Implementation of special effect of carousel carousel with native JS

Posted by USMarineNCO on Thu, 26 Dec 2019 19:00:16 +0100

It's about this son:

First of all, let's make a simple layout (emm... Let's do something about it, anyway, it's mainly made up of js)

 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html lang="en">
 3 <head>
 4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
 5     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
 6     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
 7     <title>Carousel chart</title>
 8     <script src="js/index.js"></script>
 9     <style>
10         * {
11             margin: 0;
12             padding: 0;
13         }
14         ul, li {
15             list-style: none;
16         }
17         .wrap {
18             margin: 0 auto;
19             width: 1050px;
20         }
21         .slider {
22             position: relative;
23             margin: 50px auto;
24             height: 400px;
25         }
26         .slider li {
27             position: absolute;
28         }
29         .slider li img {
30             width: 100%;
31         }
32         .slider .arrow-l,
33         .slider .arrow-r{
34             position: absolute;
35             top: 0;
36             display: none;
37             width: 80px;
38             height: 400px;
39             background-size: 80px;
40             cursor: pointer;
41             opacity: 0.8;
42             z-index: 99;
43         }
44         .arrow-r {
45             right: 80px;
46             background: url(img/next.png) no-repeat 0;
47         }
48         .arrow-l {
49             left: 80px;
50             background: url(img/prev.png) no-repeat 0;
51         }
52     </style>
53 </head>
54 <body>
55     <div class="wrap">
56         <div class="slider">
57             <ul>
58                 <li><img src="img/img1.jpg" alt=""></li>
59                 <li><img src="img/img2.jpg" alt=""></li>
60                 <li><img src="img/img3.jpg" alt=""></li>
61                 <li><img src="img/img4.jpg" alt=""></li>
62                 <li><img src="img/img5.jpg" alt=""></li>
63             </ul>
64             <div class="arrows">
65                 <i class="arrow arrow-l"></i>
66                 <i class="arrow arrow-r"></i>
67             </div>
68         </div>
69     </div>
70 </body>
71 </html>

Down to the main part

In fact, it is mainly the encapsulation of animation functions and the change of arrays

The last blog of the blogger wrote: Encapsulation of animation function in native JS . No repetition here~

Store image related styles (size, orientation, transparency, etc.) in the arr array.

When the user clicks the left and right arrows, make the array change accordingly (if you click the right arrow, delete the last element of the array and add it to the front; if you click the left arrow, delete the first element of the array and add it to the last), change the complete group and call the move() function (let the picture rotate)

The detailed code is as follows

  1 window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  2     var arr = [
  3         {   // 1
  4             width: 450,
  5             top: 60,
  6             left: 0,
  7             opacity: 40,
  8             zIndex: 2
  9         },
 10         {   // 2
 11             width: 550,
 12             top: 30,
 13             left: 100,
 14             opacity: 70,
 15             zIndex: 3
 16         },
 17         {   // 3  Middle picture
 18             width: 650,
 19             top: 0,
 20             left: 200,
 21             opacity: 100,
 22             zIndex: 4
 23         },
 24         {   // 4
 25             width: 550,
 26             top: 30,
 27             left: 400,
 28             opacity: 70,
 29             zIndex: 3
 30         },
 31         {   // 5
 32             width: 450,
 33             top: 60,
 34             left: 600,
 35             opacity: 40,
 36             zIndex: 2
 37         }
 38     ];
 39     var slider = document.querySelector(".slider");
 40     var lis = slider.querySelectorAll("li");
 41     var arrow_l = slider.querySelector(".arrow-l");
 42     var arrow_r = slider.querySelector(".arrow-r");
 44     // Mouse in out arrow show hide
 45     slider.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
 46 = 'block';
 47 = 'block';
 48     });
 49     slider.addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
 50 = 'none';
 51 = 'none';
 52     });
 54     var flag = true; // flag The throttle valve is generated to solve the problem of clicking too fast bug
 55     move(); // Call it first to render the page when you first open the browser
 57     // Click the left and right arrows to rotate the pictures
 58     arrow_r.addEventListener("click", function() {
 59         if(flag) {
 60             flag = false; // Close the throttle and wait until the animation is over before continuing to click
 61             arr.unshift(arr.pop());  // Delete the element at the last edge of the array and add it to the first edge
 62             move();  // Rotation picture
 63         }
 64     });
 65     arrow_l.addEventListener("click", function() {
 66         if(flag) {
 67             flag = false;
 68             arr.push(arr.shift());  // Delete the element at the front of the array and add it to the last edge
 69             move();
 70         }
 71     });
 73     // Animate each picture
 74     function move() {
 75         for(var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) {
 76             animate(lis[i], arr[i], function() {
 77                 flag = true;  // Callback function, when the animation is finished, open the throttle
 78             });
 79         }
 80     }
 81     // Animation function
 82     function animate(obj, json, callback) {
 83         clearInterval(obj.timer);
 84         obj.timer = setInterval(function() {
 85             var bool = true;
 86             for(var attr in json) {
 87                 var icur = 0;
 88                 if(attr == 'opacity') {
 89                     icur = Math.round(parseFloat(getStyle(obj, attr)) * 100);
 90                 } else {
 91                     icur = parseInt(getStyle(obj, attr));
 92                 }
 93                 var speed = (json[attr] - icur) / 10;
 94                 speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil(speed) : Math.floor(speed);
 95                 if(icur != json[attr]) {
 96                     bool = false;
 97                 }
 98                 if(attr == 'opacity') {
 99            = 'alpha(opacity = '+ (icur + speed) +')';
100            = (icur + speed) / 100;
101                 } else if(attr == 'zIndex') {
102            = json[attr];
103                 } else {
104           [attr] = icur + speed + 'px';
105                 }
106             }
107             if(bool) {
108                 clearInterval(obj.timer);
109                 callback && callback();
110             }
111         },15);
112     }
113     // Get attribute function 
114     function getStyle(obj, attr) {
115         if(obj.currentStyle){   //IE Browser
116             return obj.currentStyle[attr];
117         }else{    //chrome,firefox Other browsers
118             return getComputedStyle(obj,null)[attr];
119         }
120     }
121 });

Topics: Javascript JSON IE Attribute Firefox