Front end learning log-5-jQuery

Posted by erasam on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 13:47:30 +0100

jQuery selector

jQuery is a JavaScript library, which integrates DOM/BOM/JavaScript class library. With simple syntax and cross platform compatibility, it greatly simplifies the operations of JavaScript developers in traversing HTML documents, operating DOM, executing animation and developing Ajax.

Implementation: dynamic effects

Operation: (same as DOM selector)

        1. Find and filter elements

        2. Operation element

jQuery file import method:

        CSS: <link rel='stylesheet' href=''/>

        jQuery: <script src=''></script>


jQuery method call:

jQuery.method  or  $.method

jQuery selector and DOM selector:

jQuery object [0] = > DOM object

DOM object = > $(DOM object)

------------------------jQuery selector lookup element

Find a tag or a class of tags directly

$('#id') # get ID tag


$('. c1') # get class tag

        3. label

$('a ') # get all a

        4. combination

$('a,. c1, #id ') # get all tags

        5. Hierarchy

$('#id a') # get all a tags under the ID tag (children and grandchildren)

$('#id > a') # get all a tags under the ID tag (only the first level tag, sub)

$('#id > A: first') # get the first tag of all a tags under the ID tag (only the first tag)

        6. basic

$('#id > A: first') # get the first tag of all a tags under the ID tag (only the first tag)

$('#id > A: last') # get the last tag of all a tags under the ID tag (only the first tag)

$('#id > A: eq()') # get the EQ index tags in all a tags under the ID tag (only the first level tags)

        7. attribute

$('[bbq]') # get all tags with bbq attribute

$('[bbq='123'] ') # get all tags with bbq=123 attribute

Form properties

$('input[type='test ']') # get all input tags of type='test '

$(': Test') # get all input tags of type='test '(short for above)

Eg jQuery programming example - dialog box multi / positive / negative selection

jQuery method has built-in loop: $('') method

In the following example, this in jQuery refers to the dom object, that is, the element of the current loop

Methods: prop, each

    <input type="button" value="Select all" onclick="checkAll()">
    <input type="button" value="Reverse selection" onclick="reverseAll()">
    <input type="button" value="cancel" onclick="cancleAll()">

    <table border="1">
                <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
                <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
                <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>        #Reference jQuery Library
        function checkAll(){                        
            $(':checkbox').prop('checked',true)   #Loop to get each checked and set it to true

        function cancleAll(){
            $(':checkbox').prop('checked',false)    #Loop to get each checked and set it to false

        function reverseAll(){
            $(':checkbox').each(function(){    #Loop through each checked and call the function
      1.dom object    /*    if(this.checked){         #If checked (true)
                    this.checked =false;
                    this.checked =true;

      2.jquery object    /*     if($(this).prop('checked')){    #If the returned child is true (checked)
                    $(this).prop('checked',false);        #Get checked and set to false
                    $(this).prop('checked',true);        #Get checked and set to true

                //Ternary operation: var v = condition? True value: false value;
      3.Logical operation    /*    var v=$(this).prop('checked')?false:true;    #Assignment according to operation logic
                $(this).prop('checked',v);        #Get checked and set as v object


--------------------jQuery binding event

$('a/#id/c1').click(function() {}) - bind events to all tags, and this in the function is the object that triggers the event

--------------------jQuery filter

$(''). Filter

        $(this).next() - next

        $(this).prev() - previous

        $(this).parent() - parent

        $(this).children() - Children

        $(this).siblings() - siblings (excluding itself)

Eg jQuery programming example - hiding and displaying the drop-down menu

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <div style="height:400px;width:200px;border:1px solid #dddddd;">
        <div class="item">
            <div class="header">Title 1</div>
            <div class="content">content</div>
        <div class="item">
            <div class="header">Title 2</div>
            <div class="content hide">content</div>
        <div class="item">
            <div class="header">Title 3</div>
            <div class="content hide">content</div>

