Multiplexing is also called multiplexing; Multiple file descriptors can be monitored. When events (readable, writable and abnormal) occur in the monitored file descriptor, the caller will be notified;
This can prevent the process from operating on a file descriptor that is not ready, resulting in a blocking situation
select is an implementation of multiplexing; It mainly copies the file descriptors concerned by the user to the kernel for monitoring. When the kernel monitors that some file descriptors are generated in time, it will return the corresponding file descriptors, and the user will operate on the returned file descriptors;
Function parsing:
int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout); Parameter resolution: nfds: It can improve the monitoring efficiency; Can be set to the maximum monitor file descriptor+1 readfds:Read event collection writedfs:Write event collection exceptfds:Exception event collection timeout:structural morphology,Used to set the timeout timeout = NULL Blocking monitoring timeout The time represented in is 0 Non blocking monitoring timeout The time represented in is greater than 0 Monitoring with timeout Return value: Greater than 0: number of file descriptors ready Equal to 0: Monitoring timeout Less than 0: monitoring error
Parameter type analysis:
typedef struct { #ifdef __USE_XOPEN __fd_mask fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS]; # define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->fds_bits) #else __fd_mask __fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS]; # define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->__fds_bits) #endif } fd_set; //Structure FD_ There is one in the set__ fd_ An array of type mask, with an array size of__ FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS; typedef long int __fd_mask; #define __NFDBITS (8 * (int) sizeof (__fd_mask)) #define __FD_SETSIZE 1024
Through the above source code analysis: fd_set is an array long fds_bits[1024/64] ;
This array is used in the form of bitmap, which also explains why we need to pass in three event sets to be monitored; Therefore, under Linux, the maximum number of nfds through source code analysis is 1024
struct timeval:
struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_usec; /* microseconds */ };
Note: the file descriptors returned to us are only the file descriptors with events. The file descriptors without events will be erased from the event collection
fd_set operation function:
void FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *set); //Deletes a file descriptor from the event collection int FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set *set); //Judge whether the fd descriptor is in the set set //0: indicates that it is not in the set. Non 0: indicates that it is in the set void FD_SET(int fd, fd_set *set); //Add fd to the set void FD_ZERO(fd_set *set); //empty
Monitoring process:
When the kernel returns the ready file descriptor, the user needs to traverse the event set in order to obtain the ready file descriptor; When monitoring again, you need to reset the event set
Advantages and disadvantages:
1. Advantages:
It follows posix standard and can be used across platforms
Timeout can be precise to subtle
2. Disadvantages:
select requires polling and traversal, and the monitoring efficiency decreases with the increase of file descriptors
The maximum file descriptor monitored by select is limited
When select ing the monitoring event set, it needs to be copied to the kernel. Similarly, if the ready file descriptor is returned, it also needs to be copied; Efficiency affected
There are only ready file descriptors in the event set returned by select. When monitoring again, you need to reset the event set
In the set of ready events returned by select, you need to poll and traverse to know which file descriptors are ready
Poll is also an implementation of multiplexing. Unlike select, poll is only used under linux, and its cross platform performance is not as good as select; Similarly, poll and select also adopt polling traversal, so there is little improvement in efficiency;
However, it improves a major disadvantage of select by not limiting the number of file descriptors monitored; Each file descriptor corresponds to an event structure;
You only need to set the monitored file descriptor and which event (readable, writable or abnormal) to monitor the file descriptor
Function parsing:
#include <poll.h> int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout); Parameter resolution: fds: Array of file descriptor event structures to monitor nfds:fds Number of elements in timeout:Timeout in milliseconds timeout<0 Non blocking monitoring timeout=0 Blocking monitoring timeout>0 Monitoring with timeout Return value: Less than 0: monitoring error Equal to 0: monitoring timeout Greater than 0: returns the number of ready times
Event structure resolution:
