Intelligent voice weather forecast based on python

Posted by wolfraider on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 08:17:43 +0100


The text and pictures of this article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, not for any commercial purpose. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling.

Author: handsome and fast

PS: if you need Python learning materials, you can click the link below to get them by yourself

This system mainly includes four functions:

1. Get weather data

  • Enter the city to query for weather

  • Using urllib module to request weather data from weather api interface of Chinese calendar

  • Decompress the data obtained by gzip and code utf-8

  • Use json to convert the data recognized by python, and return to the dictionary (Dictionary in the dictionary) in the complex form of weather forecast data

2. Output weather data of the day

  • Format and output the weather of the day, including weather conditions, temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, wind level, wind direction, etc.

3. Voice broadcast weather of the day

  • Create the voice text to output (weather? Forecast? Txt)

  • Using Baidu's speech synthesis module AipSpeech to synthesize speech files

  • Using playsound module to play voice

4. Temperature change trend in the next few days

  • Create a dictionary of high and low temperature data in the next few days

  • Use matplotlib module to figure the temperature change trend

5, code

  1 #Import necessary modules
  2 import urllib.parse
  3 import urllib.request
  4 import gzip
  5 import json
  6 import playsound
  7 from aip import AipSpeech
  8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  9 import re
 10 #Set the parameters, and the picture will display Chinese characters, otherwise, it will be garbled
 11 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei']
 12 #Define get weather data function
 13 def Get_weather_data():
 14   print('------Weather query------')
 15   city_name = input('Please enter the city name to query:')
 16   url = '' + urllib.parse.quote(city_name)
 17   weather_data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
 18   # Read web data
 19   weather_data = gzip.decompress(weather_data).decode('utf-8')
 20   # #Decompress web data
 21   weather_dict = json.loads(weather_data)
 22   return weather_dict
 23 #Define the weather output format of the day
 24 def Show_weather(weather_data):
 25   weather_dict = weather_data
 26   if weather_dict.get('desc') == 'invilad-citykey':
 27     print('The city you entered is incorrect or the weather is not included, please re-enter...')
 28   elif weather_dict.get('desc') == 'OK':
 29     forecast = weather_dict.get('data').get('forecast')
 30     print('Date:', forecast[0].get('date'))
 31     print('City:', weather_dict.get('data').get('city'))
 32     print('Weather:', forecast[0].get('type'))
 33     print('Temperature:', weather_dict.get('data').get('wendu') + '')
 34     print('High temperature:', forecast[0].get('high'))
 35     print('Low temperature:', forecast[0].get('low'))
 36     print('Wind scale:', forecast[0].get('fengli').split('<')[2].split(']')[0])
 37     print('Direction of wind:', forecast[0].get('fengxiang'))
 38     weather_forecast_txt = 'Hello, your city%s,' \
 39                 'weather%s,' \
 40                 'Current temperature%s,' \
 41                 'Today's highest temperature%s,' \
 42                 'Minimum temperature%s,' \
 43                 'Wind grade%s,' \
 44                 'reminder:%s' % \
 45                 (
 46                   weather_dict.get('data').get('city'),
 47                   forecast[0].get('type'),
 48                   weather_dict.get('data').get('wendu'),
 49                   forecast[0].get('high'),
 50                   forecast[0].get('low'),
 51                   forecast[0].get('fengli').split('<')[2].split(']')[0],
 52                   weather_dict.get('data').get('ganmao')
 53                 )
 54     return weather_forecast_txt,forecast
 55 #Define weather conditions for voice broadcast today
 56 def Voice_broadcast(weather_forcast_txt):
 57   weather_forecast_txt = weather_forcast_txt
 58   APP_ID = Your Baidu voice APP_ID
 59   API_KEY = Your Baidu voice API_KEY
 60   SECRET_KEY = Your Baidu voice SECRET_KEY
 61   client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)
 62   print('Voice alert:', weather_forecast_txt)
 63   #Baidu speech synthesis
 64   result = client.synthesis(weather_forecast_txt, 'zh', 1, {'vol': 5})
 65   if not isinstance(result, dict):
 66     with open('sound2.mp3', 'wb') as f:
 67       f.write(result)
 68       f.close()
 69   #playsound Module playing voice
 70   playsound.playsound(r'C:\Users\ban\Desktop\bsy\sound2.mp3')
 71 #Weather chart of the next four days
 72 def Future_weather_states(forecast):
 73   future_forecast = forecast
 74   dict={}
 75   #Get weather conditions for the next four days
 76   for i in range(5):
 77     data = []
 78     date=future_forecast[i]['date']
 79     date = int(re.findall('\d+',date)[0])
 80     data.append(int(re.findall('\d+',future_forecast[i]['high'])[0]))
 81     data.append(int(re.findall('\d+', future_forecast[i]['low'])[0]))
 82     data.append(future_forecast[i]['type'])
 83     dict[date] = data
 84   data_list = sorted(dict.items())
 85   date=[]
 86   high_temperature = []
 87   low_temperature = []
 88   for each in data_list:
 89     date.append(each[0])
 90     high_temperature.append(each[1][0])
 91     low_temperature.append(each[1][1])
 92   fig = plt.plot(date,high_temperature,'r',date,low_temperature,'b')
 93   plt.xlabel('date')
 94   plt.ylabel('')
 95   plt.legend(['high temperature','low temperature'])
 96   plt.xticks(date)
 97   plt.title('Trend of temperature change in recent days')
 99 #Main function
100 if __name__=='__main__':
101   weather_data = Get_weather_data()
102   weather_forecast_txt, forecast = Show_weather(weather_data)
103   Future_weather_states(forecast)
104   Voice_broadcast(weather_forecast_txt)


6. Final effect

The above article of intelligent voice weather forecast implemented by python is the whole content shared by the editor, hoping to give you a reference

Topics: Python JSON