimes we need to prefix some attributes
- -webkie-transition: all 1s;
- -webkit-animation: move 1s;
- ...
So we'd better have a tool to help us automatically add prefixes that should be added
In this way, we don't need to consider when writing css, so we can write it normally
Still use a dependency package related to gulp
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-autoprefixer
After downloading, we can use it directly
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Create a css task gulp.task('css', function () { return gulp .src('./src/css/*.css') .pipe(autoprefiexer({ // Perform a task of automatically adding prefixes browsers: ['last 2 versions'] // This parameter refers to compatibility with the latest two browser versions })) .pipe(cssmin()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) })
This automatic prefix requires parameters
After we add this behavior, we can execute the css task on the command line (terminal)
You will find dist / CSS / xxx The code in the CSS file is automatically prefixed
But you will find that "it seems that an error is reported" on the command line
[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-kzEtCFtt-1628940627644)(./assets/css_auto.png)]
This is not an error report, it's a reminder
Because autoprefixer can fill in many parameters
In recent versions of gulp, you can write parameters directly in gulpfile JS file is not very comfortable
It's not very formal, so I suggest you create a new one under the root directory Browserlist file to write or write in package JSON is OK. It looks more formal
Let's move the parameters just written to package JSON file
// package.json { "name": "gulp_test", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^4.0.2", "gulp-autoprefixer": "^7.0.0", "gulp-cssmin": "^0.2.0" }, { "browserslist": [ "last 2 versions" ] } }
- Then you can put gulpflie The parameters in the JS file are deleted, leaving only autoprefixer()
- Then go to the command line (terminal) to execute css tasks
- We will find that the prefix is still added automatically, and there is no "error"
We are interested in the package Many other parameters can be added to the writing in JSON
Can let him do more compatible processing
// browserslist { "browsers": [ "last 2 versions", "iOS 7", "FireFox > 20", "Android > 4.1" ] }
- We can write in various versions you want to be compatible with
- Then, when executing, you will find that more and more prefix contents and compatibility processing have been added
- Here is just a part. If you want to know more, you can refer to it Nuggets
5. Create a task to compress sass
We have solved the content of css. Next, we need to solve the task of sass
In fact, it is similar to the css task, but there is one more step
It is to convert the content of sass into the content of css, and then automatically add a prefix, compress it and put it in the specified directory
Transforming sass content also requires a gulp related dependency
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-sass
- When downloading here, it may fail and report an error
- If an error is reported, we will first install a node sass dependency and then install gulp sass
- $ npm install --save-dev node-sass
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-sass
After downloading, we'll just use it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { return gulp .src('./src/sass/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) // Convert sass syntax to css syntax before automatically adding prefixes .pipe(autoprefiexer()) .pipe(cssmin()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) })
It is basically the same as the css task, except that the syntax is changed before the prefix is automatically added
Because it's the same after parsing css files, so we just put them in the css folder
Then you can go to the command line (terminal) to execute sass
# Perform the sass task $ gulp sass
We will find that the files we wrote in the sass folder are transcoded and compressed in the dist/css / folder
6. Create a task to compress JavaScript
Next, we will do a task to compress js files
In fact, it is the same as the previous routine
The compression of js files here also requires a gulp related dependency package
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify
After downloading, we'll configure it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { return gulp .src('./src/js/*.js') .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/js')) })
A simple task of compressing js is done
Let's go to the command line (terminal) to perform the following task
# Perform the following js tasks $ gulp js
You will find that there is a js folder under dist, which contains our js code, which has been compressed
However, when we write the syntax of es6(ES2015), we can't compress it normally, and an error will be reported
Because this gulp uglify doesn't know the syntax of es6(ES2015)
ES6 to ES5
Then we need to do one thing
Before uglify, convert the syntax from es6 to es5
In this way, there is no problem in compression
Three dependent packages need to be downloaded from es6 to es5