struct pollfd { int fd; /* file descriptor */ short events; /* requested events */ short revents; /* returned events */ }; fd: Monitored file descriptor events:Which event do you want to monitor for this file descriptor eg: POLLIN:Readable event POLLOUT:Writable event To monitor multiple events, you can use | Operators revents: When the concerned file descriptor generates the corresponding concerned event: put the occurred event into revents Return to the caller; revents Every time poll When monitoring, it will be initialized to null
Advantages and disadvantages:
1. Advantages:
The event structure is used to monitor the file descriptor, which simplifies the writing of the code
The number of file descriptors monitored is no longer limited
When monitoring multiple times, the user does not need to set the monitoring event again
2. Disadvantages:
Polling traversal is also used in poll monitoring. With the increase of monitored file descriptors, the efficiency decreases
When poll monitors the event set, it needs to be copied to the kernel. Similarly, if the ready file descriptor is returned, it also needs to be copied; Low efficiency
When poll returns ready events, the user also needs to poll and traverse to query ready events;
poll only supports Linux platforms
Function parsing:
1. Create the operation handle of epoll
#include <sys/epoll.h> int epoll_create(int size) parameter:size from Linux Kernel 2.6.8 after size It doesn't make any sense, just transfer in size>0 that will do; //At the beginning, size indicates the number of event structures monitored by epoll. Later, epoll adopts the capacity expansion method, so size has no meaning, just //It should be greater than 0 Return value: -1: establish epoll Operation handle failed If successful, it will return epoll Operation handle for
2. Add, delete or modify the event structure to the red black tree of the kernel
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event); parameter: epfd:epoll Operation handle for op: Common macros: EPOLL_CTL_ADD :Add event structure EPOLL_CTL_DEL :Delete event structure EPOLL_CTL_MOD:Modify event structure fd : File descriptor to monitor event:Event structure typedef union epoll_data { void *ptr; int fd; uint32_t u32; uint64_t u64; } epoll_data_t; struct epoll_event { uint32_t events; /* Epoll events */ epoll_data_t data; /* User data variable */ }; //uint32_t events is the event monitored by the file descriptor EPOLLIN:Readable event EPOLLOUT: Writable event //epoll_data_t data is a consortium, which is characterized by sharing the memory of the consortium //In other words, we can choose one of ptr and fd variables. When using ptr, we can define a structure, and the members of the structure must contain fd
3. Copy the ready event structure from the two-way linked list to events
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *events,int maxevents, int timeout); parameter: epfd:epoll Operation handle for events: Output parameters to obtain the ready event structure,You can pass in an array maxevents: The maximum number of ready event structures is obtained to prevent too many ready event structures, events The array cannot be placed. It is out of bounds timeout: Timeout timeout<0 Blocking monitoring timeout=0 Non blocking monitoring timeout>0 Monitoring with timeout in milliseconds Return value: Greater than 0: returns the number of ready file descriptors Equal to 0: monitoring timeout Less than 0 : Monitoring error
We use epoll_ When the create function creates an epoll handle, it will create an eventpoll structure in the kernel; There are two important data structures in this structure, a red black tree, which stores the event structure we need to monitor; Once the file descriptor in the red black tree is ready, a corresponding event structure will be copied to the two-way linked list; That is, we use epoll_ The ready event structure obtained by wait is obtained from the two-way linked list, and there is no need to traverse the red black tree, which reflects the high performance of epoll;
In addition, when monitoring, the time complexity of traversing the red black tree is O(logN), which is smaller than o (N), which also reflects the high performance of epoll
epoll features:
1. Limit on the number of unmonitored file descriptors (even if there is a memory limit, it must be far more than 1024)
2. The kernel has high monitoring efficiency, and the time complexity of traversing the red black tree is O(logN)
3. The efficiency of returning the ready event structure is high. The ready event is obtained from the two-way linked list. The time complexity is O(1). The user directly obtains the event structure without polling and traversal
4.epoll is only used on linux
5. During timeout monitoring, the timeout event unit of epoll is milliseconds
LT and ET modes:
reference resources:
Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of three types of I/O reuse (select poll epoll) & why epoll is so efficient: Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of I/O reuse (select poll epoll) & why epoll is so efficient_ Spring breeze blog - CSDN blog
The difference between select, poll and epoll (Sogou interview) : The difference between select, poll and epoll (Sogou interview) - aspirant - blog Garden