Opening and closing of files
- Like C language, the operation of files in Go language is also through a FILE structure
type file struct {
pfd poll.FD
name string
dirinfo *dirInfo
type File struct {
*file // os specific
- Open function
- func Open(name string) (file *File, err error)
- Open opens a file for reading
- Close function
- func (f *File) Close() error
- Close closes the file f
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Open a file
// Note: if the file does not exist, it will not be created and an error will be reported
// Note: Open can only read, not write
fp, err := os.Open("d:/lnj.txt")
if err != nil{
// 2. Close a file
defer func() {
err = fp.Close()
if err != nil {
File reading
- Read function (read without buffer)
- func (f *File) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)
- The Read method reads up to len(b) bytes of data from f and writes it to B,
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Open a file
// Note: if the file does not exist, it will not be created and an error will be reported
// Note: Open can only read, not write
fp, err := os.Open("d:/lnj.txt")
if err != nil{
// 2. Close a file
defer func() {
err = fp.Close()
if err != nil {
// 3. Read data of specified bytes
// Note: \ n will also be read in
//buf := make([]byte, 50)
//count, err := fp.Read(buf)
//if err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// fmt.Println(count)
// fmt.Println(string(buf))
// 4. Read all contents of the file until the end of the file
buf := make([]byte, 10)
count, err := fp.Read(buf)
// Note: this line of code should be put before judging EOF, otherwise it will be read less than one line
if err == io.EOF {
- ReadBytes and ReadString functions (read with buffer)
- func (b *Reader) ReadBytes(delim byte) (line []byte, err error)
- ReadBytes reads until delim bytes are encountered for the first time
- func (b *Reader) ReadString(delim byte) (line string, err error)
- ReadString reads until delim bytes are encountered for the first time
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Open a file
// Note: if the file does not exist, it will not be created and an error will be reported
// Note: Open can only read, not write
fp, err := os.Open("d:/lnj.txt")
if err != nil{
// 2. Close a file
defer func() {
err = fp.Close()
if err != nil {
// 3. Read a row of data
// Create read buffer, default size 4096
//r :=bufio.NewReader(fp)
//buf, err := r.ReadBytes('\n')
//buf, err := r.ReadString('\n')
//if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// fmt.Println(string(buf))
// 4. Read all contents of the file until the end of the file
r :=bufio.NewReader(fp)
//buf, err := r.ReadBytes('\n')
buf, err := r.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF{
- ReadFile function
- func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error)
- Reads data from the file specified by filename and returns all contents of the file
- Not suitable for reading large files
package main
import (
func main() {
filePath := "d:/lnj.txt"
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
if err !=nil {
File creation and writing
- Create function
- func Create(name string) (file *File, err error)
- Create creates a file named name using mode 0666 (anyone can read and write, not executable)
- If the file exists, the original file will be overwritten
- Write function
- func (f *File) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
- Writes the specified byte array to a file
- WriteString function
- func (f *File) WriteString(s string) (ret int, err error)
- Writes the specified string to a file
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Create a file
fp, err := os.Create("d:/lnj.txt")
if err != nil{
// 2. Close the open file
defer func() {
err := fp.Close()
if err != nil {
// 2. Write data to the file
// Note: Windows line feed is \ r\n
bytes := []byte{'l','n','j','\r','\n'}
// Note: Go language adopts UTF-8 encoding, and one Chinese occupies 3 bytes
fp.WriteString("Li Nanjiang")
- OpenFile function
- func OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (file *File, err error)
- First parameter: open path
- Second parameter: open mode
const (
O_RDONLY int = syscall.O_RDONLY // Open file in read-only mode
O_WRONLY int = syscall.O_WRONLY // Open file in write only mode
O_RDWR int = syscall.O_RDWR // Open file in read-write mode
O_APPEND int = syscall.O_APPEND // Append data to the end of the file when writing
O_CREATE int = syscall.O_CREAT // If it does not exist, a new file will be created
O_EXCL int = syscall.O_EXCL // And o_ For use with create, the file must not exist
O_SYNC int = syscall.O_SYNC // Open file for synchronizing I/O
O_TRUNC int = syscall.O_TRUNC // If possible, empty the file when opening
- Third parameter: specify permission
- 0 does not have any permissions
- 1. Execution permission (if it is an executable program, it can be run)
- 2. Write permission
- 3. Write permission and execution permission
- 4. Read permission
- 5. Read permission and execution permission
- 6. Read and write permissions
- 7. Read permission, write permission and execution permission
const (
// A single character is an abbreviation of an attribute used by the String method for formatting.
