Great, Python can also operate the Registry [black hat entry must see]

Posted by hairytea on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 04:23:05 +0100


Hello, I'm sailing.

We may not be very familiar with the registry, because we usually use less; However, it is the core of Windows. Many software startup and logging are included in it. It can be said that it is a large database. Today, let's take a look at how Python operates the registry.


1, Registration form first meeting

There are many ways to enter the system registry. The most common way is to run the window and enter the command "regedit" to enter the registry:

Several menus in the registry correspond to the user information and local machine information logged in from the root directory of the machine, as well as user information and local configuration information.


2, Recognize the modules that operate the registry

There is such a magical module in Python, which can be used to operate the registry. It is -- "winreg", a module of Python's own to operate the registry.


3, Import

import winreg

1. Constant

”Winreg "always has many useful methods. Basically, it is to operate the keys in the registry. Let's pick some important ones. First, let's understand the constants in" winreg ":

1).HKEY_ constant

winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     #Store application and shell information
winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER     #Information customized by the current user
winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE    #All information of computer system
winreg.HKEY_USERS            #All user information
winreg.HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA #performance data 
winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG   #Hardware profile of the local computer system
winreg.HKEY_DYN_DATA         #The version after Windows 98 cannot be used

2). Access rights

winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS           #All permissions
winreg.KEY_WRITE                #Writable
winreg.KEY_READ                 #readable
winreg.KEY_EXECUTE              #Executable equivalent to KEY_READ
winreg.KEY_QUERY_VALUE          #Query registry key
winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE            #Create, delete, or set a set of registry values
winreg.KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY       #Create a registry key for a registry subkey
winreg.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS   #Enumerate registry keys required for registry subkeys
winreg.KEY_NOTIFY               #Tips for modifying registry keys
winreg.KEY_CREATE_LINK          #Create a link and reserve it for the system

3) . 64 bit application

winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY  #The 64 bit Windows application should run in the 64 bit registry view
winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY  #The 64 bit Windows application should run in the 32-bit registry view

4). Value class

winreg.REG_BINARY                  #Binary data in any form
winreg.REG_DWORD                   #Number of 32 bits
winreg.REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN     #32-bit numbers in low priority format, equivalent to REG_DWORD
winreg.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN        #32-bit numbers in high priority format
winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ               #null terminated strings contain references to environment variables (%)
winreg.REG_LINK                    #Unicode symbolic link
winreg.REG_MULTI_SZ                #A null terminated sequence of strings that ends with two null characters
winreg.REG_NONE                    #No value type defined
winreg.REG_QWORD                   #Number of 64 bits
winreg.REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN         #Give priority to a 64 bit digital format in the low order, which is equivalent to REG_QWORD
winreg.REG_RESOURCE_LIST               #Device drive resource list
winreg.REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR    #hardware setup
winreg.REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST  #Hardware resource list
winreg.REG_SZ                          #A null terminated string


4, Registry related operations

1. Connect to the remote computer registry

reg=winreg.ConnectRegistry('\\Computer name',winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)#The return value is the handle of the key being opened
#The first parameter refers to the remote computer name, and the second parameter refers to the key in the registry, such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, which is a constant in winreg.

However, we should note here that if the remote registry does not have system administrator privileges, it cannot access the registry normally. So we must first judge its access rights. Here we will use the method of judging whether the user is an administrator user in the "ctypes" module.

import ctypes
import sys
def admin():
    return aa

if admin()==1: #Have administrator privileges to open the remote registry
    winreg.ConnectRegistry('\\Computer name',winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
    if sys.version_info[0]==3: #python version is more than 3
        ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable, __file__, None, 1)
    else: #python2 version
        ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, u"runas", unicode(sys.executable), unicode(__file__), None, 1)

2. Close the connection registry

After connecting, we don't want to use it, so we have to close it. It's also very simple. As long as we get the handle to open the registry, we can close it.