# Three dependencies required for es6 to es5 $ npm install --save-dev gulp-babel $ npm install --save-dev @babel/core $ npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-env
After downloading, we can configure it
Although three dependent packages have been downloaded, we only need to import a gulp Babel
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { return gulp .src('./src/js/*.js') .pipe(babel({ // Transcoding is required before compression presets: ['@babel/env'] // A parameter is required })) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/js')) })
- Just perform babel transcoding before compressing js
- It's the same. We need a parameter. We can write it directly in this
- After executing js again, we found that the compressed content was converted into es5 syntax
7. Create a compressed HTML task
Next, we will compress the html file
It's still our routine. Do it again
Compressing html files requires a gulp dependent package
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-htmlmin
After downloading, we can configure it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { return gulp .src('./src/pages/*.html') // file found .pipe(htmlmin({ // Compress using htmlmin removeComments: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/pages')) // Put it in the specified directory })
Note: gulp HTML min needs to pass parameters when used
- removeComments: remove comments
- removeEmptyAttributes: remove empty attributes
- collapseWhitespace: remove spaces and line breaks
- Collapsepooleanattributes: whether to simplify attributes with Boolean attribute values (checked="checked")
- minifyCSS: whether to compress the style tags given in the page (embedded css code)
- minifyJS: whether to compress the script tag of the page (embedded js code)
At this time, you can go to the command line (terminal) to execute the task of html
# Perform the following task $ gulp html
HTML import component
One of the more interesting things here is that we can import components in html files
such as
- When we write a web page, the head and bottom are generally public content
- Then we can extract the head and bottom separately and write them into an html fragment
- Then, when using each page, we just need to introduce the header and bottom fragments
- You don't have to write every page
The import of this component must be completed before compressing html
Let's prepare a directory to store all html fragments
I will create a new folder called components in the src directory
Used to store all html fragment files
Write a header in it HTML as a header fragment
<!-- src/conponents/header.html --> <div class="header"> <h1 class="logo"></h1> <p>I am a public head</p> </div>
Next, we download a gulp dependency that can import html fragments
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-file-include
Then we configure it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { return gulp .src('./src/pages/*.html') // file found .pipe(fileinclude({ // Import html fragment prefix: '@-@', // You can customize an identifier basepath: './src/components' // html fragment storage path })) .pipe(htmlmin({ // Compress using htmlmin removeComments: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/pages')) // Put it in the specified directory })
- We need to import html fragments before html min is compressed
- This dependency needs to pass some parameters
- prefix: customize an identifier to know in our page that my next thing is to be imported
- basepath: the directory where html fragment files are stored
Next, we just need to import in the html file
<!-- src/pages/index.html --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <!-- This is the import fragment. You can use the identifier defined by ourselves include Write parameters directly html Just the file name of the clip Because we configured it before html The storage path of the fragment He will automatically go to our configuration basepath Find it inside --> @-@include('header.html') </body> </html>
At this time, we can go to the command line (terminal) to execute html tasks
# Perform an html task $ gulp html
- At this time, we find that the position where we write @- @ include('header.html ') is replaced by our position in header All the content written in the HTML file
Import HTML fragment pass parameters
When importing html fragments, we can also pass some parameters to the fragments
The identifier we defined before is still used
<!-- src/conponents/header.html --> <div class="header"> <h1 class="logo"></h1> <p>I am a public head</p> <!-- This means in span One is required inside the label title Filled with variables --> <span>@-@title</span> </div>
We can pass parameters when importing this fragment in the page
<!-- src/pages/index.html --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <!-- We can pass some parameters when importing Note: when passing parameters, be sure to write json If the format is not recognized, an error will be reported --> @-@include('header.html', { "title": "hello world" }) </body> </html>
In this way, we run the command to package html again, and the result is
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div class="header"> <h1 class="logo"></h1> <p>I am a public head</p> <span>hello world</span> </div> </body> </html>
