Game Gospel of Cocos Creator Front-end Development

Posted by qing on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 22:32:47 +0200

Because of working reasons, I have been doing some things with Cocos Creator recently. Personally, it can be said that Cocos Creator is the game gospel of front-end developers. Front-end developers can use their front-end knowledge + Cocos Creator to customize a game of their own.
Just used Cocos Creator for more than a month, I have sorted out some commonly used techniques for your reference.
global variable
When you start creating, you start thinking about how to define and use global variables, and whether they are the same as in JS.
In creator, global variables can be defined without using var to define variables directly, but this method is not advocated by the creator team. Official website provides a definition method:

// Globals.js
window.Globals = {
    name : w,
    age : 18

Creating such a Globals.js script allows you to use anywhere to access the value of the defined name.
Module access
If you don't want to imagine too many global variables (which may cause global pollution), you can access them through modules.

//In the test script, it is defined as follows [module.exports is the key word]
module.exports= {
//It can be accessed through require in other scripts
var test= require("test");
test.age = 20;

In this way, you can easily set up access to the properties you want!
I believe you will have your own plug-in library when you write js code, so how to use your own plug-in in creator?
It is not enough to create a plug-in script. You must check the import as a plug-in option in the script property checker.

Import Plug-in Button

In this way, functions in the plug-in can be referenced anywhere without any declaration.
Get Dom in Creator
In the web, dom can be acquired by using js, and components and nodes can be acquired by using JS in Creator.

Getting Nodes

1. By dragging
You can declare a test attribute in a node's script with code type cc.Node.

properties: {

This will result in an empty node in the place where the script is mounted.

You can drag nodes into none

Then you can drag any node on the hierarchical manager to the test control and get it through the code this.test to perform a series of operations.
2. Through code

Global lookup is available
When cc.find passes in only the first parameter, it will start to look up step by step from the scene root node.

Search can be done layer by layer through child nodes.

var son1 = this.node.getChildByName("son1");
var son2 = son1.getChildByName("son2");

Here, son1 is the child node under this.node, and son2 is the child node under son1, which can be searched layer by layer through getChildByName function.

You can also search by serial number without name.
For example, there are many son2 in the following son1

There are so many sub-son2 in son1

Each son2 can be obtained through the following loops:

var son2 = [];
for(var i=0;i<son1.childrenCount;i++){
    var son2[i] =  son1.chindren[i]

Getting components

In Creator, a node can mount multiple components, as follows:

Here's a picture description.

Canvas nodes have Canvas components, gama and wgq script components, Label rendering components and so on.
Take the son node as an example:

var son = this.node.getChildByName("son");
var label = son.getComponent(cc.Label);
//In this way, the label component under the son node can be obtained, and then some operations can be performed on the component.

Node attributes
Nodes have some attributes. In development, we always use js to dynamically change the attributes of nodes.

var son = this.node.getChildByName("son");
//The following code son is the acquired node = true or false //Display Hiding of Control Node son
son.parent = father or ... //Change the parent node of the son node
son.children //Returns an array of child nodes under the son node
son.childrenCount //Returns the number of child nodes under the sending node
son.x  or son.y = 10//Setting x, y axis coordinates of son node
son.rotation  = 90(Degrees)//Setting the rotation angle of son node
son.scaleX = 2 (Default 1)//Setting the zoom of son node
son.width or son.height //Changing the Length and Width of the son Node
son.color //Set the color (default is white)
son.opacity = 200(0~255,The default is 255)//Setting Transparency

Dynamic addition of components for nodes
Sometimes we need to add components dynamically for nodes

var myLabel = new cc.Node().addComponent(cc.Label); 
myLabel.string = "test";
myLable.node.parent = son;//Setting Nodes

Topics: Attribute