You can see that the value of the handle is different.

In fact, there is another method, which is to use the method of registering processing objects to close.


Registered objects also support context and separate processing object cycles:

reg.detach() #Returns an integer that records the life cycle of the current object. If the registration handle object is closed, it is 0

3. Open the registry key

#Open the specified key and return a processing object
winreg.OpenKey(key, sub_key, reserved=0, access=winreg.KEY_READ)
winreg.OpenKeyEx(key, sub_key, reserved=0, access=winreg.KEY_READ)
#key:HKEY_  constant
#sub_key: Specifies the subkey of the key
#Reserved: a reserved certificate, which must be zero. The default value is zero
#Access: access rights

4. Create a new registry key

#key:HKEY_  constant
#sub_key: Specifies the subkey of the key
#Reserved: a reserved certificate, which must be zero. The default value is zero
#Access: access rights

5. Delete the key specified in the registry

winreg.DeleteKey( key,sub_key) #Keys with children cannot be deleted
winreg.DeleteKeyEx(key,sub_key,reserved=0,access=winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY)#Keys with children cannot be deleted
winreg.DeleteValue(key, value)#Deletes a named value entry from a registration key
#The usage is the same as above, but the result is deletion

You can see that "cnm" has been deleted. If the key does not exist, the deletion will report an error.

6. Enumerate registry keys

winreg.EnumKey(key,index) #Enumerates the subkeys of open registry keys and returns a string
winreg.EnumValue(key,index)#Enumerates the open registry keys and returns a tuple
#Index: an integer that identifies the index of the obtained key

7. Refresh registry key

winreg.FlushKey(key)  #Synchronize all properties of a key to write to the registry

8. Read the registry

#file_name: file name of reading registry data

9. Find registry key

winreg.QueryInfoKey(key) #Returns information about the key of a 3-element tuple
winreg.QueryValue(key,sub_key) #Use a string to retrieve the value of a key
winreg.QueryValueEx(key,value_name) #Retrieves the data type and name of the specified value associated with an open registry key

10. Save registry key

winreg.SaveKey(key, file_name) #Saves the specified key and registry subkeys of all specified files

11. Enable or disable the registry

winreg.DisableReflectionKey(key) #Disable
winreg.EnableReflectionKey(key)  #Enable

12. Is the reflection status disabled

winreg.QueryReflectionKey(key) #If the result is True, it means disabled

13. Associate values on specified keys

winreg.SetValue(key, sub_key, type, value) #Add keys and values
winreg.SetValueEx(key,value_name,reserved,type,value)#Store data in an open registry key field
#value_name: the registry subkey of the string name
#Type: value type
#Value: the key value of the subkey

You can see the difference between them, and the value type of the former can only be specified as "winreg.REG_SZ", while the latter can be of any type.

14. Find the location of the application and open it

Previously, we introduced almost all the methods of "winreg". Now let's do an application training. Take our 360 security guard as an example. We try to find its location through the registry and then open it. Then Xiaobian began to perform:

1). Locate the registry key of 360 security guard:

1)). Open the system registry editor and search for keywords:

2)). Navigate to registry path

2). Open registry key

The handle "reg" of the processing object is obtained by finding the sub key and then searching it

reg=winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,r"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\360 Security guard")

3). Find the absolute path of the application and print it

Find numeric data by numeric name,


In this way, the absolute path of the application is found. The return value is an ancestor. We use the index to access:


We can see that we have successfully printed out the absolute path of the application we are looking for, and then we can happily open it. There are many ways to open, such as "os", "subprocess", "ctypes","pywin32", a lot of methods, but Xiaobian still thinks "os" is the most convenient.


Finally, don't forget to close the object processing handle. ​​​​​​​

#Both methods can be turned off


4, Summary

Using "winreg" can complete many operations. You can also set the system startup key and other operations through the registry. If you want to develop into hackers.


This is the end of the article. Thank you for watching

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Topics: Python Linux Database