How do I add latency to a JavaScript loop?

Posted by MBK on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 15:52:12 +0100

I want to add a delay / sleep in the while loop:

I've tried this:


for(var start = 1; start < 10; start++) {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 3000);

Only the first scenario is real: after display, alert('hi ') will wait for 3 seconds, then alert('hello') will be displayed, but then alert('hello ') will be repeated.

What I want is that after the alert('hi ') is displayed for 3 seconds, it needs to wait for 3 seconds for the alert('hello') to appear for the second time, and so on.

#1 building

I might use setinterval. Like this,

var period = 1000; // ms
var endTime = 10000;  // ms
var counter = 0;
var sleepyAlert = setInterval(function(){
    if(counter === endTime){
    counter += period;
}, period);

#2 building

  Use Recursive  and setTimeout 
  call below function will run loop loopFunctionNeedCheck until 
  conditionCheckAfterRunFn = true, if conditionCheckAfterRunFn == false : delay 
  reRunAfterMs miliseconds and continue loop
  tested code, thanks

function functionRepeatUntilConditionTrue(reRunAfterMs, conditionCheckAfterRunFn,
 loopFunctionNeedCheck) {
    var result = conditionCheckAfterRunFn();
    //check after run
    if (!result) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            functionRepeatUntilConditionTrue(reRunAfterMs, conditionCheckAfterRunFn, loopFunctionNeedCheck)
        }, reRunAfterMs);
    else  console.log("completed, thanks");    
            //if you need call a function after completed add code call callback in here

// From Prototype.js 
if (!Function.prototype.bind) { // check if native implementation available
    Function.prototype.bind = function () {
        var fn = this, args =,
            object = args.shift();
        return function () {
            return fn.apply(object,

//test code: 
var result = 0; 
console.log("---> init result is " + result);
var functionNeedRun = function (step) {           
       console.log("current result is " + result);  
var checkResultFunction = function () {
    return result==100;

//call this function will run loop functionNeedRun and delay 500 miliseconds until result=100    
functionRepeatUntilConditionTrue(500, checkResultFunction , functionNeedRun.bind(null, 5));

//result log from console:
---> init result is 0
current result is 5
current result is 10
current result is 15
current result is 20
current result is 25
current result is 30
current result is 35
current result is 40
current result is 45
current result is 50
current result is 55
current result is 60
current result is 65
current result is 70
current result is 75
current result is 80
current result is 85
current result is 90
current result is 95
current result is 100
completed, thanks

#3 building

I do this using Promise.delay and recursion from Bluebird.

function myLoop(i) { return Promise.delay(1000) .then(function() { if (i > 0) { alert('hello'); return myLoop(i -= 1); } }); } myLoop(3);
<script src="//"></script>

#4 building

This is my function for traversing arrays:

function loopOnArrayWithDelay(theArray, delayAmount, i, theFunction, onComplete){

    if (i < theArray.length && typeof delayAmount == 'number'){

        console.log("i "+i);

        theFunction(theArray[i], i);


            loopOnArrayWithDelay(theArray, delayAmount, (i+1), theFunction, onComplete)}, delayAmount);


You can use it like this:

loopOnArrayWithDelay(YourArray, 1000, 0, function(e, i){
    //Do something with item
}, function(i){
    //Do something once loop has completed

#5 building

In ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), you can use the generator And interval to delay iteration.

Generator is a new feature of ECMAScript 6 that can be paused and resumed. Calling genFunc does not execute it. Instead, it returns a so-called generator object that allows us to control the execution of genFunc. genFunc () initially pauses at the beginning of its body. Method continues to execute genFunc until the next yield. (explore ES6)

Code example:

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 'b']; let genObj = genFunc(); let val =; console.log(val.value); let interval = setInterval(() => { val =; if (val.done) { clearInterval(interval); } else { console.log(val.value); } }, 1000); function* genFunc() { for(let item of arr) { yield item; } }

So if you're using ES6, that's the most elegant way to implement delay loops (I think).

Topics: ECMAScript