8. Create a compressed picture task
Next we will compress the picture
Compressing pictures is much simpler. It's still the same routine
We need to use a gulp related dependency to compress the image
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin
- This dependency will be downloaded for a long time, and it will stop for a period of time
- It doesn't fail, because it will download many other dependencies, so it takes a long time
- Just wait
After downloading, we can configure it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { return gulp .src('./src/static/images/**') .pipe(imagemin({ // Perform compression tasks progressive: true, // lossless compression optimizationLevel: 7 // Compression level 1 ~ 7 })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/static/images')) })
- When we first look for files, we don't limit suffixes, because we have a lot of picture suffixes
- At this time, the task of compressing the image is configured
- We can go to the command line (terminal) to perform the task
# Execute image task $ gulp image
Because we are lossless compression, in fact, the compression of pictures can't compress too many things
Even if you don't turn on lossless compression, it won't change much
It's just that when there are too many and too large pictures, more things will be compressed
9. Tasks of other resources and static resources
That's basically what we're going to compress
We can't compress the rest, such as video and audio
Including the content in our lib, it is a third-party, and we don't need to compress it
Let's just transfer them directly. Just put them in the dist folder
There's no need to rely on it here. Let's just transfer it directly
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { ... }) // Transfer video gulp.task('video', function () { return gulp .src('./src/static/videos/**') .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/static/video')) }) // Transfer audio gulp.task('audio', function () { ... }) // Transfer lib gulp.task('lib', function () { ... }) // Transfer data gulp.task('data', function () { ... })
- Because the transfer tasks are the same, I won't write them one by one, just transfer them to the past
10. Create a default task
Our tasks have been created, but we found that the tasks are executed one by one
We can't perform one task at a time
So we can create a task separately. The function of this task is to execute all other tasks
The newly created task is called default
- Because when you run the gulp command on the command line (terminal)
- If the task name is not written, the default task will be executed by default
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { ... }) // Transfer video gulp.task('vider', function () { ... }) // Transfer audio gulp.task('audio', function () { ... }) // Transfer lib gulp.task('lib', function () { ... }) // Transfer data gulp.task('data', function () { ... }) // Create default task gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data'))
The second parameter of the default task does not need to pass a function
Because gulp Parallel () will return a function and put it here
We don't need to do these tasks in order, just execute them in parallel
At this time, we just need to execute the default task on the command line (terminal)
# Perform default tasks $ gulp
- That's it.
- We didn't write the task name. The default task will be executed automatically
- The default task will execute all other tasks
11. Create a DEL task
At this point, gulp is basically not a problem
However, once we change the name of a file in a folder, we will find it when packaging
The packaged content does not change the original name, but has one more content
In other words, I still keep my previous content
Then we need to solve this problem
- It is best to delete the dist folder before each package
- Then we're packing
- In this way, every time it comes out, it is packaged according to the source code in the latest src directory
- There will be no superfluous content
To delete a folder, we need to use a dependency
- $ npm install --save-dev del
Then we introduce it for configuration
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Introducing del dependency const del = require('del') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { ... }) // Transfer video tasks gulp.task('vider', function () { ... }) // Transfer audio tasks gulp.task('audio', function () { ... }) // Transfer lib tasks gulp.task('lib', function () { ... }) // Transfer data tasks gulp.task('data', function () { ... }) // Delete dist's task gulp.task('del', function () { return del('./dist') }) // Create default task gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data'))
- Just tell him which folder we deleted when we used it
- At this time, when we run the del task, we will find that the dist folder has been deleted
12. Progressive implementation of the mandate
After we have created the del task, the next step is to put it in the task queue
However, if it is parallel to other tasks, it is not necessarily which task is completed first
Problems will arise at this time
- If the deleted task is completed first and the others are completed later, then there is nothing to do
