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Objectives of this section
In the previous section, the template rendering was completed. In my spare time, I added several pages. You can view the work done every day according to the branches. In this section, the reading of configuration files is added to complete the addition of redis cache. Some information has priority to access redis cache. In addition, the log library is added to print logs. Finally, the containerization of the project is completed
redis cache
The previous article described the addition, deletion, modification and query of redis, which is similar to the previous redis operation to increase the query efficiency of the article.
Initialize redis connection pool
func InitRedis() { rediscli = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: config.TotalCfgData.Redis.Host, Password: config.TotalCfgData.Redis.Passwd, DB: config.TotalCfgData.Redis.DB, PoolSize: config.TotalCfgData.Redis.PoolSize, MinIdleConns: config.TotalCfgData.Redis.IdleCons, }) _, err := rediscli.Ping().Result() if err != nil { log.Println("ping failed, error is ", err) return } clearch = make(chan struct{}, 1000) exitch = make(chan struct{}) log.Println("redis init success!!!") }
For example, we save the session in redis
func AddAdminSession(sessionId string, sessionData string) error { _, err := rediscli.HSet(ADMIN_SESSION, sessionId, sessionData).Result() rediscli.Expire(ADMIN_SESSION, time.Hour*24*30) return err }
By analogy, many redis read-write modules are added, which will not be repeated one by one.
Configuration file reading
The configuration files used by the server are written in config/config.toml
[mongo] host = "" user = "admin" passwd = "12345678" maxpoolsize = 10 contimeout = "5000" maxconidle = "5000" database = "blog" [cookie] host = "" #To start locally, please set host to local #host = "localhost" alive = 86400 [location] timezone = "Asia/Shanghai" [redis] host = "" idlecons = 16 poolsize = 1024 idletimeout = 300 passwd = "123456" db = 0
Then, config.go is implemented to read the configuration file
package config import ( "log" "flag" "github.com/BurntSushi/toml" ) type MongoCfg struct { User string `toml: "user"` Passwd string `toml: "passwd"` Host string `toml: "host"` MaxPoolSize int16 `toml: "maxpoolsize"` MaxConIdle string `toml:"maxconidle"` ConTimeOut string `toml: "contimeout"` Database string `toml: "database"` } type CookieCfg struct { Host string `toml: "host"` Alive int `toml: "alive"` } type RedisCfg struct { Host string `toml: "host"` PoolSize int `toml: "poolsize"` IdleCons int `toml: "idlecons"` IdleTimeout int `toml: "idletimeout"` Passwd string `toml: "passwd"` DB int `toml: "db"` } type TotalCfg struct { Mongo MongoCfg `toml: "mongo"` Cookie CookieCfg `toml: "cookie"` Location_ Location `toml:"location"` Redis RedisCfg `toml:"redis"` } type Location struct { TimeZone string `toml:"timezone"` } var TotalCfgData TotalCfg func init() { cfgpath := flag.String("config", "./config/config.toml", "-config ./config/config.toml") flag.Parse() if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(*cfgpath, &TotalCfgData); err != nil { log.Println("decode file failed , error is ", err) panic("decode file failed") } }
The above code reads the configuration file according to the toml tag and writes the corresponding field into the structure object to complete the reading.
Add log Library
For the choice of log library, I chose the zap library provided by uber, and cooperated with lumberjack to complete log cutting
package logger import ( "github.com/natefinch/lumberjack" "go.uber.org/zap" "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore" ) var Sugar *zap.SugaredLogger = nil func getLogWriter() zapcore.WriteSyncer { lumberJackLogger := &lumberjack.Logger{ Filename: "./log/blog.log", MaxSize: 10, MaxBackups: 5, MaxAge: 30, Compress: false, } return zapcore.AddSync(lumberJackLogger) } func init() { // Encoder configuration config := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig() // Specify time encoder config.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder // Log level in uppercase config.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder // encoder encoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(config) writeSyncer := getLogWriter() // Create Logger core := zapcore.NewCore(encoder, writeSyncer, zapcore.DebugLevel) logger := zap.New(core, zap.AddCaller()) Sugar = logger.Sugar() // Print log Sugar.Info("logger init success") }
Set the maximum log file size to 10M, backup up to five files for up to 30 days, and support functions such as printing line numbers.
First implement the dockerfile, and then generate the image
FROM golang:1.16 # Set the necessary environment variables for our image ENV GO111MODULE=on \ CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GOOS=linux \ GOARCH=amd64 \ GOPROXY="https://goproxy.cn,direct" ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai # Create code directory WORKDIR /src # copy code into the code directory COPY . . # Compile the code into a binary executable RUN go build -o main . # Create a running environment WORKDIR /bin #Move binaries from / src to / bin RUN cp /src/main . # copy the configuration and static resources required by the project to this directory RUN cp -r /src/config . RUN cp -r /src/public . RUN cp -r /src/views . # Exposed port external service EXPOSE 8080 # Start container run command CMD ["/bin/main"]
Set ENV to prepare the running environment of golang. Set the time zone to Shanghai and the working directory to / src. Then copy the source code from the host into the image, compile and run it
In the root directory of the project, execute the following command to generate the image
docker build -t blog .
Just start the container
docker run --name blogds -p 8088:8088 -v /data/blog/log:/bin/log --restart=always -d blog
So far, we have completed the development of the background of the blog system. We can't explain all the details with only three articles. We just list several stages experienced by the background system. The specific code can be seen in github. Thank you for enjoying the stars.
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