The company needs to use Face Recognition SDK in the project, and the requirements for information security are very high. After a detailed understanding of several mainstream Face Recognition SDK in the market, the comprehensive view of HongSoft's Arcface SDK is more in line with our needs. It provides a free version and can be used in offline environment, which is very in line with me. Requirements for safety. But there is a regrettable thing, our project mainly uses Python language, Hongsoft official does not provide Python version of SDK, so I use Python encapsulated Arcface C++ SDK, easy to use in the project, here will be the main process for you to discuss.
1. Environmental description
a. Note that Python in Win64 environment must use ArcFace C++(Win64) SDK. If the platform is inconsistent, the following errors may occur.
OSError: [WinError 193]% 1 is not a valid Win32 application
b. Since memory operations are involved in SDK, this paper uses the following methods provided by ctypes packages and cdll packages
c_ubyte_p = POINTER(c_ubyte) memcpy = cdll.msvcrt.memcpy malloc = cdll.msvcrt.malloc malloc.restype = c_void_p free =
2.Arcface SDK Basic Data Structure Encapsulation
When encapsulating data structures, it is important to pay attention to the parameter type, otherwise it may lead to program errors.
class MRECT(Structure): # Face frame _fields_ = [(u'left', c_int32), (u'top', c_int32), (u'right', c_int32), (u'bottom', c_int32)] class ASFVersion(Structure): # Copyright Description of Version Information Version Number Construction Date _fields_ = [ ('Version', c_char_p), ('BuildDate', c_char_p), ('CopyRight', c_char_p)] class ASFSingleFaceInfo(Structure): # Single Face Information Face Frame Face Angle _fields_ = [ ('faceRect', MRECT), ('faceOrient', c_int32)] class ASFMultiFaceInfo(Structure): # Multiple Face Information Face Frame Array Face Angle Array Face Number _fields_ = [ (u'faceRect', POINTER(MRECT)), (u'faceOrient', POINTER(c_int32)), (u'faceNum', c_int32)] class ASFFaceFeature(Structure): # Face Feature Face Feature Length _fields_ = [ ('feature', c_void_p), ('featureSize', c_int32)] class ASFFace3DAngle(Structure): # Face Angle Information _fields_ = [ ('roll', c_void_p), ('yaw', c_void_p), ('pitch', c_void_p), ('status', c_void_p), ('num', c_int32)] class ASFAgeInfo(Structure): # Age _fields_ = [ (u'ageArray', c_void_p), (u'num', c_int32)] class ASFGenderInfo(Structure): # Gender _fields_ = [ (u'genderArray', c_void_p), (u'num', c_int32)] class ASFLivenessThreshold(Structure): # In vivo threshold _fields_ = [ (u'thresholdmodel_BGR', c_float), (u'thresholdmodel_IR', c_int32)] class ASFLivenessInfo(Structure): # Living information _fields_ = [ (u'isLive', c_void_p), (u'num', c_int32)]
3.Arcface SDK Interface Packaging
a. The dll library needs to be loaded before the interface is encapsulated, and the dll provided by Arcface SDK needs to be loaded.
b. The picture format in this paper uses ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8.
c. Each interface needs to define return values and parameter types, some of which depend on the basic data structure described earlier.
from arcsoft_face_struct import * from ctypes import * from enum import Enum face_dll = CDLL("libarcsoft_face.dll") face_engine_dll = CDLL("libarcsoft_face_engine.dll") ASF_DETECT_MODE_VIDEO = 0x00000000 ASF_DETECT_MODE_IMAGE = 0xFFFFFFFF ASF_NONE = 0x00000000 ASF_FACE_DETECT = 0x00000001 ASF_FACE_RECOGNITION = 0x00000004 ASF_AGE = 0x00000008 ASF_GENDER = 0x00000010 ASF_FACE3DANGLE = 0x00000020 ASF_LIVENESS = 0x00000080 ASF_IR_LIVENESS = 0x00000400 ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8 = 0x201 class ArcSoftFaceOrientPriority(Enum): ASF_OP_0_ONLY = 0x1, ASF_OP_90_ONLY = 0x2, ASF_OP_270_ONLY = 0x3, ASF_OP_180_ONLY = 0x4, ASF_OP_0_HIGHER_EXT = 0x5, activate = face_engine_dll.ASFActivation activate.restype = c_int32 activate.argtypes = (c_char_p, c_char_p) init_engine = face_engine_dll.ASFInitEngine init_engine.restype = c_int32 init_engine.argtypes = (c_long, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_void_p)) detect_face = face_engine_dll.ASFDetectFaces detect_face.restype = c_int32 detect_face.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(ASFMultiFaceInfo)) extract_feature = face_engine_dll.ASFFaceFeatureExtract extract_feature.restype = c_int32 extract_feature.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(ASFSingleFaceInfo), POINTER(ASFFaceFeature)) compare_feature = face_engine_dll.ASFFaceFeatureCompare compare_feature.restype = c_int32 compare_feature.