GIT easy tutorial

Posted by wompgx on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 09:03:20 +0100


Differences with svn

git easy tutorial

New warehouse

configuration file

Code management

Status view

Code submission

Version selection

File deletion and recovery

File comparison

Branch Management


Modification of configuration file

vim common commands

Differences with svn

svn: centralized version control system

The version library is unique: it is located on the server and needs to be developed online

git: distributed version control system

The version library is not unique: you can have a complete code library locally without networking

git easy tutorial

Local end: Download and install the latest version

It is recommended to use vim as the default editor

Far end:

New warehouse

P.S. items are created in warehouse units. One item corresponds to one warehouse

Right click in the project directory to open git bash here

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/gitcode/git_test/.git/

configuration file

Add a signature to distinguish developers

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode
$ git config --global gl

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode
$ git config --global

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode
$ git config --global --list

Code management

Status view

git status view warehouse information

$ git status
On branch master
#Branch information
No commits yet    
#Local library
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) 
#Staging area

Code submission

New file git_test.txt, the file is not tracked

git add saves the file to the temporary storage area, and git rm restores the untracked state

$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
        git_test.txt                            #The file is not tracked and needs to be add ed to the staging area
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

$ git add git_test.txt
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in git_test.txt.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory

$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   git_test.txt                #The file is not submitted and needs to be commit ted to the local warehouse

git commit submits the code to the local warehouse. You can use - m "log information" to record the log information

$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   git_test.txt                   #Show modified files
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
        #If it is not created for the first time, you can skip the staging area and directly commit to the local warehouse
$ git commit -m "the second commit" git_test.txt
[master a1af50c] the second commit                 #journal
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)     #Modify the information, insert a line and reduce one line

Version selection

git log view historical version

$ git log
commit a1af50ccfaa5bb90c2ccc8230f0e0599ae4c7e3e (HEAD -> master) #head points to the current version
Author: gl <>
Date:   Sat Aug 7 11:14:54 2021 +0800
    the third commit
commit c525169ce4fb45a7dfc2e9437b879b3f7f0fd3eb
Author: gl <>
Date:   Sat Aug 7 11:08:27 2021 +0800
    the second commit
commit 3eb0ae3e07a71924c33a3bde234778b56e2160b0
Author: gl <>
Date:   Sat Aug 7 10:56:33 2021 +0800
    New project established

$ git log --pretty=oneline    #Single line display version log
a1af50ccfaa5bb90c2ccc8230f0e0599ae4c7e3e (HEAD -> master) the third commit
c525169ce4fb45a7dfc2e9437b879b3f7f0fd3eb the second commit
3eb0ae3e07a71924c33a3bde234778b56e2160b0 New project established

$ git log --oneline           #Show partial hash values
a1af50c (HEAD -> master) the third commit
c525169 the second commit
3eb0ae3 New project established

$ git reflog                  #Show all historical versions
a1af50c (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: the third commit
c525169 HEAD@{1}: commit: the second commit
3eb0ae3 HEAD@{2}: commit (initial): New project established

git reset --hard hash value} complete version selection

$ git reset --hard a1af50c
HEAD is now at a1af50c the third commit


git reset --soft: only move the local library head pointer

git reset --mixed: move the local library head pointer and recover the staging area

git reset --hard: local library + staging area + work area (common)

File deletion and recovery

The deleted version of the file also needs to be submitted to the local library through add and commit

To restore, use git reset to select the version before deletion

File comparison

Compare with any version in the local library

$ git diff Hash value git_test.txt

Branch Management


  • Synchronous development of multiple functions
  • The failure of a branch will not affect the main line and other branches

basic operation

  • Create branch git branch branch branch name
  • View branch git branch -v
  • Switch branch git checkout branch name (complete with tab)
  • Merge branch
  1. Switch to mainline (when branches merge to mainline)
  2. git merge branch name
  • conflict resolution

At the same time, the original branches are modified, and the merged branches will conflict

<<<<<<< HEAD
conflict master        #This branch
conflict branch1       #Other branches to be merged
>>>>>>> branch1

Resolve the conflict. After removing the prompt, use git add and git commit to merge. The file name cannot be added to commit here


Modification of configuration file


gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global --list

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global gl

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global --list


gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global --list

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global --unset

gl@DESKTOP-9ITKPJH MINGW64 /d/gitcode/git_test (master)
$ git config --global --list

system level: - system - actual Directory: Git/etc/gitconfig

User level -- global actual Directory: c:/user / user name / gitconfig

Project level --loacl# actual Directory: project / git/config

Priority: Project > User > system

vim common commands

set nu displays the line number

Topics: git