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WePY Component Usage





props static pass value: parent passes constant data to son, only String string type can be passed

<child title="mytitle"></child>
<Component: Dynamic data='data Name in Parent data'>

Data independent between father and child

<Component: Dynamic data.sync='Data name in parent data'> 

<Component: twoWayTitle='Data name in parent data'> 

Cyclic rendering of WePY components requires <repeat>

<repeat for="{{list}}" key="index" index="index" item="item">

<child  :item="item"></child>  

WeChat Applet Learning and the Use of wepy Framework

For example: index.js, index.wxml, index.wxss, index.json.

Files with the.js suffix are script files, files with the.json suffix are configuration files, and files with the.wxss suffix are style sheet files, which are equivalent to css files in html.

<image src="{{src}}"></image>

MVVM data rendering {{data}} like vue's design pattern
Determine wx:if, wx:else
Loop wx:for.
Applet event binding bindtap, catchtap
Get the loop number data-x

<!--stay wxml in-->
<view class="contents">
    <button catchtap="choose" wx:if="{{showBtn}}">Choice</button>
    <text wx:for="{{arrList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" data-i="{{index}}" data-type="{{item}}" bindtap="selectTab" >{{item}}</text>
//In the corresponding js
    Local Picture Selection wx.chooseImage(OBJECT)
    Picture preview wx.previewImage(OBJECT)
    File upload wx.uploadFile(OBJECT)
    Data request wx.request()

Corresponding local picture selection js

//Corresponding local picture selection js
    count: 3, // Default 9, if Spreadsheet
    sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // You can specify whether you want the original or the compressed image, both by default
    sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // You can specify whether the source is an album or a camera, both by default
    success: function (res) {
          // Returns a list of local file paths for the selected photo, tempFilePath can display the picture as an src attribute of the img tag
        var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths    
        wx.previewImage({  //Corresponding picture preview
          current: temFilePaths[0], // Links to currently displayed pictures
          urls: tempFilePaths||[] // List of http links for pictures that need Preview
       wx.uploadFile({ //Picture upload
           url: '', //example only, unreal interface address
           filePath: tempFilePaths[0],
           formData:{ //Upload with other parameters
        success: function(res){
           var data =
            //do something
//Data Request js
  url: 'test.php', //Example only, not actual interface address
  data: {  //Note that the url parameter for uploading pictures here is not received in the background because there is a method for uploading pictures on it
     params1: '' ,
     params2: ''
  success: function(res) {
//Data storage js
wx.setStorageSync("key","value") //Set the key value to store locally
wx.getStorageSync("key")  //Get locally stored key

Introduction to installation and use of wepy framework

Install or update the WePY command line tool globally 
npm install wepy-cli -g
 Generate Demo development projects in the Development Directory  
wepy init standard myproject

cd myproject
npm  install
 Wepy build--watch (startup project)

Component name suffix.wpy 
Component page structure is the same as vue structure
page Page Instance export default class MyPage extends { }

Component Component Instance export default class MyPage extends wepy.component { }

Repat Loop Component

    <!--wepy structure-->
    <style type="scss">
        <button bindtap="showFirstComponent">Button</button>
        <view v-if="show">
         <DemoCom></DemoCom>   <!--Using Components-->
       <repeat for="{{arr}}" key="index">  <!--Circular Component-->
         <DemoCom :passdata="item" /> <!--Pass Value-->
      import wepy from 'wepy'
      import DemoComponent from '../components/demoComponent' //For example, here the demoComponent component is introduced by path
      export default class pageDemo extends {
        config = {
               'navigationBarTitleText': 'Page Title',
               'navigationBarTextStyle': '#FFFFFF', //Head Background Color
               'navigationBarBackgroundColor': '#0386FF'//Header Font Color
        components = { //Register imported components
        data = {     
        methods = {
          showFirstComponent(){ //Events inside bindtap
      !; //Here the settings for data data, get the same settings as inside vueJS, get the same
  .mainBgcolor{ /*Global Style Global*/
import wepy from 'wepy'
import 'wepy-async-function'
import { aldstat } from './utils/ald-stat'
export default class extends {
     pages: [ //All registered here are pages.wpy components built in pages, jumping between pages
    window: {
      backgroundTextStyle: 'light',
      navigationBarBackgroundColor: '#fff',
      navigationBarTitleText: 'WeChat',
      navigationBarTextStyle: 'black'
  globalData = { //Global data global use
    userInfo: null
<child title="mytitle"></child>
// child.wpy, static pass value
props = {
    title: String
onLoad () {
    console.log(this.title); // mytitle