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFFaceFeature), POINTER(ASFFaceFeature), POINTER(c_float)) set_liveness_param = face_engine_dll.ASFSetLivenessParam set_liveness_param.restype = c_int32 set_liveness_param.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFLivenessThreshold)) process = face_engine_dll.ASFProcess process.restype = c_int32 process.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(ASFMultiFaceInfo), c_int32) get_age = face_engine_dll.ASFGetAge get_age.restype = c_int32 get_age.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFAgeInfo)) get_gender = face_engine_dll.ASFGetGender get_gender.restype = c_int32 get_gender.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFGenderInfo)) get_3d_angle = face_engine_dll.ASFGetFace3DAngle get_3d_angle.restype = c_int32 get_3d_angle.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFFace3DAngle)) get_liveness_info = face_engine_dll.ASFGetLivenessScore get_liveness_info.restype = c_int32 get_liveness_info.argtypes = (c_void_p, POINTER(ASFLivenessInfo))
4. Encapsulation interface call
Next, follow the flow chart below to introduce the interface call (which is automatically generated using Microsoft Visio 2016).
The following picture is the result of processing according to this process. Because the picture is limited, it only shows age, sex and living information.
a. activation
Note that app_id and sdk_key require byte types.
app_id = b"" sdk_key = b"" ret = arcsoft_face_func.activate(app_id, sdk_key) # activation if ret == 0 or ret == 90114: print("Successful activation") else: print("Activation failed:", ret)
b. initialization
Initialization needs to pass in all the required functional parameters at one time. This paper uses the functions of face detection, feature extraction and so on.
mask = arcsoft_face_func.ASF_FACE_DETECT | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_FACE_RECOGNITION | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_AGE | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_GENDER | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_FACE3DANGLE |\ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_LIVENESS engine = c_void_p() ret = arcsoft_face_func.init_engine(arcsoft_face_func.ASF_DETECT_MODE_IMAGE, arcsoft_face_func.ArcSoftFaceOrientPriority.ASF_OP_0_ONLY.value[0], 30, 10, mask, byref(engine)) if ret == 0: print("Successful initialization") else: print("initialization failed:", ret)
c. Face Detection
This paper uses opencv to read pictures, which is more compatible, and the user-defined data structure to record picture information. Note that ArcFace C++ SDK requires that the width of the incoming image be four times as wide as that of the original image.
class Image: def __init__(self): self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.imageData = None def load_image(file_path): img = cv2.imread(file_path) sp = img.shape img = cv2.resize(img, (sp[1]//4*4, sp[0] # four-byte alignment image = Image() image.width = img.shape[1] image.height = img.shape[0] image.imageData = img return image ###################### Face detection ################################## image1 = load_image(r"1.jpg") image_bytes = bytes(image1.imageData) image_ubytes = cast(image_bytes, c_ubyte_p) detect_faces = ASFMultiFaceInfo() ret = arcsoft_face_func.detect_face( engine, image1.width, image1.height, arcsoft_face_func.ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8, image_ubytes, byref(detect_faces) ) if ret == 0: print("Successful Face Detection") else: print("Face Detection Failure:", ret)
d. Feature extraction
Feature extraction only supports single face, so face processing is done, and the extracted face features need to be copied in time, otherwise they will be covered.
single_face1 = ASFSingleFaceInfo() single_face1.faceRect = detect_faces.faceRect[0] single_face1.faceOrient = detect_faces.faceOrient[0] face_feature = ASFFaceFeature() ret = arcsoft_face_func.extract_feature( engine, image1.width, image1.height, arcsoft_face_func.ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8, image_ubytes, single_face1, byref(face_feature) ) if ret == 0: print("Successful feature extraction") else: print("Failure to extract feature 1:", ret) feature1 = ASFFaceFeature() feature1.featureSize = face_feature.featureSize feature1.feature = malloc(feature1.featureSize) memcpy(c_void_p(feature1.feature), c_void_p(face_feature.feature), feature1.featureSize)
e. Characteristic comparison
According to the aforementioned extraction of a face feature, the following facial feature comparison operation can be carried out.
