Full English installation tutorial of Oracle 19C database on Linux server

Posted by DavidAM on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 10:38:40 +0100

Oracle 19c installation tutorial for Linux system

Chapter I: preparation before installation

① Installation package acquisition

Pre installation package download: csdn resource warehouse of Xiaolan jujube

Obtain the Linux 64 bit Oracle 19C installation package: Resource warehouse of Xiaolan jujube , extraction code: qde5

② Pre installation

Use syntax: yum localinstall -y /root/oracle-database-preinstall-19c-1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm Perform pre installation.

Effect picture of successful installation:

③ Install dependent packages

Install dependent packages: yum install -y bc gcc gcc-c++ binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++ dtrace-modules dtrace-modules-headers dtrace-modules-provider-headers dtrace-utils elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel fontconfig-devel glibc glibc-devel ksh libaio libaio-devel libdtrace-ctf-devel libX11 libXau libXi libXtst libXrender libXrender-devel libgcc librdmacm-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libxcb make smartmontools sysstat

Effect picture of successful installation:

④ Create necessary folders and authorize

Create the necessary folders and extract the database installation package.

mkdir -p /u01/oraInventory
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.000/db_home
unzip /root/LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip -d /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.000/db_home

to grant authorization:

chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle
chmod -R 775 /u01/app/oracle

⑤ Configuration information

Edit the configuration file after logging in to the oracle user.

su - oracle
vim ~/.bash_profile

Insert the following configuration information:

ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/19.3.000/db_home; export ORACLE_HOME
NLS_LANG=american_america.ZHS16GBK; export NLS_LANG
TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN
ORA_NLS11=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data; export ORA_NLS11
export PATH
export TEMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp
umask 022

Then execute source ~/.bash_profile makes it effective immediately.

Chapter 2: graphical interface installation process demonstration

You can enter the graphical oracle installation interface through the following command. DISPLAY is followed by the IP address of your computer.

su - oracle
export DISPLAY=10.11.xx.xx:0.0

① Choose to install or upgrade

The first is for installation.

② System class configuration

I am a database server, so I choose the server.

③ Database version configuration

I chose the enterprise version.

④ Installation path configuration

The previously configured path will be displayed by default.

⑤ Detailed directory configuration

It is also brought here by default, which is prepared and set before installation.

⑥ Type configuration

General purpose.

⑦ Database identifier configuration

This cancellation candidate is generally not used to create a container database.

⑧ Configure option settings

I'm dedicated to the database server, so the memory is set to 70%.

To set the character set, I chose GBK.

⑨ Database storage configuration

File system.

⑩ Manage option configuration

If you want to use the cloud console, you can configure it here.

⑪ Restore option configuration

After setting, data recovery can be performed if problems occur later, but it will occupy a lot of resources.

⑫ Scheme password configuration

It is recommended that upper and lower case letters + numbers do not contain special characters. For example, Lizhi8888

⑬ Operating system group configuration

It's also directly matched here.

⑭ root user information configuration

Enter the password of the root user, and then execute some scripts that can only be executed by the root user. It can directly help you execute them.

⑮ Prerequisite check

Here is a warning that the actual value of the exchange space does not match the expected value. If you feel it will not affect, you can check the option in the upper right corner and ignore it. If it has an impact, you should solve the problem, otherwise there will be problems later.

⑯ Summary of configuration information

Here is a configuration summary. After confirming that there is no problem, start the installation.

After checking, the installation begins.

Some prompts will pop up in the middle. Click continue.