Go variable and constant explanation

Posted by unmash on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 01:21:48 +0100





General form

Type derivation

Omit var


Anonymous variable


global variable

local variable


All codes


reference resources


The Go language variable name consists of letters, numbers and underscores. The first character cannot be a number. Use the var keyword.


var variable name 1 [, variable name 2...] type

Note: one or more variables can be declared, and the declared value is zero

Zero value: 0, "", false, nil, etc


var num int
var num1,num2 int


General form

var variable name 1 [, variable name 2...] [type] = value1[,value2...]

Note: after initialization, it must also be used later. The type can be determined automatically without writing


var num3 int8 = 1

Type derivation

It doesn't write type on it

var variable name 1 [, variable name 2...]= value1[,value2...]

Note: integer defaults to int and floating point defaults to float64


var num4 = 2

Omit var

Variable name 1 [, variable name 2...]:= value1[,value2...]

I personally recommend this, similar to Python, without writing variable types.


f1 := 5.0

There is another form, which is often used for global variable declarations

var (

Variable 1 = value1

Variable 2 = value2



var (
	author = "lady_killer9"
	time = "now"


Output, assignment and calculation are OK, and the exchange is simple

num1 = 1
num2 = 2
num1,num2 = num2,num1

Anonymous variable

_, Underline

This receiver can be used when the data is no longer used

all,_ := sumDiffer(num1,num2)


Note: variable names cannot be the same in the same scope

global variable

Function, lowercase package, uppercase cross package

Note: the form of omitting var cannot be used

//Global: = 1 error: Global unexpected
var Global = 1

local variable

In function, in for/if


func sumDiffer(a int,b int) (int,int) {
	return a+b,a-b
fmt.Println("author time:",author,time)
//fmt.Println(a,b) a,b are local variables in sumdifference function and cannot be accessed


A constant is an identifier of a simple value that will not be modified when the program runs.

The data types in constants can only be Boolean, numeric (integer, floating point and complex) and string.

Use the keyword const

const variable name [type] = value

const Pi = 3.1415926

All codes

package main
import "fmt"
var (
	author = "lady_killer9"
	time = "now"
//Global: = 1 error: Global unexpected
var Global = 1
func sumDiffer(a int,b int) (int,int) {
	return a+b,a-b
func main() {
	// Declare a single variable, num = 0
	var num int
	// Declare multiple variables, num1 and num2 are 0
	var num1,num2 int
	fmt.Println("num1 num2:",num1,num2)

	// Common form
	var num3 int8 = 1
	//Type derivation
	var num4 = 2
	// Omit var
	f1 := 5.0
	fmt.Printf("num3:%v,num4 Type of:%T,num4:%v,f1 Type of:%T,f1:%v\n",num3,num4,num4,f1,f1)

	//-----------Variable use-----------
	num1 = 1
	num2 = 2
	num1,num2 = num2,num1
	fmt.Println("num1 num2:",num1,num2)

	//------------Anonymous variable----------
	all,_ := sumDiffer(num1,num2)

	fmt.Println("author time:",author,time)
	//fmt.Println(a,b) a,b are local variables in sumdifference function and cannot be accessed

	const Pi = 3.1415926


Running screenshot

reference resources

Go declaration syntax

Go Guide

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