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
        $('.header').click(function(){      #Bind click events to all header s
            $(this).next().removeClass('hide');     #The filter next() method gets the label and removes the class style
        })      #The filter can be clicked (checked) indefinitely, this Father all peers (except yourself) Find the subordinate label (class style) Add style

        })          #JQuery supports chain programming because $(this) next(). Removeclass ('hide ') is also a jQuery object, so it can continue filtering

--------------------jQuery text operation

$(‘’). text() - get text

$(‘’). text('< a > ABC < / a >') - set text content (content only)

$(‘’). html() - get text (additional tag information)

$(‘’). html('< a > ABC < / a >') - set the text content (additional label information)

$(‘’). val() - get value

$(‘’). val('avc ') - set value

Eg jQuery programming example - Information Management window

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        .hide{                    #Dynamic pop-up window
        .modal{                    #Popup
       .shadow{                #mask 
    <a onclick="addElement()">add to</a>        #Add information
    <table border="1">
                <a class="edit">edit</a> <a>delete</a>
                <a class="edit">edit</a> <a>delete</a>

    <div class="modal hide">            #Popup
            <input name="hostname" type="text"/>
            <input name="port" type="text"/>
            <input type="button" value="cancel" onclick="cancleModal()"/>
            <input type="submit" value="Sign in" onclick=""/>

    <div class="shadow hide"></div>        #Mask

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>        #Reference jQuery
        function addElement(){
            $('.modal').removeClass('hide').next().removeClass('hide')  #jQuery chain programming
        function cancleModal(){
            $('.modal').addClass('hide').next().addClass('hide')    #jQuery chain programming
            $('.modal input[type="text"]').val('')      
        }                                #Get the input[type="text"] tag object under modal and assign a value
        $('.edit').click(function(){    #Get the edit selector tag object and bind the event
            $('.modal').removeClass('hide').next().removeClass('hide')  #jQuery chain programming
            var tds =$(this).parent().prevAll();    #this refers to the object of the event
            var port =$(tds[0]).text();        #tds to obtain the list of ports and hosts
            var host =$(tds[1]).text();
            $('.modal input[name="hostname"]').val(host)
            $('.modal input[name="port"]').val(port)
        })                 #Get the input[name = ""] tag object under modal and assign a value

--------------------jQuery style operation





    <input id="i1" type="button" value="switch"/>
    <div  class="c1 hide">adafgsdfg</div>
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
            $('.c1').toggleClass('hide');   #If there is a hide style, it will be deleted; if there is no hide style, it will be added

--------------------jQuery property operation

$(''). attr(') - get, add, modify attributes ----- for custom attributes

        $(''). attr('n ') - gets the value of the attribute

        $(''). attr('n ',' x ') - modify attribute / add attribute value

        $(''). removeAttr() - delete attribute

$(''). prop(') - get, set the value ----- for the application of checkbox and radio

        $(''). prop('checked ') - get checked value

        $(''). prop('checked ', true/false) - sets the checked value

$(''). index() - get the index value of the object

Eg jQuery programming example - Information Management window (jQuery optimization - find through custom attributes)

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <a onclick="addElement()">add to</a>
    <table border="1">
            <td target="hostname"></td>
            <td target="post">80</td>
                <a class="edit">edit</a> <a>delete</a>
            <td target="hostname"></td>
            <td target="post">80</td>
                <a class="edit">edit</a> <a>delete</a>

    <div class="modal hide">
            <input name="hostname" type="text"/>
            <input name="post" type="text"/>
            <input type="button" value="cancel" onclick="cancleModal()"/>
            <input type="submit" value="Sign in" onclick=""/>