props dynamic value transfer refers to the parent component transferring dynamic data content to the child component, which is completely independent of each other.

// parent.wpy
 <child :title="parentTitle" :syncTitle.sync="parentTitle" :twoWayTitle="parentTitle"></child>
 data = {
    parentTitle: 'p-title'
// child.wpy
props = {
    // Static value transfer
    title: String,
    // One-way dynamic value transfer from parent to child
    syncTitle: {
        type: String,
        default: 'null'
    twoWayTitle: {
        type: String,
        default: 'nothing',
        twoWay: true
onLoad () {
    console.log(this.title); // p-title
    console.log(this.syncTitle); // p-title
    console.log(this.twoWayTitle); // p-title
    this.title = 'c-title';
    console.log(this.$parent.parentTitle); // p-title.
    this.twoWayTitle = 'two-way-title';
    console.log(this.$parent.parentTitle); // When two-way-title. --- twoWay is true, when the property value in the props of the child component changes, it also changes the value corresponding to the parent component.
    this.$parent.parentTitle = 'p-title-changed';
    console.log(this.title); // 'c-title';
    console.log(this.syncTitle); // 'p-title-changed'- The value of the props property with the.sync modifier that changes in the parent component simultaneously changes the value of the child component.

Exploration-WeChat applet

app.json: Global Configuration - (Applet Public Settings)

app.js: Global Configuration - (Applet Logic)

app.wxss: Global Configuration - (Applet Common Style)

pages: Page array - (Applets can have their own configuration, style, logical file, and a page structure file)
wx:key specifies the unique identifier of the item in the list.

import references the template defined by the current file

The bind event binding does not prevent the bubble event from bubbling up, while the catch event binding prevents the bubble event from bubbling up.

wepy Framework Notes for WeChat Applet

    // index.wpy




                <h1 slot="title"></h1>


            <counter1 :num="myNum"></counter1>

            <counter2 :num.sync="syncNum"></counter2>

            <list :item="items"></list>




    import wepy from 'wepy';

    import List from '../components/list';

    import Panel from '../components/panel';

    import Counter from '../components/counter';

    export default class Index extends {

        config = {

            "navigationBarTitleText": "test"


        components = {

            panel: Panel,

            counter1: Counter,

            counter2: Counter,

            list: List


        data = {

            myNum: 50,

            syncNum: 100,

            items: [1, 2, 3, 4]




├── pages

|   ├── index

|   |   ├── index.json  index Page Configuration

|   |   ├── index.js    index Page logic

|   |   ├── index.wxml  index Page structure

|   |   └── index.wxss  index Page Style Sheet

|   └── log

|       ├── log.json    log Page Configuration

|       ├── log.wxml    log Page logic

|       ├── log.js      log Page structure

|       └── log.wxss    log Page Style Sheet

├── app.js              Applet logic

├── app.json            Applet Public Settings

└── app.wxss            Applet Common Style Sheet

└── src

    ├── pages

    |   ├── index.wpy    index Page configuration, structure, style, logic

    |   └── log.wpy      log Page configuration, structure, style, logic

    └──app.wpy           Applet Configuration Items (Global Style Configuration, Claim Hook, etc.)

