gin plus vue use nginx proxy to deploy server

Posted by lnfreish on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:32:38 +0100

The front and back ends are separated, and then deployed to a server. When vue is packaged, the benchmark path is packaged as the address of the back-end service without adding the end slogan. Then, the main operations of the back-end and server are as follows:
You can use goland to connect to the server, which is more convenient
The server is Tencent cloud server centos7 6,

1. Server preparation

Server installation mysql
Error in password modification
The cloud service opens port 3306 on the console, not on the server

Install redis and use redis directly

yum install redis

Start redis service (you may need to restart redis after shutdown and restart)

service redis start

Boot redis

sudo systemctl enable redis

Install nginx using yum or up2date
The installation package of Nginx is available in the EPEL warehouse. If you have not already installed EPEL, you can complete the installation by running the following command:

sudo yum install epel-release

Installing nginx

sudo yum install nginx

After installation, execute the following command to set Nginx startup:

sudo systemctl enable nginx

Start Nginx

sudo systemctl start nginx

To view the running status of Nginx:

sudo systemctl status nginx

2. File compilation, upload and operation

1. If CGO is used in cross platform compilation, there may be problems, but we can disable it and specify the corresponding target platform
I use Golan, which can be modified in turn directly on the Golan terminal

SET CGO_ENABLED=0   // Disable CGO
SET GOOS=linux   // Target platform liunx
SET GOARCH=amd64   // The target processor architecture is amd64

2. Then use the go build command to compile the executable file of Linux platform

go build -o ./msems    (Decide for yourself)

Then bring the generated executable program (without exe) with the configuration file and static file if any,
Put it on the server, my directory structure

Start service nudo
First move to the file startup directory before execution

sudo nohup ./msems conf/config.yaml > nohup_msems.log 2>&1 & (Modify according to your own situation)

Then put the front-end file where you want to put it. Note that it should be the same as the path configured in nginx

The following are possible statements
View port occupancy

lsof -i tcp:8080

//Kill process by name

pkill -2 msems

//View process

ps -ef | grep msems

3.nginx configuration

Modify the configuration file, etc / nginx / nginx sever section in conf
Nginx common commands

nginx -s stop    # Stop Nginx service
nginx -s reload  # Reload profile
nginx -s quit    # Smooth stop of Nginx service
nginx -t         # Test whether the configuration file is correct
server {
      listen    80;
      server_name localhost;

      charset utf-8;
      access_log   /var/log/bluebell-access.log; #Log output path
      error_log    /var/log/bluebell-error.log;

        #In case of css,js|fonts|png|svg|html|txt resource file nginx is directly processed, and it is not submitted to the background for go processing.
        # nginx will find these resource files in the directory corresponding to root
#       location ~ \.(css|js|fonts|png|svg|html|txt)$ {
#         access_log on;
#         expires 1d;
#         root /data/app/template/;
#       } 

      location / {
                   root   /data/app/template/;     #3. Location of dist file (I changed my name)
                   index index.html;    

      location /dyadmin {
                         root   /data/app/template/;     #3. Location of dist file (this is the background service)
                         try_files $uri $uri/ /admin.html;     #4. Redirection, internal file pointing
       location ~/api { 
       #How to write this? According to the back-end address, mine is the local
                  proxy_pass       ; # Forward the with api field in the request route to the address where the back-end runs
                  proxy_redirect             off;
                  proxy_set_header           Host             $host;
                  proxy_set_header           X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
                  proxy_set_header           X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


nginx -t         # Test whether the configuration file is correct

No problem

nginx -s reload  # Reload profile

Then we can see if we can visit successfully
Note that you should open the corresponding port. For example, if my proxy port is port 80, you have to open port 80,

The above is the complete configuration process, mainly the back-end and server. If you have any questions, please leave a message in the comment area

Topics: Go CentOS Nginx Vue