- However, if other tasks are completed first and then deleted, the packaged files will be deleted again
Therefore, we can use gulp Series() to complete the task in sequence
- Because the task of the second parameter of this method will be executed after the task of the first parameter is completed
We just need to modify our default task. There is no need to change anything else
// gulpfile.js // Create default task gulp.task('default', gulp.series( 'del', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data') ))
- We pass two parameters in the series() task
- The first parameter is del
- The second parameter is to perform some other tasks in parallel
- In this case, as soon as we run the default task
- The del task will be executed first. When the del task is completed, the dist folder has been deleted
- Will continue to perform our other packaging and compression tasks
- There will be no problem
- We pass two parameters in the series() task
13. Create a monitoring task
Our gulpfile JS file configuration up to now, basically almost
But we found a problem, that is, every time I modify the source code, I have to execute the default task to synchronize
Then we need a monitoring task to monitor the changes of my folder. As long as the folder changes, pack and compress it again
Here, we do not need to rely on, but use gulp Just use watch () to monitor files
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Introducing del dependency const del = require('del') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { ... }) // Transfer video tasks gulp.task('vider', function () { ... }) // Transfer audio tasks gulp.task('audio', function () { ... }) // Transfer lib tasks gulp.task('lib', function () { ... }) // Transfer data tasks gulp.task('data', function () { ... }) // Delete dist's task gulp.task('del', function () { ... }) // Create a task to monitor changes gulp.task('watch', function () {'./src/css/*.css', gulp.series('css'))'./src/sass/*.sass', gulp.series('sass'))'./src/js/*.js', gulp.series('js'))'./src/pages/*.html', gulp.series('html'))'./src/lib/**', gulp.series('lib'))'./src/data/**', gulp.series('data'))'./src/static/images/**', gulp.series('image'))'./src/static/videos/**', gulp.series('video'))'./src/static/audios/**', gulp.series('audio')) }) // Create default task gulp.task('default', gulp.series( 'del', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data'), 'watch' ))
- After we have created the watch task, just execute it in the default task
- Let's just put him in the third task list
- This will start monitoring after all the files are packaged
At this time, when we execute the default task again
- The exit instruction will not be packaged
- Will be flashing and waiting
- Then you modify all the files and they will be repackaged and compiled automatically
At this time, for example
- When you modify the contents in the src/css directory, you will automatically re execute the css task
- When you modify the contents in the src/sass directory, the sass task will be automatically re executed
Then the contents in our dist folder are the contents synchronized with our src directory in real time
14. Tasks of automatically opening browser and hot refresh
Why do we have to synchronize dist and src
Because we can rely on gulp to automatically open a browser page for us
As we write, we don't need to refresh the browser manually. It will refresh the browser automatically
In other words, we just need to write, it will refresh automatically, and we can see the results directly
Automatic browser opening and hot refresh require a dependency
- $ npm install --save-dev gulp-webserver
After downloading, we can configure it
// gulpfile.js // Introducing gulp dependency const gulp = require('gulp') // Introducing gulp cssmin dependency const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') // Introducing gulp autoprefixer dependency const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') // Introducing gulp sass dependency const sass = require('gulp-sass') // Introducing gulp uglify dependency const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Introducing gulp Babel dependency const babel = require('gulp-babel') // Introducing gulp htmlmin dependency const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') // Introduce gulp file include dependency const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') // Introducing gulp imagemin dependency const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') // Introducing del dependency const del = require('del') // Task of compressing css gulp.task('css', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing sass gulp.task('sass', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing js gulp.task('js', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing html gulp.task('html', function () { ... }) // Task of compressing image gulp.task('image', function () { ... }) // Transfer video tasks gulp.task('vider', function () { ... }) // Transfer audio tasks gulp.task('audio', function () { ... }) // Transfer lib tasks gulp.task('lib', function () { ... }) // Transfer data tasks gulp.task('data', function () { ... }) // Delete dist's task gulp.task('del', function () { ... }) // Create a task to monitor changes gulp.task('watch', function () { ... }) // Create a task that automatically opens the browser gulp.task('webserver', function () { return gulp .src('./dist') .pipe(webserver({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, open: './pages/index.html', livereload: true })) }) // Create default task gulp.task('default', gulp.series( 'del', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data'), 'webserver', 'watch' ))