compare_threshold = c_float() ret = arcsoft_face_func.compare_feature( engine, feature1, feature2, compare_threshold ) free(c_void_p(feature1.feature)) free(c_void_p(feature2.feature)) if ret == 0: print("Successful feature matching and similarity:", compare_threshold.value) else: print("Failure of feature alignment:", ret)
f. Age, gender, 3D Angle
Processing interface currently provides age, gender, 3D Angle, biopsy detection, but age, gender, 3D Angle supports multiple faces, while living body only supports single face, so the following are dealt with separately.
process_mask = arcsoft_face_func.ASF_AGE | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_GENDER | \ arcsoft_face_func.ASF_FACE3DANGLE ret = arcsoft_face_func.process( engine, image1.width, image1.height, arcsoft_face_func.ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8, image_ubytes, byref(detect_faces), c_int32(process_mask) ) if ret == 0: print("process Success") else: print("process fail:", ret) ######################## Age ################################ age_info = ASFAgeInfo() ret = arcsoft_face_func.get_age(engine, byref(age_info)) if ret == 0: print("get_age Success") age_ptr = cast(age_info.ageArray, POINTER(c_int)) for i in range(age_info.num): print("face", i, "age:", age_ptr[i]) else: print("get_age fail:", ret) ####################### Gender ################################# gender_info = ASFGenderInfo() ret = arcsoft_face_func.get_gender(engine, byref(gender_info)) if ret == 0: print("get_gender Success") gender_ptr = cast(gender_info.genderArray, POINTER(c_int)) for i in range(gender_info.num): print("face", i, "gender:", "Female sex" if (gender_ptr[i] == 1) else ( "Male" if (gender_ptr[i] == 0) else "Unknown" )) else: print("get_gender fail:", ret) ####################### 3D Angle ################################# angle_info = ASFFace3DAngle() ret = arcsoft_face_func.get_3d_angle(engine, byref(angle_info)) if ret == 0: print("get_3d_angle Success") roll_ptr = cast(angle_info.roll, POINTER(c_float)) yaw_ptr = cast(angle_info.yaw, POINTER(c_float)) pitch_ptr = cast(angle_info.pitch, POINTER(c_float)) status_ptr = cast(angle_info.status, POINTER(c_int32)) for i in range(angle_info.num): print("face", i, "roll:", roll_ptr[i], "yaw:", yaw_ptr[i], "pitch:", pitch_ptr[i], "status:", "normal" if status_ptr[i] == 0 else "error") else: print("get_3d_angle fail:", ret)
g.RGB living body
Before biopsy, it is suggested that the threshold of RGB in vivo should be set according to the actual scene without setting the default threshold. The threshold of RGB in vivo is 0.75. The parameters of the detected multi-faces are transferred to single face and transmitted to the interface.
######################### Living threshold setting ############################### threshold_param = ASFLivenessThreshold() threshold_param.thresholdmodel_BGR = 0.75 ret = arcsoft_face_func.set_liveness_param(engine,threshold_param) if ret == 0: print("set_liveness_param Success") else: print("set_liveness_param fail:", ret) temp_face_info = ASFMultiFaceInfo() temp_face_info.faceNum = 1 LP_MRECT = POINTER(MRECT) temp_face_info.faceRect = LP_MRECT(MRECT(malloc(sizeof(MRECT)))) LP_c_long = POINTER(c_long) temp_face_info.faceOrient = LP_c_long(c_long(malloc(sizeof(c_long)))) for i in range(detect_faces.faceNum): temp_face_info.faceRect[0] = detect_faces.faceRect[i] temp_face_info.faceOrient[0] = detect_faces.faceOrient[i] ret = arcsoft_face_func.process( engine, image1.width, image1.height, arcsoft_face_func.ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8, image_ubytes, byref(temp_face_info), c_int32(arcsoft_face_func.ASF_LIVENESS) ) if ret == 0: print("process Success") else: print("process fail:", ret) ## RGB biopsy ret = arcsoft_face_func.process( engine, image1.width, image1.height, arcsoft_face_func.ASVL_PAF_RGB24_B8G8R8, image_ubytes, byref(temp_face_info), c_int32(arcsoft_face_func.ASF_LIVENESS) ) if ret == 0: print("process Success") else: print("process fail:", ret) liveness_info = ASFLivenessInfo() ret = arcsoft_face_func.get_liveness_info(engine, byref(liveness_info)) if ret == 0: print("get_liveness_info Success") liveness_ptr = cast(liveness_info.isLive, POINTER(c_int)) print("face", i, "liveness:", "Non real person" if (liveness_ptr[0] == 0) else ( "Real person" if (liveness_ptr[0] == 1) else ( "Uncertain" if (liveness_ptr[0] == -1) else ( "Input Face Number>1" if (liveness_ptr[0] == -2) else (liveness_ptr[0]) ) ) )) else: print("get_liveness_info fail:", ret)