How to obtain wechat user openid

Posted by veronicabend on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 16:28:39 +0100

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1. Foreword

With the development of technology, a series of wechat services have penetrated into our life, but how should we develop wechat. I believe many of my friends are eager to know. This article is to solve some of your doubts. First, if we want to carry out relevant development, we need to obtain the openid of wechat first. So how do we get Yingai? Here I will introduce two ways.

2. Manual mode

Official documents

2.1. SET domain name

(1). Register the corresponding official account and find the location below.

(2). In natapp Buy your own domain name for wechat development on cn

Company Registered Address

Ha ha, the domain name on this website is not particularly expensive. If I buy a domain name on this website for one month, it will be only 12 yuan. Moreover, the changed type belongs to the secondary domain name, which has been documented, so there is no need to file.

(3). Download the corresponding client to start

  1. Commands started on windows
natapp -authtoken Yours authtoken
  1. After startup

It can be seen that my domain name points to

(4). Fill in our domain name in the official account, JS interface, submit the security domain name.

Before submitting, we need to download the files in the red box in the figure above and place them in the static directory of the project. After the test access passes, we can submit them.

2.2. Get code

It can be described as twists and turns. I thought my project was going gg. But I'm too pediatrician myself. How could wechat not have thought of such a problem. The official account of WeChat public is authorized to obtain basic information function of users. Its functional service must only have a service number, but in fact, each user can get a test number without registration, which contains this special functional service.

  • (1). Log in to your test number

Wechat test number is free of registration. We can scan the code and log in directly.

  • (2). Write corresponding interface
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @author : Xiao Xiao
 * @date : Created in 2022/2/1 21:55
public class WeixinController {

    public void auth(@RequestParam("code") String code){"Entered auth method...");"code = {}",code);

  • (3). Web page authorization after logging in the test number

The authorized domain name is our website at natapp If the domain name purchased on CN is not authorized, it will report 10003 redirect_ The URI domain name is inconsistent with the background configuration error.

  • (4). Visit the url to test Appid & redirect of test number_ Uri = http: / / your domain name / sell / Weixin / auth & response_ type=code&scope=snsapi_ base&state=STATE#wechat_ redirect


The tested object must first pay attention to the corresponding test number and must be accessed at the wechat client.

  • (5). test result

Successfully obtained the user's code information.

2.3 exchange access_token

  • (1). controller written by
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

 * @author : Xiao Xiao
 * @date : Created in 2022/2/1 21:55
public class WeixinController {

    public void auth(@RequestParam("code") String code){"Entered auth method...");"code = {}",code);
        String url = "" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        String response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);

  • (2). Composition of visited URLs

parameterIs it necessaryexplain
appidyesThe only sign of official account number
secretyesappsecret of the official account
codeyesFill in the code parameters obtained in step 1
grant_typeyesFill in as authorization_code
  • (3). Results of access
  "access_token": "53_HK355v2MhOolNlGkaoUf4oDCkyX0WDollvsQNU5SvhsvmvF2S2VoqdPXuokfERI2oqFvQijVShq8aQzeQ9n01mGKSJn7q5rLAcYbTjm1H7k",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "53_C1us_G770mgzXjd-PuK329qB65lXiK483_qxUXjKudwWIdHkOz5ntwlByEgUQfMEy_-7tCCzcO4DoHaFbY0JurpZYD3Bys6DLs8ua8J_CjU",
  "openid": "Yours openid",
  "scope": "snsapi_base"

3. Using a third-party sdk

3.1. Introducing third-party dependency

        <!--WeChat official account development needs to be introduced.-->

3.2, the official account configuration of WeChat is written into yaml file and introduced into class.

  mpAppId: Your wechat test number appId
  mpAppSecret: Your wechat test number secret
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

 * @author : Xiao Xiao
 * @date : Created in 2022/2/2 10:31
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "wechat")
public class WechatAccountConfig {

     * The official account id
    private String mpAppId;

     * Official account key
    private String mpAppSecret;


3.3. Write configuration class initialization settings wxMpService configuration

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

 * @author : Xiao Xiao
 * @date : Created in 2022/2/2 10:24
public class WechatMpConfig {

    private WechatAccountConfig wechatAccountConfig;

    private WxMpInMemoryConfigStorage wxMpInMemoryConfigStorage;

    public WxMpService wxMpService(){
        WxMpService wxMpService = new WxMpServiceImpl();
        return wxMpService;

    public WxMpInMemoryConfigStorage wxMpConfigStorage(){
         * It should be noted here that the corresponding interface is not defined in the parent class
         * Therefore, all methods are in their implementation classes, so we need to construct implementation classes
        WxMpInMemoryConfigStorage wxMpConfigStorage = new WxMpInMemoryConfigStorage();
        return wxMpConfigStorage;

3.4. Write the corresponding controller

import com.xiao.enums.ResultEnum;
import com.xiao.exception.SellException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import me.chanjar.weixin.common.api.WxConsts;
import me.chanjar.weixin.common.error.WxErrorException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @author : Xiao Xiao
 * @date : Created in 2022/2/2 10:20
public class WechatController {

    private WxMpService wxMpService;

    public String authorize(@RequestParam("returnUrl") String returnUrl){
        String url = "";
        String redirectUrl = wxMpService.oauth2buildAuthorizationUrl(url, WxConsts.OAuth2Scope.SNSAPI_USERINFO,returnUrl);
        return "redirect:" +  redirectUrl;

    public String userInfo(@RequestParam("code") String code,
                         @RequestParam("state") String returnUrl) {
        WxMpOAuth2AccessToken wxMpOAuth2AccessToken = new WxMpOAuth2AccessToken();
            wxMpOAuth2AccessToken = wxMpService.oauth2getAccessToken(code);
        }catch (WxErrorException e){
            log.error("[Wechat webpage authorization error] exception = {}",e);
            throw new SellException(ResultEnum.WECHAT_MP_ERROR.getCode(),e.getError().getErrorMsg());
        String openId = wxMpOAuth2AccessToken.getOpenId();"openid = {}",openId);
        return "redirect:" + returnUrl + "?openid=" + openId;

3.5. debug test

  • First breakpoint

The url of the redirect is obviously the url of the code we obtained manually.

  • Second breakpoint

Successfully obtained code and openid.

Topics: Back-end Mini Program wechat