The loss function used in this paper is the loss function constructed by KL discretization, without formula derivation; The code part is a user-defined function, not sklearn.
The loss function constructed by discrete logistic regression KL is:
Where m is the number of samples; p_1 indicates the probability that the label is 1; y^{(i)} represents the true value of the i-th sample; x^{(i)} represents the ith sample data (including multiple features, i.e. one line of data; the last value is 1).
The derivation (gradient expression) of the loss function is:
Formula derivation idea:
- BCE can be disassembled into pairs
Derivative w and b respectively;
- Bring the above results into
Logistic regression custom function:
def logit_gd(X,w,y): """ Returns the result of a logistic regression gradient descent """ m=X.shape[0] return (
How to use custom logistic regression function as prediction model? (case: label classification)
1. Create a custom dataset
2. Use the logistic regression prediction label to draw the learning curve for model evaluation
1. Create a user-defined dataset. Use the user-defined function here to create a user-defined dataset .
def arrayGenCla(num_examples=1000,num_inputs=2,num_class=3,deg_dispersion=[4,2],bias=False): mean_=deg_dispersion[0] # Set data mean std_=deg_dispersion[1] # Set data variance k=mean_*(num_class-1)/2 # Set the penalty factor to adjust the data to be distributed around the origin cluster_l=np.empty([num_examples,1]) lf=[] ll=[] for i in range(num_class): # Create data for each category data_temp=np.random.normal(i*mean_-k,std_,size=(num_examples,num_inputs)) lf.append(data_temp) labels_temp=np.full_like(cluster_l,i) ll.append(labels_temp) features=np.concatenate(lf) # Merge classified data labels=np.concatenate(ll) if bias== True: # If the set dataset is multivariate, add "1" to the last column of features features=np.concatenate((features,np.ones(labels.shape)),1) return features,labels
2. Use the logistic regression prediction label to draw the learning curve for model evaluation
First, create a dataset using a custom function. The dataset has two labels with less overlap.
np.random.seed(9) f,l=arrayGenCla(num_class=2,deg_dispersion=[6,2],bias=True) plt.scatter(f[:,0],f[:,1],c=l)
Then, the data set is segmented into training set and test set. The gradient descent is used to solve the parameter W, save the results after each w iteration, calculate the model performance in the training set and test set, and draw the learning curve.
Part of the code is a user-defined function, which is added behind the learning curve.
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test=array_split(f,l,random_state=9) X_train[:,:-1]=z_score(X_train[:,:-1]) X_test[:,:-1]=z_score(X_test[:,:-1]) np.random.seed(24) w=np.random.randn(f.shape[1],1) score_train=[] score_test=[] for i in range(num_epoch): w=sgd_cal(X_train,w,y_train ,logit_gd ,batch_size=batch_size ,epoch=1 ,lr=lr_init*lr_lambda(i)) score_train.append(logit_acc(X_train,w,y_train,thr=0.5)) score_test.append((logit_acc(X_test,w,y_test,thr=0.5))) plt.plot(range(num_epoch),score_train,label='score_train') plt.plot(range(num_epoch),score_test,label='score_test') plt.legend()
def logit_cla(yhat, thr=0.5): """ Return logistic regression category output function """ ycla = np.zeros_like(yhat) ycla[yhat >= thr] = 1 return ycla def logit_acc(X,w,y,thr=0.5): """ Return the evaluation index of logistic regression """ y_hat=sigmoid( y_cal=logit_cla(y_hat,thr=thr) return(y_cal==y).mean()
Conclusion: according to the learning curve, after about 25 iterations, the parameter W has been close to the optimal solution, and the model tends to be stable. The factors considered in the model setting are relatively simple, w which performs better in the test set, which is accidental.
If the data overlap more, how will this logistic regression model perform? Next, experiment again:
# Performance results of logistic regression on data sets with large degree of coincidence np.random.seed(9) f_1,l_1=arrayGenCla(num_class=2,deg_dispersion=[6,4],bias=True) plt.scatter(f_1[:,0],f_1[:,1],c=l)
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test=array_split(f_1,l_1,random_state=9) X_train[:,:-1]=z_score(X_train[:,:-1]) X_test[:,:-1]=z_score(X_test[:,:-1]) np.random.seed(24) w=np.random.randn(f.shape[1],1) score_train=[] score_test=[] for i in range(num_epoch): w=sgd_cal(X_train,w,y_train ,logit_gd ,batch_size=batch_size ,epoch=1 ,lr=lr_init*lr_lambda(i) ) score_train.append(logit_acc(X_train,w,y_train,thr=0.5)) score_test.append((logit_acc(X_test,w,y_test,thr=0.5))) plt.plot(range(num_epoch),score_train,label='score_train') plt.plot(range(num_epoch),score_test,label='score_test') plt.legend()
Conclusion: according to the learning curve, after 25 iterations, the model tends to be stable, and the accuracy decreases to about 0.85.