Fundamentals of functional grammar

Posted by Brandon Jaeger on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 22:39:18 +0200

Fundamentals of python function syntax

The basic process of defining functions for beginners:

Step 1: determine function
Step 2: determine the function name according to the function
Step 3: determine the formal parameters (see whether additional data is required to implement the function, and how many are required)
Step 4: realize the function of the function (use the formal parameter as the corresponding data)
Step 5: determine the return value of the function
Step 6: write function description document

1. Call function (using machine)

1) Important conclusion
When defining a function, the function body will not be executed, and the function body will be executed only when calling data (important!)

2) Call function
Syntax: function name (argument list)
a. Function name - the name of the function to be used. (the function name must be the function name of the defined function)
b. () - Fixed writing
c. Argument list - multiple data are separated by commas: data 1, data 2, data 3
In principle, when defining a function, you need as many arguments as you need to call the function

3) Function call procedure
When the code executes the function call expression:
Step 1: return to the position defined by the function and assign a value (pass parameter) to the formal parameter with the actual parameter
Step 2: execute the function body
Step 3: determine the return value of the function
Step 4: return to the location of the function call, and then execute it later

1) The calling function executes the function body (as many times as it is called)
def func1():

    # print([10, 20][100])

​    print('======')
​    print('+++++++')


# 2)

def func1():


# func1(10)     # TypeError: func1() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

def func2(x):
    # x = 10

# func2()       # TypeError: func2() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'


# func2(10, 20)  # TypeError: func2() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

def func3(x, y, z):

func3(10, 20, 30)

# func3(10, 20)       # TypeError: func3() missing 1 required positional argument: 'z'

# func3(10, 20, 30, 100)      # TypeError: func3() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
3) Each argument can be any resulting expression
def func4(x):


a = 10

func4(200 - 100 * 2 + 3)


str1 = 'hello'


func4(str1.upper())    # func4('HELLO')

func4(str1.upper() + '123')    # func4('HELLO123')

func4(f'Hello:{str1}')    # func4('hello ')

def sum2(num1, num2):
    # num1 = 100, num2 = 200
    print(num1 + num2)

sum2(10, 20)
sum2(100, 200)
  1. Return value - passes the data inside the function to the outside of the function

    1. How to take a data as the return value of a function
      return the data to be returned (the data to be passed from inside the function to outside the function)
    1. How to get the return value of a function outside of a function
      To get the value of the function call expression is to get the return value of the function. (the value of the function call expression is the return value of the function)
      Function call expressions can do whatever the return value can do
  2. def sum2(num1, num2):

    # num1 = 10, num2 = 20
       return num1 + num2      # return 30

    print(sum2(10, 20))

    a = 30
    b = sum2(10, 20)
    print(a, b)

    print(30 + 10)
    print(sum2(10, 20) + 10)

    x = sum2(10, 20)

    list1 = [30, 20, sum2(10, 20)]

    def get_alphabet(str1):
    result = ''.join(x for x in str1 if 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z')
    return result # 'Mlskoa'

    x = get_alphabet('9Mlsko-=23a')


    x = get_alphabet('9Mlsko-=23a')[-1] # 'Mlskoa'[-1]

    result = max([209, 89, 34, 5])

    ###### Exercise: what is the print result of the console after executing the following code?
   def func(x, y):
       # x = [10, 20], y=30
       x.append(y*2)     # x = [10, 20, 60]
       return x     # return [10, 20, 60]

   list1 = [func([10, 20], 30), 'abc']     # list1 = [[10, 20, 60], 'abc']
   print(list1[0][-1])       # [10, 20, 60][-1]   60

return keyword

return has two functions:

  1. Determine the return value of the function (pass the data inside the function to the outside of the function)
  2. End the function in advance (if return is encountered when executing the function body, the function will end directly)
   def func1():

   result = func1()


   def download(state):
       if not state:
       print('Connect to the server and download data')


   def odevity(num):
       if num % 2:
           return 'Odd number'
       return 'even numbers'
  1. Positional parameters and keyword parameters - classes according to the way provided by the arguments
    1) Location parameter - directly separate multiple data with commas, and make the arguments and formal parameters correspond one by one from the location (the first argument assigns a value to the first formal parameter, and the second argument assigns a value to the second formal parameter...)
    2) Keyword parameter - parameter is passed in the form of 'formal parameter = argument'
    3) Mixed positional and keyword parameters - positional parameters must precede keyword parameters

             def func1(x, y, z):
                 print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')
       # Position parameters
       func1(10, 20, 30)
       # key parameter 
       func1(x=10, y=20, z=30)
       func1(y=20, z=30, x=10)
       # Mixed use
       func1(10, 20, z=30)
       func1(10, z=30, y=20)
       # func1(x=10, 20, 30)       # SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
       result = sorted([230, 8, 23, 5], reverse=True)

2. Parameter default value

When defining a function, you can assign default values to parameters through "formal parameter = data". When calling a function, parameters with default values do not need to pass parameters;
When defining a function, you can only assign default values to some parameters. At this time, the parameters without default values must be in front of the parameters with default values.

   def func2(x=10, y=20, z=30):
       # x=100
       print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')

   func2(100, 200)
   func2(100, 200, 300)

   def func3(x, y=20, z=30):
       print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')

3. Parameter type description and return value type description

Parameter type description: 1) no default value parameter: type name 2) default value assigned to parameter
Return value type description: - > type name

   def func4(x: list, y='') -> list:

4. (understand) indefinite length parameter - a formal parameter can accept multiple arguments at the same time


  1. If * is added before the parameter name, the parameter can accept multiple arguments at the same time (it must be a positional parameter).
    Principle: the parameter with will become a tuple, and the received argument will become an element in the tuple
    Note: only position parameters can be used when transferring parameters with indefinite length

