The summary of common operations in GIT learning process is convenient for query when forgetting
User name and mail global configuration
git config --global "user name" git config --global "User mailbox" git config --global -l //View the above configuration
- The first thing after installing git is to configure the user name and user mailbox with the above two commands, which is equivalent to the identity of the local computer
- It can not be the real user name and mailbox. For example, the user name and mailbox are Tom and
- The – global parameter indicates that all warehouses in the machine will adopt this configuration
- After the configuration is successful, a message will appear in the user directory of disk C gitconfig file, which saves the above configuration
Local commit operation
git init //New local warehouse git add [filename] //Workspace file add to staging area git add . //add all workspace files to the staging area (except those with ignore set) git commit -m "message"//commit to local library git status //View file submission status
- After using git init operation, a local file will appear Git hidden folder contains warehouse information and cannot be deleted
- It is recommended to fill in the symbolic submission information when executing git commit to facilitate accurate version fallback
view log
git log //View log details git log --pretty=oneline // One record per line git log --oneline // One record per line is more concise than the previous method git reflog //One record per line shows the number of steps required to move to a version
- Commonly used are git log --oneline and git reflog
- Viewing the log can be used in conjunction with the git reset command for version control
version control
git reset --hard [Hash value] //Accurately advance or retreat to a version according to the hash value displayed in the log git reset --hard HEAD^ //Version fallback git reset --hard HEAD~n//Version fallback n steps -- soft Parameters are only moved in the local library HEAD Pointer --mixed Parameters moved in local library HEAD Pointer reset staging area --hard Parameter local library move HEAD Pointer, reset staging area, reset workspace
- The most commonly used of the three parameters is – hard, which realizes the local library and the "advance and retreat" of the temporary storage area and the work area“
- git reset --hard HEAD ^ ^ back two steps, (several steps back)
- ^And ~ can only implement version fallback relative to the HEAD pointer, and cannot advance the version
ssh public key
cd ~ //Enter the current user directory ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "User mailbox" //Generate ssh public key
- Enter the ssh keygen - t RSA - C "user mailbox" command and press enter multiple times. The ssh public key will be generated using the default configuration
- The generated public key is in the user directory ssh folder
- Select Add public key on code cloud or GitHub and copy ID_ rsa. Paste the contents of pub into the public key column and name the public key
- Project managers can use SSH url to clone. By default, there is no login account and password when pull ing and push ing, which is more convenient
Connect local warehouse to remote warehouse
git init //Initialize a local warehouse git remote add origin https://gitee... // Connect to the remote warehouse (you can replace origin with another name) git push -u origin master //Submit to the main branch of the remote warehouse (the first submission plus the - u parameter) git push origin master -f // Force push git remote -v //View remote warehouse information git remote rm origin //Delete origin alias
- git remote add origin https://gitee ... is equivalent to taking an alias for the remote warehouse as origin
- If the remote warehouse is completely empty, you can upload files to the remote warehouse directly by git push -u origin master
- If the git push -u origin master command reports an error, try to execute the git pull --rebase origin master command, and then push again
File comparison
git diff [file name] //Workspace and staging files comparison git diff //Comparison of all files in workspace and staging area git diff HEAD [file name] //Compare all files in staging area and local library git diff HEAD^ [file name] //The staging area is compared with the previous version file of the local library git diff [Hash value] [fileneme] //Use the hash index value to compare files with a version of the local library
git branch
git branch [filename] //Create new branch git checkout -b [branchName] //Create and switch to a new branch git branch -v //View branch information git checkout [filename] //Switch branch //Steps of merging branches: first switch to the branch you want to merge to (usually the main branch); Then use the following command git merge [Branch name to merge]
- By default, there are only master primary branches
git branch conflict modification
//If there is a conflict during the merge process, first open the conflicting file, remove the special symbol, modify it to satisfaction, and then add and commit git add [filename] git commit -m "resolve the conflict"//Note that the file name cannot be added later
Code pull
git fetch origin master // Pull the remote warehouse master branch code to the local without merging git checkout origin/master //Switch to the origin/master branch to view the remote warehouse file fetch ed locally git checkout master //Switch to the local warehouse master branch git merge origin/master //Merge the contents of the origin/master branch of the remote fetch with the local master branch git pull origin master //Pull the remote warehouse content to the local in one step
- git pull is equivalent to git fetch + git merge
Other operations
git clone https://gitee... // Clone the original remote warehouse to local clear //Clear screen cat [filename] //view file contents