Install redis Sentry Cluster offline on three servers, one master, two slaves

Posted by TGixer on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 06:08:36 +0200

The gcc environment is installed on the system (otherwise, compiling redis will cause errors).Still don't know how to install the gcc environment offline viewable Install gcc environment offline under CentOS with detailed graphics


Click on the official address to download redis for Linux


put D:\AppStore\redis\redis-5.0.4.tar.gz  /root


tar xzf redis-5.0.4.tar.gz
mv redis-5.0.4  /usr/local/redis
cd /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4
make install

If make errors occur as follows

Fatal error: jemalloc/jemalloc.h: No file or directory

Then use

make MALLOC=libc

Node Configuration

Now you have three virtual machines, you can do it all the time.Enter redis.conf and change as follows (primary node)

daemonize yes
masterauth 666666
requirepass 666666

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis.log"
dir /st/redis/db/ (from Node 1)

daemonize yes
masterauth 666666
requirepass 666666
replicaof 6379

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis.log"
dir /st/redis/db/ (from Node 2)

daemonize yes
masterauth 666666
requirepass 666666
replicaof 6379

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis.log"
dir /st/redis/db/

Sentry Configuration

Now that you have three virtual machines, don't waste it; just pair three sentries on them.However, if a server is hung, the node will be hung, and the sentry on that server will be hung, but there are still two senders who can work, so it is acceptable.Otherwise, set up separate servers for the sentry.

Enter sentinel.conf and change as follows

daemonize yes
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 666666

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis-sentinel.log"
dir /st/redis/tmp

daemonize yes
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 666666

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis-sentinel.log"
dir /st/redis/tmp

daemonize yes
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 666666

pidfile /st/redis/pid/
logfile "/st/redis/log/redis-sentinel.log"
dir /st/redis/tmp

Start Node

From primary to secondary, each node runs and checks

/usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-server /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/redis.conf

netstat -tulnp |grep redis

Start Sentinel

Each Sentinel runs and checks

/usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-sentinel /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/sentinel.conf

ps -ef |grep redis


Check master-slave replication, log in to the master node to write information and see if the information is received from the node

/usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-cli -h 
auth 666666

set name 'lgx'

Log on from the node to see if you can receive information

/usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-cli -h 
auth 666666

get name 'lgx'

Check Sentinel Monitoring

/usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-sentinel -p 26379

sentinel master mymaster

Register a global directory if you dislike using the previous heap of commands

ln -s /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-sentinel /usr/bin/redis-sentinel
ln -s /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-server /usr/bin/redis-server
ln -s /usr/local/redis/redis-5.0.4/src/redis-cli /usr/bin/redis-cli

Matters needing attention

On production remember to check: firewall, security group, redis password, bound ip, storage directory of each file.

This is the default directory to avoid forgetting the configuration and not knowing where to put it.

#redis node
pidfile /var/run/
logfile ""
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir ./

#redis Sentinel
pidfile /var/run/
logfile ""
dir /tmp

This is adding node ports, sentry ports to the firewall

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6379/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=26379/tcp//Add a port

firewall-cmd --reload  //Then reload

Test Report

When the primary node is down, it restarts immediately. It takes some time, about a few seconds, for the primary node to switch. During this time, if you operate redis, the operation will fail because the connection to the primary node is unsuccessful.

When switching, the configuration of the node and the sentry is automatically modified, such as the replicaof parameter from the node and sentinel monitor mymaster parameter from the sentry.

After the downtime restarts, nodes and sentries cannot recover automatically and need to be started manually.I thought daemonize yes means start-up and start-up. It could have been run in the background or exit the redis command line page.

Topics: Operation & Maintenance Redis firewall CentOS Linux