(Master!) important conclusion: when defining a function, if there is an independent * in the parameter, its function is to let you pass the parameter after * with keyword parameter when calling the function

  1. If * * is added before the parameter name, this parameter can accept multiple arguments at the same time (it must be a keyword parameter).
    Principle: parameters with * * will become a dictionary, and the accepted arguments will become key value pairs in the dictionary
Exercise: define a function and sum multiple numbers
sum1(10, 20) sum1(1, 2, 30) sum1(20, 3, 4, 5)
   def sum1(*x):

   sum1()      # x:()
   sum1(20)    # x:(20,)
   sum1(10, 20)        # x:(10, 20)
   sum1(10, 20, 34, 5, 6)    # x:(10, 20, 34, 5, 6)

   def func5(x, y, *z):
       print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')

   func5(10, 20)    # x:10, y:20, z:()
   func5(10, 20, 30, 40)       # x:10, y:20, z:(30, 40)

Conclusion: if the fixed length parameter follows the variable length parameter corresponding to *, the keyword parameter must be used when transmitting the fixed length parameter

   def func6(*x, y, z):
       print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')

   func6(10, 20, 30, y=40, z=50)

   def func7(x, *y, z):
       print(f'x:{x}, y:{y}, z:{z}')

   func7(10, z=100)   # x:10, y:(), z:100
   func7(10, 20, 30, z=100)    # x:10, y:(20, 30), z:100

Conclusion: when defining a function, if there is an independent * in the parameter, its function is to let you pass the parameter after * with keyword parameter when calling the function

def func8(x, *, y, z):

   func8(10, y=20, z=30)

2) **

   def func9(**x):

   func9()     # {}
   func9(n=10)     # {'n': 10}
   func9(n=10, a=20, m=30)     # {'n': 10, 'a': 20, 'm': 30}

   def func10(*args, **kwargs):

   func10(10, 20)
   func10(10, 20, x=10, y=20)
1. Write a function to exchange the key and value of the specified dictionary.
def swap_key_value(dict1):
    Exchange keys and values of the specified Dictionary (function description area)
    :param dict1: A dictionary (parameter description area)
    :return: None(Return value (description)
    new_dict = {dict1[x]: x for x in dict1}

swap_key_value({'a': 10, 'b': 20})
swap_key_value({100: 'a', 200: 'm'})
2. Write a function to extract all the letters in the specified string, and then splice them together to produce a new string
def get_alphabet(str1):
    Print letters in string
    :param str1: Specified string
    :return: None
    result = ''.join(x for x in str1 if 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z')
    return result

str2 = '12a&bc12d-+'

str2 = '12M&bcP12d-+K'
3. Write your own capitalize function, which can change the first letter of the specified string into uppercase letters
def capitalize(str1):
    Converts a string whose first character is a lowercase letter to the corresponding uppercase letter
    :param str1: character string
    :return: None
    first = str1[0]
    if first.islower():
        result = first.upper() + str1[1:]

capitalize('12ssh Disrespect disrespect')
capitalize('m12ssh Disrespect disrespect')
4. Write your own endswitch function to judge whether a string ends with the specified string
def endswith(str1, str2):
    Determines whether a string ends with a specified string
    :param str1: Original string
    :param str2: a null-terminated string 
    :return: None
    len2 = len(str2)
    print(str1[-len2:] == str2)

endswith('hello world!', 'd')
5. Write your own isdigit function to judge whether a string is a pure digital string
def isdigit(str1):
    Determines whether a string is a pure numeric string
    :param str1: Specify string
    :return: None
    for x in str1:
        if not '0' <= x <= '9':
6. Write your own upper function to change all lowercase letters in a string into uppercase letters
def upper(str1):
    :param str1:
    new_str = ''.join(chr(ord(x)-32) if 'a' <= x <= 'z' else x for x in str1)

# 'am89-KLp'  ->  'AM89-KLP'

7. Write your own R_ The just function creates a string whose length is the specified length. The original string is right aligned in the new string, and the rest is filled with the specified characters
def r_just(str1, width, fill_char):
    :return: None
    len1 = len(str1)
    diff = width - len1
    if diff <= 0:
        result = str1
        result = fill_char * diff + str1

r_just('abc', 2, '0')
9. Write your own index function to count all subscripts of the specified elements in the specified list. If there is no specified element in the list, return - 1
def index(list1, item):
    Gets the subscript of the specified element in the list
    :param list1: list
    :param item: Specify element
    :return: None
    result = ','.join(str(i) for i in range(len(list1)) if list1[i] == item)
    if not result:
        result = -1

index([1, 2, 45, 'abc', 1, 'Hello', 1, 0], 10)
10. Write your own max function to obtain the maximum value of elements in the specified sequence. If the sequence is a dictionary, take the maximum value of the dictionary value
def max1(seq):
    if type(seq) == dict:
        seq = list(seq.values())
        seq = list(seq)

    m = seq[0]
    for x in seq[1:]:
        if x > m:
            m = x

max1([10, 34, 8, 9])
max1({10, 20, 45, 9})
max1({100: 10, 200: 30, 300: 5})
12. Write your own replace function to convert the old string specified in the specified string into the specified new string
def replace(str1, old, new):
    # Method 1:
    # result = new.join(str1.split(old))
    # print(result)

    # Method 2:
    index = 0
    len1 = len(old)
    result = ''
    while index < len(str1):
        if str1[index: index+len1] == old:
            result += new
            index += len1
            result += str1[index]
            index += 1

replace('123amnaxy', 'a', 'b')    # 123bmnbxy
replace('asjdhf are sfdj!', 'you', 'me')

Topics: Python