Directory specified by dist WeChat developer tool

├── node_modules

- Directory for src code writing

|- Compoonents components Folder (Incomplete Page)

| |- com_a.wpy reusable component A

| | - com_b.wpy reusable component B

|- pages folder (full page)

| |- index.wpy page index

| | - page.wpy page

|- app.wpy applet configuration item (global style configuration, declaration hook, etc.)

- Package.json package configuration

props, data, computed, components, methods, watch (watcher in wepy) are supported, but methods in wepy can only be used for page event binding, other custom methods should be placed on the outer layer, and all methods in VUE should be placed under methods

props delivery in wepy requires a.sync modifier
this.$apply() method must be executed after props to update

wepy supports data two-way binding
Subcomponent modifies parent component data by adding twoway:true property value when defining props

EvetBus is recommended for component communication, whereas broadcast, emit, $invoke are three methods for component communication in wepy

wepy only supports the life cycle of applets: onLoad, onReady, and so on

lang determines its code compilation process, src determines whether to outline code, inline code is ignored when src attributes are present and valid

Common Component Reference

    <!-- with`<script>`Components declared in the script section ID Name the custom label for the name so that it can be used in the`<template>`Insert component in template section -->

    import wepy from 'wepy';
    //Introducing component files
    import Child from '../components/child';

    export default class Index extends wepy.component {
        //Declare component, assign component id to child
        components = {
            child: Child

Cyclic rendering of components

    <!--Note that the for attribute is used instead of the wx:for attribute-->
    <repeat for="{{list}}" key="index" index="index" item="item">
        <!--Insert the child component declared in the <script>script section and pass in item -->
        <child :item="item"></child>
<repeat for="{{banners}}">
<child :item="item"></child>

computed calculation properties
watcher listener

  data = {
      a: 1

  // Calculate the attribute aPlus, which can be referenced in scripts and interpolated in templates by {{aPlus}}
  computed = {
      aPlus () {
          return this.a + 1
data = {
      num: 1

  // The listener function name must have the same name as the numeric attribute num in the data object that needs to be listened on.
  // The newValue in its parameter is the new value after the change of the numeric attribute, and the oldValue is the old value before the change.
  watch = {
      num (newValue, oldValue) {
          console.log(`num value: ${oldValue} -> ${newValue}`)

  // The corresponding listener function num() with the same name is automatically called and executed once each time the listened numeric property num is changed
  onLoad () {
      setInterval(() => {
      }, 1000)

Emi emit is the opposite of broadcast in that all ancestor components of the event initiation component receive emit events in turn.

For example, you want to call a method of the component ComA in Page_Index:

this.$invoke('ComA', 'someMethod', 'someArgs');
 If you want to call a method of the component ComG in the component ComA:

this.$invoke('./../ComB/ComG', 'someMethod', 'someArgs');
.default: Bind applet bubble events, such as bindtap,.Default suffix can be omitted from writing;

.stop: Bind applets to capture things, such as catchtap;

.user: Bind user-defined component events, triggered by $emit.
// index.wpy

    <child @childFn.user="parentFn"></child>

    import wepy from 'wepy'
    import Child from '../components/child'

    export default class Index extends {
        components = {
            child: Child

        methods = {
            parentFn (num, evt) {
                console.log('parent received emit event, number is: ' + num)

// child.wpy

    <view @tap="tap">Click me</view>

    import wepy from 'wepy'

    export default class Child extends wepy.component {
        methods = {
            tap () {
                console.log('child is clicked')
                this.$emit('childFn', 100)
// mixins/test.js
import wepy from 'wepy';

export default class TestMixin extends wepy.mixin {
    data = {
        foo: 'foo defined by page',
        bar: 'bar defined by testMix'
    methods: {
    tap () {
      console.log('mix tap');

// pages/index.wpy
import wepy from 'wepy';
import TestMixin from './mixins/test';

export default class Index extends {
    data = {
        foo: 'foo defined by index'
    mixins = [TestMixin ];
    onShow() {
        console.log(; // foo defined by index.
        console.log(; // foo defined by testMix.

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Topics: JSON Attribute git Vue