Installation and use of Docker

Posted by friendlylad on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 12:41:34 +0100


1, Docker introduction

2, Installation

1. Uninstall old version

2. Install system tools

3. Add Docker yum

4. Update source cache

5. Install Docker

3, Basic use

1. Preparatory work

2. Image download

4, Container

1. Create container

2. View current container

3. Delete container

4. Entry and exit

1, Docker introduction

Docker is a new virtualization tool in recent years. It can isolate resources and system environment like virtual machine.

The difference between docker and virtual machine:

The difference between virtual machine and container

1. Docker has three elements: image, warehouse and container

Image: like the image in the virtual machine, it is a read-only working environment for the container. When we use it, we can define different images to adapt to different working environments

Warehouse: the place where images are stored. Similar to git and maven warehouses, there are local warehouses, private warehouses and official warehouses

Container: it is a virtual machine like working environment developed by Docker. You can build an environment in the container and publish projects

2, Installation

1. Uninstall old version

yum remove docker \
    docker-client \
    docker-client-latest \
    docker-common \
    docker-latest \
    docker-latest-logrotate \
    docker-logrotate \

2. Install system tools

 yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

3. Add Docker yum

yum-config-manager --add-repo

Ali source

yum-config-manager --add-repo

4. Update source cache

yum makecache fast

There may be problems here. If there are problems, turn off the original process first

-- rm -f /var/run/

5. Install Docker

 yum -y install docker-ce

1) The latest stable version is installed by default

2) To view the version list, use the following command:

yum list docker-ce --showduplicates | sort -r

3) If you want to install a specific version of docker CE, use the following command format:

yum install docker-ce

3, Basic use

Because it was downloaded from yum, you can directly operate with systemctl

1. Preparatory work

Configure Alibaba cloud exclusive image acceleration address

vi /etc/docker/daemon.json

Document content:

"registry-mirrors":["Your Alibaba cloud exclusive accelerator address"]

Reload the daemon

systemctl daemon-reload

Restart docker

systemctl restart docker

2. Image download

Search image

docker search Image name

Download Image

docker pull Image name

To obtain the basic image of a centos system, you can use the following command:

docker pull centos (if no version is specified, the latest version will generally be used)

docker pull centos: version number (or specify the version directly)

View the mirror on the host

docker images

View image location (image: mirror)

cd /var/lib/docker/containers && ll

/var/lib/docker is the default installation directory of docker

Remove mirror

docker rmi Image name

Force removal

docker rmi -f Image name:edition

Docker commands start with docker

If you are prompted that the image is used and you need to stop the container with a certain ID, delete the container first and then delete the image. Or forcibly delete the image. Correct approach: delete all containers that depend on the image first, and then delete the image

4, Container

Container is another core concept of Docker. Simply put, a container is a running instance of an image. The image is a static read-only file, and the container has a writable file layer required by the runtime. At the same time, the application process in the container is running

1. Create container

docker create -it centos:latest

Specify name:

docker create -it --name centos01 centos:latest

Docker will check whether the specified image exists locally. If it does not exist, it will be downloaded from the public warehouse



docker start container ID|name|name:tag

stop it

docker stop container ID|name|name:tag


docker restart container ID|name|name:tag

2. View current container

View currently running containers

docker ps

View all

docker ps -a

3. Delete container

docker rm container ID

Force deletion

docker rm -f container ID

4. Entry and exit

get into

docker exec -it container ID/container NAME /bin/bash
docker exec -it container ID/container NAME bash (Abbreviation)

sign out

If you want to continue running the container when exiting: press [ctrl+p] and [ctrl+q] in sequence

If you do not want to continue running: press [ctrl+d] or enter exit

Topics: Docker Container