Inheritance and initialization of classes in python

Posted by coellen on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 21:03:14 +0100

Daily Star Language:

"Do you know what is the biggest problem of poverty when you are young?"


"It's a poor mistake to think that everything you can't get is poor. Eyes are fixed on distant places, but can't see the beauty of a flower nearby. "

September 7, 2018 20:30:30 Friday

Today, there is a problem. When a crawler defines the rules of a web page, because there are more than a dozen sites from a unified web site, it just needs to modify the web site variable. But considering two points, one is that there are too many sites and it is difficult to copy. The other is also the most important point. When the structure of the website changes, the modification and maintenance are too redundant and complex, so the template inheritance method is used!
The code of is as follows
# encoding: utf-8
from datetime import datetime
from .base_stock import BaseStock

class CircHeNan(BaseStock):

    def is_detail_url(self, dom):
        return dom("#ess_mailrightpane")

    def parse_detail_url(self, dom, params):

        web_site = "Henan Committee"
        store_json = {
            "info:title": dom("#tab_content)").text(),
            "info:publish_time": dom("#tab_content > tbody:nth-child(1)").text(),
            "info:source": web_site,
            "info:author": "",
            "info:content": dom("#tab_content > tbody").outerHtml(),
            "info:tag": dom("head meta[name=\"keywords\"]").attr("content") or "",
            "info:dese": dom("head meta[name=\"description\"]").attr("content") or "",
            "info:crawl_time":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "info:url": params["info:url"],
            "info:channel": "",
            "info:laiyuan": web_site,
            "info:contain_image": "True" if dom("#tab_content > tbody")("img") else "False"
        return store_json

Because this class inherits from basestack

class BaseStock(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.html_clean = html_clean.HTMLClean()
        self.html = ""

Considering that BsaeStock is the parent class, when the subclass overrides ﹐ init ﹐ the subclass will not inherit ﹐ init ﹐ of the parent class, so it is necessary to completely rewrite ﹐ init ﹐ in the parent class

Define as a template

# encoding: utf-8
import re
from datetime import datetime
from .base_stock import BaseStock
from components import html_clean

class Csrc(BaseStock):
    def __init__(self):
        self.html_clean = html_clean.HTMLClean()
        self.html = ""
        self.web_site = ""

    def is_detail_url(self, dom):
        return dom(".content")

    def parse_detail_url(self, dom, params):
        store_json = {
            "info:title": dom("#tab_content)").text(),
            "info:publish_time": dom("#tab_content > tbody:nth-child(1)").text(),
            "info:author": "",
            "info:content": dom("#tab_content > tbody").outerHtml(),
            "info:tag": dom("head meta[name=\"keywords\"]").attr("content") or "",
            "info:dese": dom("head meta[name=\"description\"]").attr("content") or "",
            "info:crawl_time":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "info:url": params["info:url"],
            "info:channel": "",
            "info:laiyuan": self.web_site,
            "info:contain_image": "True" if dom("#tab_content > tbody")("img") else "False"
        return store_json

Modify the contents of file as follows:

from .circ import Circ
from components import html_clean

class CircHeNan(Circ):
    def __init__(self):
        self.html_clean = html_clean.HTMLClean()
        self.html = ""
        self.web_site = "Henan Committee"

At this time, has only a few lines, but the code effect is the same as that at the beginning

Topics: encoding