Insight: zig programming language

Posted by dancingbear on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 18:17:55 +0100

Insight into the latest and most valuable projects: This issue introduces the Zig programming language

brief introduction

Zig is a modern programming general purpose programming language and a strong competitor for C.

Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.

Home page address:
Chinese Home Page:


  • Compact and concise language
  • Compile-time code execution
  • Maintain Code with Zig

More can be viewed directly from the description on the homepage above.

Clone Source

zig can be installed in several ways:

zig hasn't released 1.0 yet, so building directly from source code is worth trying.

Clone Source:

git clone

Or clone from a mirror on gitcode

git clone


Environmental requirements

  • cmake >= 2.8.12
  • GCC >= 7.0.0 or clang >= 6.0.0

Compile command:

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake ..
  4. make install

If you are on a Mac system, you need to ensure that

  1. Install llvm using brew install llvm
  2. Use cmake.. - DCMAKE_ PREFIX_ PATH=$(brew--prefix llvm) -DCMAKE_ INSTALL_ PREFIX=/usr/local command compilation

View zig command options

Mastering a programming language is largely a process of mastering the tool chain of that programming language. The use of the zig programming language starts with mastering the zig command itself. Enter zig directly into the console and return to see the option information:

info: Usage: zig [command] [options]


  build            Build project from build.zig
  init-exe         Initialize a `zig build` application in the cwd
  init-lib         Initialize a `zig build` library in the cwd

  ast-check        Look for simple compile errors in any set of files
  build-exe        Create executable from source or object files
  build-lib        Create library from source or object files
  build-obj        Create object from source or object files
  fmt              Reformat Zig source into canonical form
  run              Create executable and run immediately
  test             Create and run a test build
  translate-c      Convert C code to Zig code

  ar               Use Zig as a drop-in archiver
  cc               Use Zig as a drop-in C compiler
  c++              Use Zig as a drop-in C++ compiler
  dlltool          Use Zig as a drop-in dlltool.exe
  lib              Use Zig as a drop-in lib.exe
  ranlib           Use Zig as a drop-in ranlib

  env              Print lib path, std path, cache directory, and version
  help             Print this help and exit
  libc             Display native libc paths file or validate one
  targets          List available compilation targets
  version          Print version number and exit
  zen              Print Zen of Zig and exit

General Options:

  -h, --help       Print command-specific usage

Debug Commands:

  changelist       Compute mappings from old ZIR to new ZIR

error: expected command argument

Notice that on the last line, error: expected command argument prompt requires a command parameter after the Zig command, so Zig prints the option help information without us. If you use zig-h or zig-help directly, it is the usual way to view option help.

Zen of zig

Each programming language has its own design philosophy, and many languages use zen of xxx to represent the philosophy of that language. Here zen means zen, which means wisdom after deep thought.

For example, the python language also has a page on the language document page:
PEP 20 – The Zen of Python:

For example, someone wrote a page for the C++ programming language:
The Zen Of C++:

For example, the Unix operating system also has its philosophy:
Basics of the Unix Philosophy:

The zig programming language has its design philosophy built directly into the command line, using the following commands

zig zen

As you can see, zig's design philosophy is:

* Communicate intent precisely.
* Edge cases matter.
* Favor reading code over writing code.
* Only one obvious way to do things.
* Runtime crashes are better than bugs.
* Compile errors are better than runtime crashes.
* Incremental improvements.
* Avoid local maximums.
* Reduce the amount one must remember.
* Focus on code rather than style.
* Resource allocation may fail; resource deallocation must succeed.
* Memory is a resource.
* Together we serve the users.

Programmers can derive inspiration from these entries, and even if zig is not used, good philosophies are important in other development contexts.

View zig version number

You can view the zig version number directly with the command:

zig version

The results are as follows:


Viewing environment variables for zig


zig env

You can see that zig's environment variables are very human (Mac systems):

 "zig_exe": "/usr/local/bin/zig",
 "lib_dir": "/usr/local/bin/lib/zig",
 "std_dir": "/usr/local/bin/lib/zig/std",
 "global_cache_dir": "/Users/username/.cache/zig",
 "version": "0.10.0-dev.1058+eaf1c97ce"

This information is listed

  • Zig_ Exe: The path to the Zig command
  • Lib_ Dir: zig's lib path
  • Std_ Dir: The location of the Zig standard library, as you can see, is lib_ A subdirectory of dir
  • global_cache_dir: Cache directory
  • Version:version number

As you can see from here, zig's command system resembles git's and uses command action mode, which is more friendly and modern.

Create a zig command line program

Using the zig command, you can quickly create a command line program, create a test directory, and execute the command in that directory

zig init-exe

The resulting directory structure is as follows:

├── build.zig
└── src
    └── main.zig

Where the src/directory is the source directory and build.zig is the "script" for building a project, and it is also a zig program itself, which brings strong consistency: source and source build scripts use a language. Look at src/main.zig's hello world code:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() anyerror!void {"All your codebase are belong to us.", .{});

test "basic test" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(10, 3 + 7);

The source code is explained as follows:

  • The first line imports the standard library using @import("std").
  • Next comes the program entry main function, in which a line of information is printed using the standard library.
  • Next is a unit test program

Build zig program

The zig command line makes it easy to build:

zig build

The command line of the build process is very clean. Instead of displaying the full screen build information, the information lines are refreshed in place. The directory structure after the build is complete is as follows:

├── build.zig
├── src
│   └── main.zig
├── zig-cache
│   ├── h
│   │   ├── 237f592bfc87d556dffba90a015637a1.txt
│   │   ├── ae3ffb1f119a3161a4cc2f48480dfa9d.txt
│   │   └── timestamp
│   ├── o
│   │   ├── 23650d5ec66547ed61e5e4072ce70ba7
│   │   │   ├── build
│   │   │   └── build.o
│   │   ├── 99b9e6b82f4011e2eb15a72ca8fbb5f3
│   │   │   ├── test
│   │   │   └── test.o
│   │   ├── b91f14aec3e67ae9026c15e937a2e811
│   │   │   └── builtin.zig
│   │   └── c8809ea18e0907e87e2698d775132309
│   │       └── builtin.zig
│   ├── tmp
│   └── z
│       ├── c8d7e1e8c507700e93104fdc5bbd7fcd
│       └── dd90fc6dc4731d7ca192082b0db949aa
└── zig-out
    └── bin
        └── test

The zig-cache directory is the intermediate directory for program building, while zig-out is the output directory for program building. You can see that a test program is generated in the bin directory.

Run zig program

The resulting binary program can be run directly:


The program output a line of information:

info: All your codebase are belong to us.

Run directly from source

Alternatively, you can use the run command to run the target source directly

zig run src/main.zig

You can see that zig compiles and runs the program directly as follows:

info: All your codebase are belong to us.

Execute unit tests

In src/main. There is a unit test code in zig:

test "basic test" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(10, 3 + 7);

In fact, zig supports direct command execution of tests on source code containing unit tests:

zig test src/main.zig

You can see the results:

All 1 tests passed.

Master modern programming languages

Generally speaking, zig is a new modern programming language. From the zig command line, the whole design is very simple and easy to use. One of its core designs is to reduce magic:

  • No implicit control flow
  • No implicit memory allocation
  • No preprocessor, no macros

According to one statistic, engineers spend an average of 70% of their time reading code. One of the pain points in reading code is that it is full of "hidden magic". Zig's design is valuable in this respect. Different programming languages represent different target development environments and platforms, and Zig is a strong competitor for C. To master modern programming languages, you can start by writing some command line applets for daily processing using zig.