    <div class="shadow hide"></div>

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
        function addElement(){
        function cancleModal(){
            $('.modal input[type="text"]').val('')
            var tds =$(this).parent().prevAll();

                var n =$(this).attr('target');      // #Gets the target attribute value of the event object
                var text =$(this).text();              // #Gets the value (content) of the event object tag
                var a1 ='.modal input[name="';
                var a2 ='"]'
                var temp =a1 + n + a2;
                //String splicing, ' modal input[type="$(this).attr('target')"]' ==>a1 + n + a2

Eg jQuery programming example - menu window (jQuery optimization - find through custom attributes)

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        .menu .menu-item{
            border-right:1px solid red;
            padding:0px 5px;
            cursor:pointer;                    #css Style: cursor changes to small hand
            border:1px solid #dddddd;

    <div style="width:700px;margin:0px auto;">
        <div class="menu">
            <div class="menu-item active" a="1">Menu one</div>    #Custom properties
            <div class="menu-item" a="2">Menu II</div>
            <div class="menu-item" a="3">Menu III</div>
        <div class="content">
            <div b="1">Content I</div>
            <div class="hide" b="2">Content II</div>
            <div class="hide" b="3">Content III</div>

        <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
            //jQuery obtains selectors in the same way as CSS defines selectors, requiring + '# /.', Always forget to add '. / #'
                var target =$(this).attr('a');        #Gets the value of the custom attribute a
                $('.content').children("[b='"+ target +"']").removeClass('hide').siblings().addClass('hide');
                //. children() get all child tags Children ('[expression]') is further filtered. target is a variable and needs to be spliced with strings

Eg jQuery programming example - menu window (jQuery optimization - find through index)

            //jQuery obtains selectors in the same way as CSS defines selectors, requiring + '# /.'
                var v =$(this).index();           #Get the index value of the event object (event object - list) var = $('. Content') children(). eq(v). removeClass('hide'). siblings(). addClass('hide');
            })            #eq('') get the same

--------------------jQuery document processing

$(''). append() - add tail

$(''). prepend() - added at the front

$(''). after() - add at the same level

$(''). before() - add siblings

$(''). remove() - delete

$(''). empty() - empty content (not for labels)

$(''). clone - copy content

EG exercise example

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <input id="t1" type="text"/>
    <input id="a1" type="button" value="add to"/>
    <input id="a2" type="button" value="delete"/>

    <ul id="u1">
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
            var v =$('#t1').val();
            var temp ="<li>" + v + "</li>";
            $('#u1').append(temp);          // Post append
     //Add $('#u1') before prepend(temp);
    //Add $('#u1') at the same level after(temp)
    //Add $('#u1') at the same level before(temp)
            var index =$('#t1').val();
            $('#u1 li').eq(index).remove();     #Clear (label corresponding to index)

--------------------jQuery operation on CSS

$(''). css('style name ',' style value ') - modify css Style

Eg jQuery programming example - dynamic display of likes

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
            border:1px solid #dddddd;
            position:relative;        #Combined application of relative and absolute
    <div class="container">
        <div class="item">
            <span>fabulous</span>    #Inline label
    <div class="container">
        <div class="item">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="item">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="item">

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
        function AddFavor(self){
            var fontsize =15;
            var top =0;
            var right =0;
            var opacity =1;

            var tag =document.createElement('span');   #Creating label objects using dom selectors
            $(tag).text('+1');                        #$to jQuery object
            $(tag).css('position','absolute');            #CSS style actions
            $(tag).css('fontSize',fontsize + 'px');
            $(tag).css('right',right + 'px');            #"+ 'px' is required for pixel values
            $(tag).css('top',top + 'px');
            $(self).append(tag);                #Append number to the tail

            var obj= setInterval(function(){        #Timer for dynamic effects
                    fontsize =fontsize +5;
                    top =top -5;
                    right =right -5;
                    opacity =opacity -0.2;
                    $(tag).css('fontSize',fontsize + 'px');
                    $(tag).css('right',right + 'px');
                    $(tag).css('top',top + 'px');

                    if(opacity<0){              //If < 0, interrupt the timer and clear the dynamic tag, otherwise the timer will run continuously
                        clearInterval(obj);     //obj is the timer handle
                },100);     #Dynamic effect duration