ModeDir FileMode = 1 << (32 - 1 - iota) // d: Catalogue
ModeAppend // a: Can only be written, and can only be written to the end
ModeExclusive // l: For execution
ModeTemporary // T: Temporary files (not backup files)
ModeSymlink // 50: Symbolic links (not shortcut files)
ModeDevice // D: Equipment
ModeNamedPipe // p: Named pipe (FIFO)
ModeSocket // S: Unix domain socket
ModeSetuid // u: Indicates that the file has the permission of its creator user id
ModeSetgid // g: Indicates that the file has permissions for its creator group id
ModeCharDevice // c: Character device, ModeDevice must be set
ModeSticky // t: Only root / creator can delete / move files
// Overwrites all type bits (used to get type bits through &), which should not be set for ordinary files
ModeType = ModeDir | ModeSymlink | ModeNamedPipe | ModeSocket | ModeDevice
ModePerm FileMode = 0777 // Override all Unix permission bits (used to get type bits through &)
- Write without buffer
package main
import (
func main() {
// Note: the third parameter has no effect on Windows
// -RW RW RW - (666) all users have file read and write permissions.
//-rwxrwxrwx (777) all users have read, write and execute permissions.
// 1. Open the file
//fp, err := os.OpenFile("d:/lnj.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
fp, err := os.OpenFile("d:/lnj.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
// 2. Close the open file
defer func() {
err := fp.Close()
if err != nil {
// Note:
// If o_ When the rdwr mode is opened, the opened file has content and will be overwritten from the front
// If o_ When the append mode is opened, the opened file has content and will be appended at the end
// 3. Write data to the file
bytes := []byte{'l','n','j','\r','\n'}
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Open the file
fp, err := os.OpenFile("d:/lnj.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
// 2. Close the open file
defer func() {
err := fp.Close()
if err != nil {
// 3. Create buffer
w := bufio.NewWriter(fp)
// 4. Write data to buffer
bytes := []byte{'l','n','j','\r','\n'}
// 5. Flush the data in the buffer to the file
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Write data to the specified file
data := []byte{'l','n','j','\r','\n'}
err := ioutil.WriteFile("d:/abc.txt", data, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Write successful")
Determine whether the file exists
- Stat function
- func Stat(name string) (fi FileInfo, err error)
- Return value: FileInfo
type FileInfo interface {
Name() string // Name of the file (without extension)
Size() int64 // The return value of ordinary file indicates its size; The meaning of the return value of other files is different from each system
Mode() FileMode // Mode bit of file
ModTime() time.Time // Modification time of file
IsDir() bool // Equivalent to mode () IsDir()
Sys() interface{} // Underlying data source (nil can be returned)
- Return value: error
- The return value error equals nil, indicating that the file exists
- The return value error is not equal to nil, which can be further judged by IsNotExist. If true is returned, it means that the file does not exist
- The return value is error. If other errors are returned, it is uncertain whether the file exists
package main
import (
func main() {
info, err := os.Stat("d:/lnj.txt")
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("File exists")
}else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Println("file does not exist")
- Copy a text file to another file
- Try to use other methods learned above to realize
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Read a file
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("d:/lnj.txt")
if err != nil {
// 2. Write the read data to another file
err =ioutil.WriteFile("d:/abc.txt", buf, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("copy complete")
- Copy a picture / video file to another file
package main
import (
func main() {
// 1. Define the path of the copied file
scrPath := "D:/a.png"
destPath := "E:/b.png"
// 2. Open the copied file
fr, err := os.Open(scrPath)
if err != nil {
// 3. Close open file
defer func() {
err := fr.Close()
if err != nil{
// 4. Create read buffer
r := bufio.NewReader(fr)
// 1. Create a write file
fw, err := os.Create(destPath)
if err != nil {
// 2. Close open file
defer func() {
err := fw.Close()
if err != nil{
// 3. Create write buffer
w := bufio.NewWriter(fw)
// 4. Use the system copy function to complete the copy
count, err := io.Copy(w, r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("copy complete")
- Check the document yourself to traverse the folder
- For example: give a folder path, get all the files under the folder, and save all the file paths to the slice