Implementation of multi-table paging query based on Mybatis Plus

Posted by bryan52803 on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 02:04:36 +0200

Note: Mybatis Plus version 3.0.7 only started using Custom SQL + [Query Wrapper], low version can not be used, or honest SQL for conditional splicing.

2.0. Source code analysis

In the Wrapper < T > interface, there are the following methods

 * Get custom SQL to simplify custom XML complexities
 * <p>Method of Use</p>
 * <p>`Custom SQL `+${ew.customSqlSegment}</p>
 * <p>1.Logical deletion requires splicing conditions (as previously customized)</p>
 * <p>2.Incidental entity in wrapper is not supported (wrapper's own entity is more cumbersome)</p>
 * <p>3.Usage ${ew.customSqlSegment} (No where label package, remember!)</p>
 * <p>4.ew Wapper defines aliases and can be replaced by itself</p>
public abstract String getCustomSqlSegment();

Implemented in AbstractWrapper abstract class

public String getCustomSqlSegment() {
    // Merge Segments Merge SQL Fragments for Return
    MergeSegments expression = getExpression();
    if (Objects.nonNull(expression)) {
        NormalSegmentList normal = expression.getNormal();
        String sqlSegment = getSqlSegment();
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlSegment)) {
            if (normal.isEmpty()) {
                return sqlSegment;
            } else {
                return concatWhere(sqlSegment);
    return StringUtils.EMPTY;
     * Splicing `WHERE'before SQL
     * @param sql sql
     * @return sql with where
private String concatWhere(String sql) {
    return Constants.WHERE + " " + sql;


public interface ReseDao extends BaseDao<ReseEntity> {
     * Paging query
     * @param page: mybatisPlus Native Paging Query, Query SQL will automatically splice Paging
     * @param queryWrapper: QueryWrapper Conditions, note that you need to specify the mybatis parameter with @Param("ew")
     * @return
    IPage<ReseEntity> getReseList(IPage<T> page, @Param("ew") QueryWrapper<ReseEntity> queryWrapper);


After the query SQL is written, instead of writing WHERE, add ${ew.customSqlSegment} after the SQL, and mybatis Plus will automatically add queries and splice them together.

Why ew: Mybatis Plus had Entity Wrapper before, and later versions differentiated Entity Wrapper into multiple Wrappers, such as Query Wrapper when querying, guessing that there might have been too many references through EW before, keeping the use of ew.

<select id="getReseList" resultMap="reseMap">
        t_s_db_rese r
        left join t_s_db_work w
        on r.WORK_id = w.WORK_id 


 * getPage(params, null, false):  Method to splice the class of mybatis plus paging components
 * getWrapper(params): Method for splicing QueryWrapper conditional constructor
public PageData<ReseDTO> page(Map<String, Object> params) {
    IPage<ReseEntity> page = reservationDao.getReseList(
            getPage(params, null, false),
    return getPageData(page, ReseDTO.class);

Topics: SQL Mybatis xml