Install msql5.0 for linux Installation of mac m1 7 resolved

Posted by bdichiara on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 12:09:46 +0100

After many m1 installation lessons, a truth is summarized

Be sure to see what m1 downloaded matches that version, otherwise there will always be various problems in the installation!

1). My linux system version is


2). Therefore, you must download the corresponding version when downloading mysql, otherwise you will make various errors and fail to install it in the end

Download MySQL (add group to resources, baby)


3) this article is suitable for the above version and the solutions to the problems that may arise.


1. Download the corresponding mysql version above

2. Upload to linux using mac's own terminal

scp /Users/chenbiao/Downloads/mysql-5.7.27-aarch64.tar.gz root@10.211.xx.xx:/usr/local

3. Unzip under linux

tar -xvf mysql-5.7.27-aarch64.tar.gz 

4. Rename

mv mysql-5.7.27-aarch64.tar.gz /usr/local/mysql

5. Create mysql user groups and users and modify permissions

groupadd mysql
useradd -r -g mysql mysql

6. Create a data directory and grant permissions

mkdir -p  /data/mysql              #Create directory
chown mysql:mysql -R /data/mysql   #Grant authority

7. Configure my cnf

vim /etc/my.cnf

The pit here is: socket configuration, that is, configure mysql The path of the sock file should be / dev / SHM / MySQL sock


If you configure other paths, this error will occur when logging in to msql

As for where I know this path, I also refer to the default configuration given by the system

cd /usr/local/mysql/
cat my.cnf 

8. Configuration content my cnf

#character config

For the Save command, press and hold the esc key, and then add: enter wq

9. Enter the bin directory of mysql

cd /usr/local/mysql/bin

10. Initialization

./mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/mysql/ --datadir=/data/mysql/ --user=mysql --initialize

Problems may occur here, as shown in the figure below (because you have previously installed mysql and have a legacy configuration of datadir=/data/mysql), so you just need to change the original name or back up

cd /data
mv mysql mysql_bak

Then return to / usr/local/mysql/bin to execute the initialization command

11. View password

cat /data/mysql/mysql.err


12. Start mysql and change the root password

First mysql Place the server in / etc / init In D / MySQL

cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql

13. Execute the command (there may be a problem here)

service mysql start
ps -ef|grep mysql

There is no such file. You need to create one and give mysql permission

Execute five commands

cd /usr/local/mysql/
mkdir -p /usr/local/mysql/logs
chown mysql:mysql -R /usr/local/mysql/logs
echo ""> mysql-error.log
chown -R mysql:mysql mysql-error.log 

Then execute

​service mysql start

 14. Login to mysql

./mysql -u root -p   #/usr/local/mysql/bin directory

There may be a problem here because libncurses is missing so. 5 shared library. So just get a soft connection in the existing

Execute the following command

cd /usr/lib64/
ls libncurses*
ln -sf
ln -sf
./mysql -u root -p   #/usr/local/mysql/bin directory

Execute again

./mysql -u root -p   #/usr/local/mysql/bin directory

If the following error occurs

Follow steps 7 and 8 to configure the corresponding my cnf

15. Enter password

The password here is the one shown in step 11. After input, the following figure is displayed, which means success

 16. After entering msql, you need to enter

FLUSH PRIVILEGES;                                 

However, there is still a problem when connecting remotely. You need to enter the following three steps

use mysql                                            #Accessing mysql Library
update user set host = '%' where user = 'root';      #Enable root to access any host
FLUSH PRIVILEGES;                                    #Refresh

17. Finally succeeded

Summary: be sure to find the corresponding version

Lazy students can add groups to pull resources, and there are many small partners to solve problems together! (qq group 527413340)

Topics: Linux MySQL