- To automatically open the browser, we must open our packaged files, so our src method needs to find the dist directory to execute
- Using gulp web server requires configuration of some parameters
- host: open domain name
- Port: open port number
- open: which page is opened by default (just start writing from dist)
- livereload: whether to refresh the browser automatically
- Note: the task of webserver should precede the task of watch
- Because the series method completes the previous task and executes the latter task
- When the watch task is not completed, it is monitored all the time
- So if it is written after the watch, there is no way to execute it
Agent configuration
Because we started a server
If the sending request is not the same as its own content, the same origin policy will be triggered
However, our web server can configure proxy
Because the server started by gulp is a node server
Our agent can only be configured in the web server
// Create a task that automatically opens the browser gulp.task('webserver', function () { return gulp .src('./dist') .pipe(webserver({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, open: './pages/index.html', livereload: true, proxies: [ // All the proxies are in the array here { source: '/a', // Proxy request identifier target: ' '/ / the address you want to represent }, { source: '/b', target: '' } ] })) })
- After this configuration is completed, when you request, you only need to request the address / a or / b
- The server will forward the request to you and form a reverse proxy to obtain the data
Full profile
Put a full version of the configuration file
Dependent packages required
[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-ATr2RLQX-1628940627647)(./assets/gulp dependency package. png)]
Full profile
// gulpfile.js const gulp = require('gulp') const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin') const autoprefiexer = require('gulp-autoprefixer') const sass = require('gulp-sass') const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') const babel = require('gulp-babel') const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin') const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin') const del = require('del') const webserver = require('gulp-webserver') gulp.task('css', function () { return gulp .src('./src/css/*.css') .pipe(autoprefiexer()) .pipe(cssmin()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) }) gulp.task('sass', function () { return gulp .src('./src/sass/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefiexer()) .pipe(cssmin()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) }) gulp.task('js', function () { return gulp .src('./src/js/*.js') .pipe(babel({ presets: ['@babel/env'] })) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/js')) }) gulp.task('html', function () { return gulp .src('./src/pages/*.html') .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@-@', basepath: './src/components' })) .pipe(htmlmin({ removeComments: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/pages')) }) gulp.task('image', function () { return gulp .src('./src/static/images/**') .pipe(imagemin({ progressive: true, optimizationLevel: 7 })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/static/images')) }) gulp.task('video', function () { return gulp .src('./src/static/videos/**') .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/static/video')) }) gulp.task('audio', function () { return gulp .src('./src/static/audios/**') .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/static/audio')) }) gulp.task('lib', function () { return gulp .src('./src/lib/**') .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/lib')) }) gulp.task('data', function () { return gulp .src('./src/data/**') .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/data')) }) gulp.task('del', function () { return del('./dist') }) gulp.task('watch', function () {'./src/css/*.css', gulp.series('css'))'./src/sass/*.sass', gulp.series('sass'))'./src/js/*.js', gulp.series('js'))'./src/pages/*.html', gulp.series('html'))'./src/lib/**', gulp.series('lib'))'./src/data/**', gulp.series('data'))'./src/static/images/**', gulp.series('image'))'./src/static/videos/**', gulp.series('video'))'./src/static/audios/**', gulp.series('audio')) }) gulp.task('webserver', function () { return gulp .src('./dist') .pipe(webserver({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, open: './pages/index.html', livereload: true, proxies: [ { source: '/a', target: '' } ] })) }) gulp.task('default', gulp.series( 'del', gulp.parallel('css', 'sass', 'js', 'html', 'image', 'video', 'audio', 'lib', 'data'), 'webserver', 'watch' ))