--------------------jQuery location operation

$(''). scrollTop() - get location / $(window) Scrolltop () - get the position of the main window

$(''). scrollTop(0) - set position / $(window) scrollTop(0) - sets the position of the main window


    <div id="i1" style="height:100px;overflow:auto">            #Small scroll window
    <div style="height:1000px;overflow:auto"></div>        #Window scrolling window
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>

$(''). scrollLeft() - get the position of left and right windows

$(''). scrollLeft(0) - sets the position of the left and right windows

$(''). offset() - get the coordinates of the specified tag in HTML



--------------------jQuery event

DOM: three binding methods

jQuery: Four






         $('.c1').bind('click',function() {}) binds events to the C1 tag

         $('.c1').unbind('click',function() {}) unbind


Method 3 can delegate events. For newly added and created label objects, you can also attach events!!!!!

        $('.c1').delegate('a','click',function() {}) binds all a tag events under C1

        $('.c1').undelegate('a','click',function(){  })     


    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <input id="t1" type="text"/>
    <input id="a1" type="button" value="add to"/>

    <ul id="u1">
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
            var v =$('#t1').val();

            var temp ="<li>" + v + "</li>";

        $('ul').delegate('li','click',function(){    #Delegate events, and bind events for adding labels after
            var v =$(this).text();


         $('.c1').on('click',function(){  })

         $('.c1').off('click',function(){  })

Eg jQuery programming example - form verification

Requirements: first pop-up verification, and then jump

Knowledge points: different binding and execution order of dom and jQuery events

    <a onclick="return ClickOn()" href=" Com "> here < / a > #dom
    <a id="i1" href=" Com "> here < / a > #jquery
    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
        function ClickOn(){        #dom events
            return true;            #return true indicates the following events (jump)
        $('#i1').click(function(){         #jQuery event
            return false;          #return true indicates that no subsequent events will occur (jump)
            #dom event, execute the event first and then jump. The application of return must be described in the label
            #jQuery event: execute the event first and then jump. There is no need to explain the application of return

----------=-------Prevent events from happening

        return false;true

Eg jQuery programming example - full login verification window

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <form id="f1" action="e13.html" method="get">
        <div><input name="n1" type="text"/></div>
        <div><input name="n2" type="password"/></div>

        <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
            $('.error').remove();       //#Every time an event is triggered, the error is cleared first
            var flag =true;
                var v =$(this).val();
                if(v.length <= 0){
                    flag =false;                    //return false, global variable
                    var tag =document.createElement("span");        //#dom create label
                    tag.className ='error';   //Adding styles to dom
                    tag.innerHTML='Required ';   //. innerHTML "=" assignment;
                    $(this).after(tag);           //  #Same level tail append
            return flag;         //return false

------------------Make an event happen

$(function(){    ......      })    //When the page frame is loaded, it is automatically executed

$(':submit').click(function(){  .........   })    //When all elements of the page are fully loaded, execute

#Because the program is executed in sequence, if the pre event content cache is large (eg:img), you need to apply $(function() {...})

------------------jQuery extension

$.extend({......}) - Extensions can call ($.) Custom jQuery method for

    <script src="jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
                return 'wa'
        var v =$.pqm();

$.fn.extend({......}) - To extend the custom jQuery method, you need to use the selector object ($('').) Make a call


!!!!!!!!!! Note:

jQuery add style: $('') css('style name ',' style value ')

dom add style: object className =' '

Similarly, other operations basically follow such rules.

        $(''). Method (') - get, modify, set

dom object Method = '' - modify, set

jQuery obtains selectors in the same way as CSS defines selectors, requiring + '# /.', Always forget to add '. / #'

Topics: Front-end JQuery p2p