grep (global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line) is a powerful text search tool. It can use regular expressions to search text and print out matching lines. Specific characters used for filtering / searching. Regular expressions can be used. They can be used with a variety of commands and are very flexible.
Command format
grep [options] [pattern] [file ...]
Command function
Specific characters for filtering / searching
- -a --text # do not ignore binary data.
- -A < number of display lines > -- after context = < number of display lines > # in addition to the line that conforms to the template style, it also displays the content after the line.
- -B -- byte offset # in addition to the line that conforms to the template style, and displays the content before the line.
- -B < number of lines to display > -- before context = < number of lines to display > # in addition to the line matching the style, the content before the line is displayed.
- -c --count # calculates the number of columns that conform to the template style.
- -C < display rows > -- context = < display rows > or - < display rows > # in addition to the column that conforms to the template style, the contents before and after the column are displayed.
- -D < action > -- directories = < action > # this parameter must be used when you specify that you want to find a directory rather than a file, otherwise the grep command will report information and stop the action.
- -E < template style > -- regexp = < template style > # specifies the string as the template style to find the contents of the file.
- -E -- extended regexp # uses the template style as an extended common representation, which means that extended regular expressions can be used.
- -F < template file > -- file = < rule file > # specifies a template file whose content has one or more template styles. Let grep find the file content that meets the template conditions. The format is the template style of each column.
- -F -- Fixed regexp # treats the template style as a list of fixed strings.
- -G -- Basic regexp # treats the template style as a common notation.
- -H -- no filename # before the column conforming to the template style is displayed, the file name to which the column belongs is not marked.
- -H -- with filename # indicates the file name of the column before displaying the column that conforms to the template style.
- -I -- ignore case # ignores the case difference of characters.
- -L -- file with matches # lists the file names whose contents conform to the specified template style.
- -L -- files without match # lists the names of files whose contents do not conform to the specified template style.
- -N -- line number # indicates the number of the column before displaying the column that conforms to the template style.
- -P -- Perl regexp # pattern is a Perl regular expression
- -q --quiet or -- silent # does not display any information.
- -R / - R -- recursive # this parameter has the same effect as specifying the "- d recurse" parameter.
- -S -- no messages # does not display error messages.
- -V -- reverse match # reverse lookup.
- -V --version # displays version information.
- -W -- word regexp # only displays columns that match the whole word.
- -X -- line regexp # only displays the columns that match all the columns.
- -y # this parameter has the same effect as "- i".
- -o # only the matched part of the file is output.
- -M < num > -- Max count = < num > # stop searching after finding the result of num row, which is used to limit the number of matching rows
- ^# anchor the beginning of the line, such as' ^ grep 'matches all lines beginning with grep.
- $# anchor the end of the line, such as: 'grep $' matches all lines ending in grep.
- . # matches a non newline character, such as: 'gr.p' matches GR followed by an arbitrary character, followed by P.
- *# matches zero or more previous characters, such as' * grep 'matches all one or more spaces followed by the line of grep.
- . * # together represents any character.
- [] # matches characters within a specified range, such as' [Gg]rep 'matches grep and grep.
- [^] # matches a character that is not within the specified range, such as: ' 1 rep 'matches a line that does not start with a letter that contains A-R and T-Z, followed by rep.
- \(.. \) # mark matching characters, such as' (love) ', love is marked as 1.
- \< # anchor the beginning of a word, e.g. '\ < grep' matches a line containing a word beginning with grep.
- \># anchor the end of the word, such as' grep \ > 'to match the line containing the word ending in grep.
- x\{m \} # repeat the character x, m times, for example: '0 {5}' matches the line containing 5 o's.
- x\{m, \} # repeat the character x at least m times. For example, 'o{5,}' matches a line with at least 5 o's.
- x\{m,n \} # repeat the character x at least m times and no more than n times. For example, 'o{5,10}' matches 5-10 o lines.
- \W # matches literal and numeric characters, i.e. [A-Za-z0-9], e.G. 'G\w*p' matches G followed by zero or more literal or numeric characters, followed by P.
- \W # \ the inverse form of W, which matches one or more non word characters, such as period, etc.
- \b # word lock, such as' \ bgrep\b 'only matches grep.
POSIX character
In order to keep consistent character coding in different countries, POSIX(The Portable Operating System Interface) adds special character classes. For example, [: alnum:] is another way of writing [A-Za-z0-9]. They need to be placed in the [] sign to become regular expressions, such as [A- Za-z0-9] or [[: alnum:]]. grep under linux supports POSIX character classes except fgrep.
