HTML common tags

Posted by brewfan9 on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 14:25:10 +0100


1. Title label: < h1-h6 > reduce the size in turn, and the label will automatically bold and wrap (block level elements)

< bady > code is as follows:

		Common labels
		<h1>h1 title</h1>
		<h2>h2 title</h2>
		<h3>h3 title</h3>
		<h4>h4 title</h4>
		<h5>h5 title</h5>
		<h6>h6 title</h6>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

2. Paragraph label: < p > will wrap automatically, block level elements

< bady > code is as follows:

		Paragraph label
		<p>This is a paragraph</p>
		<p>This is a paragraph</p>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

3. Line feed label < br > or < br / >

< bady > code is as follows:

		Wrap label
		hello world
		<br />
		hello<br />world
		<br />

The operation results are shown in the figure:

4 horizontal line labels < HR >, < HR > attributes: color, size, width, align, etc

< bady > code is as follows:

		Horizontal line label
		<hr />
		<hr color="aqua" size="4" width="50%" align="center">

The operation results are shown in the figure:

5 list

Ordered list: < ol > < li > < / L > < / OL >

< bady > code is as follows:

<ol type="A">
			<li>Joker Xue</li>
			<li>Mao Bu Yi</li>
			<li>Lin Junjie</li>

Unordered list: < UL > < li > < / Li > < / UL >

< bady > code is as follows:

<ul type="disc">
			<li>Joker Xue</li>
			<li>Mao Bu Yi</li>
			<li>Lin Junjie</li>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

 6.div tag < div >: equivalent to a tag block. You can set the size, width, height and align of the block

< bady > code is as follows:

		List: ordered list, unordered list
		<div style="width: auto;height: auto",align="center"> hello world</div>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

7 span tag < span >: no line breaks, how much can it take

< bady > code is as follows:

		span label
		<span>hello world</span>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

8 formatting labels

font label
face (font)
pre tag
Keep original format

b bold

i tilt

u underline

del underline

sup superscript

sub subscript

< bady > code is as follows:

		Format label
		<font color="aquamarine" size="4" face="Song style">Hello world</font>
		<pre>hello         world</pre>

The operation results are shown in the figure:

9 a label

Hyperlink tag: used to connect to a new URL

Common attributes:

herf: address to jump to (required attribute)

target: window jump mode

-- self (current window)

-- blank

As anchor:

A tag name attribute value: < a name = "top" ></a>

Other ID attribute values: < div id = "top" > < / div >

Use of anchor points: < a herf = "top" ></a>

< bady > code is as follows:

		a label
		<a href="">CSDN</a>

The operation results are shown in the figure:


10 picture tag: img tag, which embeds an icon into the web page

Common attribute: src: address of the picture to be imported (mandatory attribute)

alt: display the text content when the picture is damaged or does not exist

title: displays text when the mouse hovers over the picture

Width: display width

Height: display height

Border: picture border

< bady > code is as follows:

		img label
		<br />
		<img src="" width="500" height="150" title="CSDN" border="1" alt=" CSDN" />

The operation results are shown in the figure:

 11. Table label

Table table

Attribute: width of the table

border: border

align: alignment

                                        style =“border-collapse: collapse;” Merge Table borders

tr line

Attribute: align the alignment of the contents of the line

td: standard cell

th: header (bold and centered)

< bady > code is as follows:

		Table label
		<table align="center" width="400px" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
			<tr align="center">
				<th> school</th>
				<th> college</th>
				<th> major</th>
			<tr align="center">
				<th> Zheng Qingda</th>
				<th> Software</th>
				<th> Software</th>
			<tr align="center">
				<th> Zheng Da</th>
				<th> mathematics</th>
				<th> mathematics</th>

The operation results are shown in the figure:


Topics: Front-end html