Implementation of a protocol pool in fasthttp

Posted by simonj on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 18:39:57 +0200

Implementation of a protocol pool in fasthttp

The protocol pool can control parallelism and reuse the protocol.An important reason why fasthttp is many times more efficient than net/http is the use of a coprocess pool.The implementation is not complicated, we can refer to his design to write high-performance applications.


// server.go

func (s *Server) Serve(ln net.Listener) error {
    var lastOverflowErrorTime time.Time
    var lastPerIPErrorTime time.Time
    var c net.Conn
    var err error

    maxWorkersCount := s.getConcurrency()
    s.concurrencyCh = make(chan struct{}, maxWorkersCount)
    wp := &workerPool{
        WorkerFunc:      s.serveConn,
        MaxWorkersCount: maxWorkersCount,
        LogAllErrors:    s.LogAllErrors,
        Logger:          s.logger(),
    // break-01

    for {
        // break-02
        if c, err = acceptConn(s, ln, &lastPerIPErrorTime); err != nil {
            if err == io.EOF {
                return nil
            return err

        // break-03
        if !wp.Serve(c) {
            s.writeFastError(c, StatusServiceUnavailable,
                "The connection cannot be served because Server.Concurrency limit exceeded")
            if time.Since(lastOverflowErrorTime) > time.Minute {
                s.logger().Printf("The incoming connection cannot be served, because %d concurrent connections are served. "+
                    "Try increasing Server.Concurrency", maxWorkersCount)
                lastOverflowErrorTime = CoarseTimeNow()

            // The current server reached concurrency limit,
            // so give other concurrently running servers a chance
            // accepting incoming connections on the same address.
            // There is a hope other servers didn't reach their
            // concurrency limits yet :)
            time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
        c = nil

// It is necessary to understand the structure of workerPool
type workerPool struct {
    // Function for serving server connections.
    // It must leave c unclosed.
    WorkerFunc func(c net.Conn) error

    MaxWorkersCount int

    LogAllErrors bool

    MaxIdleWorkerDuration time.Duration

    Logger Logger

    lock         sync.Mutex
    workersCount int
    mustStop     bool

    ready []*workerChan

    stopCh chan struct{}

    workerChanPool sync.Pool

goroutine status:

  1. main0: wp.Start()


// workerpool.go

// Start a goroutine and clean up []*workerChan every once in a while; 
// The operation of wp.clean() is to look at the most recently used workerChan and clean it up if its most recent use interval is greater than a certain value.
func (wp *workerPool) Start() {
    if wp.stopCh != nil {
        panic("BUG: workerPool already started")
    wp.stopCh = make(chan struct{})
    stopCh := wp.stopCh
    go func() {
        var scratch []*workerChan
        for {
            select {
            case <-stopCh:

goroutine status:

  1. main0: wp.Start()

  2. g1: for loop to clean idle workerChan


AcceptConn (s, ln, &lastPerIPErrorTime) mainly processes ln.Accept(), determines whether err is Temporary, and returns a net.Conn


// workerpool.go

func (wp *workerPool) Serve(c net.Conn) bool {
    // break-04
    ch := wp.getCh()
    if ch == nil {
        return false
    } <- c
    return true

type workerChan struct {
    lastUseTime time.Time
    ch          chan net.Conn

wp.getCh() returns a *workerChan, and you can see that workerChan has a ch attribute, with the net.Conn parameter passed in directly into it.


// workerpool.go

func (wp *workerPool) getCh() *workerChan {
    var ch *workerChan
    createWorker := false

    ready := wp.ready
    n := len(ready) - 1
    if n < 0 {
        // ready is empty and total is less than MaxWorkersCount, then a new workerChan needs to be created
        if wp.workersCount < wp.MaxWorkersCount {
            createWorker = true
    } else {
        // Remove a workerChan from the end of the queue
        ch = ready[n]
        ready[n] = nil
        wp.ready = ready[:n]

    if ch == nil {
        if !createWorker {
            return nil
        // Go into the creation process and remove workerChan from Pool
        vch := wp.workerChanPool.Get()
        if vch == nil {
            vch = &workerChan{
                ch: make(chan net.Conn, workerChanCap),
        ch = vch.(*workerChan)
        // Create a goroutine to process the request and receive a chan *workerChan as a parameter
        go func() {
            // break-05
    return ch

Here we just look at the process of creation.If read is empty, it means read is exhausted and less than MaxWorkersCount, then a new workerChan needs to be created.
When creating, first remove the multiplex from the Pool, if it is nil, then create a new one.
It can be predicted that wp.workerFunc(ch) must contain a for loop here to handle net.Conn in workerChan.

goroutine status:

  1. main0: wp.Start()

  2. g1: for loop to clean idle workerChan

  3. g2: wp.workerFunc(ch) blocks for handling connection


// workerpool.go

func (wp *workerPool) workerFunc(ch *workerChan) {
    var c net.Conn

    var err error
    for c = range {
        if c == nil {

        // Functions that actually handle requests
        if err = wp.WorkerFunc(c); err != nil && err != errHijacked {
            errStr := err.Error()
            if wp.LogAllErrors || !(strings.Contains(errStr, "broken pipe") ||
                strings.Contains(errStr, "reset by peer") ||
                strings.Contains(errStr, "i/o timeout")) {
                wp.Logger.Printf("error when serving connection %q<->%q: %s", c.LocalAddr(), c.RemoteAddr(), err)
        if err != errHijacked {
        c = nil

        // Release workerChan
        // break-06
        if !wp.release(ch) {

    // Jumping out of the for range loop means that you get a nil from chan, or wp.mustStop is set to true, which is the active stop method.

for range keeps getting connections from chan net.Conn.Do you remember that in the func (wp *workerPool) Serve(c net.Conn) bool function, an important operation is to put the accept to the connection and into the channel.
Finally, you need to release the current workerChan back into the ready of the workerPool.


func (wp *workerPool) release(ch *workerChan) bool {
    ch.lastUseTime = CoarseTimeNow()
    if wp.mustStop {
        return false
    wp.ready = append(wp.ready, ch)
    return true

During the release operation, notice that ch.lastUseTime has been modified. Remember the clean operation?Running in the g1 protocol.
So the final running state is:

goroutine status:

  1. main0: wp.Start()

  2. g1: for loop to clean idle workerChan

  3. g2: wp.workerFunc(ch) blocks for handling connection

  4. g3: ....

  5. g4: ....

The number of goroutines increases on demand, but there is also a maximum, so parallelism is controllable.When requests are dense, a worker goroutine may process multiple connection s serially.
wokerChan is reused in Pool and the pressure on GC decreases a lot.

In contrast to native net/http packages, where parallelism is uncontrollable (may be uncertain, runtime will have control?), goroutines cannot be reused, as reflected in a request for a goroutine that is destroyed when used up, putting greater pressure on the machine.

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