- [: alnum:] # alphanumeric characters
- [: alpha:] # literal character
- [: digit:] # numeric character
- [: graph:] # non empty characters (non spaces, control characters)
- [: lower:] # lowercase characters
- [: cntrl:] # control character
- [: print:] # non empty characters (including spaces)
- [: punch:] # punct uation
- [: Space:] # all white space characters (new lines, spaces, tabs)
- [: upper:] # uppercase characters
- [: xdigit:] # hex digit (0-9, A-F, A-F)
Find the specified process
> ps -ef | grep java root 16934 1 0 Feb25 ? 00:12:23 java -jar demo.jar root 6891 2151 0 21:42 pts/2 00:00:00 grep --color=auto java
The first record is the process found; The second result is that the grep process itself is not the process you are really looking for.
Number of lookup processes
> ps -ef | grep -c java 10 > ps -ef | grep java -c 10
Find keywords in files
> cat rumenz.txt rumenz.txt one tow qaz redis linux123 linuxxxx rumenz 123 789 > grep "linux" rumenz.txt linux123 linuxxxx // -n display line number > grep -n "linux" rumenz.txt 6:linux123 7:linuxxxx
Read keywords from files to search
// Text to find > cat rumenz.txt rumenz.txt one tow qaz redis linux123 linuxxxx rumenz 123 789 // Multiple keywords to find > cat k.txt linux redis > cat rumenz.txt | grep -f k.txt redis linux123 linuxxxx //set number > cat rumenz.txt | grep -nf k.txt 5:redis 6:linux123 7:linuxxxx
Output rumenz Txt file contains the content line of the keyword read from the k.txt file, and -n displays the line number
Find keywords from multiple files
> grep "linux" rumenz.txt rumenz123.txt rumenz.txt:linux123 rumenz.txt:linuxxxx rumenz123.txt:linux123 rumenz123.txt:linuxxxx rumenz123.txt:linux100
In case of multiple files, when outputting the queried information content line, the file name will be output at the front of the line and added with ":" as the identifier
Find keywords from multiple files and use wildcards
// Find all files starting with rumenz in the current directory > grep "linux" rumenz* rumenz123.txt:linux123 rumenz123.txt:linuxxxx rumenz123.txt:linux100 rumenz.txt:linux123 rumenz.txt:linuxxxx // Find all in the current directory txt file > grep "linux" *.txt k.txt:linux rumenz123.txt:linux123 rumenz123.txt:linuxxxx rumenz123.txt:linux100 rumenz.txt:linux123 rumenz.txt:linuxxxx
grep does not display its own processes
> ps -ef | grep redis | grep -v grep root 14383 1 0 Jan08 ? 01:16:03 /opt/redis-5.0.8/src/redis-server *:6379 polkitd 31977 31941 0 Jan11 ? 01:14:22 redis-server *:6379
grep -v grep does not display the grep process itself
Find the contents of the line beginning with r
> cat rumenz.txt | grep ^r rumenz.txt redis rumenz
Find the contents of lines that do not begin with r
> cat rumenz.txt | grep ^[^r] one tow qaz linux123 linuxxxx 123 789
Output lines ending in 3
> cat rumenz.txt | grep 3$ linux123 123
Displays a content line containing li or 23 characters
> at rumenz.txt | grep -E "li|23" linux123 linuxxxx 123
Find files in the specified format
Display the current directory with All lines in the file ending in txt that contain strings with at least 3 consecutive lowercase characters for each string
> grep "[a-z]\{3\}" *.txt k.txt:linux k.txt:redis rumenz123.txt:rumenz.txt rumenz123.txt:one rumenz123.txt:tow rumenz123.txt:qaz rumenz123.txt:redis rumenz123.txt:linux123 rumenz123.txt:linuxxxx rumenz123.txt:rumenz rumenz123.txt:linux100 rumenz.txt:rumenz.txt rumenz.txt:one rumenz.txt:tow rumenz.txt:qaz rumenz.txt:redis rumenz.txt:linux123 rumenz.txt:linuxxxx rumenz.txt:rumenz
Find eligible files recursively
> grep -rl "rumenz" /root/test/ /root/test/src/sbin/patch.log /root/test/src/doc/rumenz.txt /root/test/src/doc/rumenz123.txt /root/test/src/InfiniteLoop.class /root/test/src/
Find rumenz Txt contains the first two lines of linux lines
> grep -B 2 "linux" rumenz.txt qaz redis linux123 linuxxxx
Find rumenz Txt contains the last two lines of linux lines
> grep -A 2 "linux" rumenz.txt linux123 linuxxxx rumenz 123
Find rumenz Txt contains two lines before and after the linux line
> grep -C 2 "linux" rumenz.txt qaz redis linux123 linuxxxx rumenz 123
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