Interaction between pyqt5 qimage, QPixmap, Opencv, QLabel and Matplotlib

Posted by ropic on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 10:41:02 +0100


Early methods for image rotation were:

  1. cv2.imread() reads the image
  2. numpy rotating image
  3. Save the rotated image CV2 Imwrite() and read the image again

Because of the basic operation of images, I am a little white and have never touched anything. Therefore, the early idea is like this. This method is simple and clear, but you know the disadvantages

Later, I saw this article occasionally: [PyQt5] displays multiple pictures and supports scrolling , one line of code: label Setscaledcontents (true) adapts the size of window controls, so I collected all kinds of information on the Internet, tested it myself, and finally summarized it into this blog.

Here is a collection of simple image processing + basic format conversion used in image interface design. I hope it can help you!

1, Conversion

  • Test image

  • path,photo
path = r'F:\python\gradu_design\gra_des\compr\bamarket115.jpg'
# r'F:\python\gradu_design\gra_des\imges\logo1_1.jpg'

# call
photo = QImage(path)
# print('photo type:', type(photo), photo.width(), photo.height())

The parameters photo and path involved in the following methods come from this

  • Display problem

The following method will see two pictures compared together: This is to use matplotlib alone to display and view the effect of conversion:
matplotlib displays RGB images. Since the test image is red, if the result shows blue, it proves that the image is in BGR format. On the contrary, if it is the same as the original image, it is in RGB format

# image type must be < class' numpy Ndarray '>, plt can be displayed
def plt_show(self,image):
    plt.title('Format check-BGR')

    plt.title('Format check-RGB')
    plt.imshow(image[:,:,::-1])  # Normal display

1.1 Opencv_to_QPixmap

Complete process: opencv - > qimage - > qpixmap

  • code
# Call cv2 to read the image - > qpixmap to make QLabel display

# cv2 read image - > qpixmap let QLabel display
def Opencv_to_QPixmap(self,pic_show_label,path):
    # Picture path
    img_path = path
    # Read BGR format of picture through cv
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    print('cv2 : ',type(img))# cv2 :  <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
    plt.imshow(img)  # IMG was originally in BGR format and was converted to RGB format through img[:,:,::-1]

    # Channel conversion BGR - > RGB
    RGBImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    plt.imshow(RGBImg)  # matplotlib can only display RGB images 
    # Convert pictures to Qt readable format QImage
    qimage = QImage(RGBImg, RGBImg.shape[1], RGBImg.shape[0], QImage.Format_RGB888)
    print('qimage type:', type(qimage))
    piximage = QPixmap(qimage)
    print('piximage type:', type(piximage))
    # display picture
    print('pic_show_label mess:',pic_show_label.width(), pic_show_label.height())
    print('piximage mess:',piximage.width(),piximage.height())
  • test result
  • conclusion
  • matplotlib can only display numpy Adarry type and display RGB format
  • The adaptation does not change the actual size of the image

1.2 QImage_to_QPixmap

  • code

# Make the read image adaptive qlabel qimage - > qpixmap
def QImage_to_QPixmap(self,photo):
    width = self.label.width()
    height = self.label.height()
    print('photo size:',type(photo),photo.width(),photo.height())

    size = QSize(width, height)
    # Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt.KeepAspectRatio,
    pixphoto = QPixmap.fromImage(photo.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio,Qt.SmoothTransformation)) # Qimage - > qpixmap ignoreaspectratio: ignore aspect ratio

    self.label.setScaledContents(True)  # Image adaptive window size

    print('pixphoto type:', type(pixphoto), width,height)
  • test result

Will code

  • pixphoto = QPixmap.fromImage(photo.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio,Qt.SmoothTransformation))

Change to

  • pixphoto = QPixmap(photo)

QPixmap shape change

1.3 QPixmap_to_Opencv

  • code
pixphoto = QPixmap(path)
# Call Pixmap_to_Opencv
pixarr = self.Pixmap_to_Opencv(pixphoto)
print('pixarr : ', type(pixarr))  # Look at the test results 1

# QPixmap to CV2
def Pixmap_to_Opencv(self,qtpixmap):
    print('qtpixmap type:',type(qtpixmap))
    qimg = qtpixmap.toImage()  # QPixmap-->QImage
    print('qimg type:', type(qimg))

    temp_shape = (qimg.height(), qimg.bytesPerLine() * 8 // qimg.depth())
    temp_shape += (4,)
    ptr = qimg.bits()
    result = np.array(ptr, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(temp_shape)
    result = result[..., :3]
    # cv2.imwrite('./result.jpg',result) # If saved, RGB format will be displayed
    return result
  • test result
  1. If you examine the code carefully, you will find this line of code:
    According to test result 1, call pixmap_ to_ After opencv method, the image is in BGR format. Will the saved image also be in BGR format?
    A: no (this line of code is used to test the effect)
    The saved image is actually color (if it is in BGR format, the image should be blue). Therefore, we infer that there should be format change when using opencv to save the image (if you are interested, you can check the source code, which will not be repeated here)

  2. Modify calling code
    pixphoto = QPixmap(path) ① pixarr = self.Pixmap_to_Opencv(pixphoto)② print('pixarr : ', type(pixarr)) ③
    Change to
    pixphoto = QPixmap(path)① pixarr = self.Pixmap_to_Opencv(pixphoto)② print('pixarr : ', type(pixarr))③ self.plt_show(pixarr)④

    See the effect displayed by matlibplot:

1.4 QImage_to_Opencv

  • code
# Call QImage_to_Opencv
Imagearr = self.QImage_to_Opencv(photo)
print('Imagearr : ', type(Imagearr))

# QImage to Opencv
def QImage_to_Opencv(self,qimg):
    tmp = qimg
    # Create an empty image using numpy
    cv_image = np.zeros((tmp.height(), tmp.width(), 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    print('begin cv_image type:',type(cv_image))
    for row in range(0, tmp.height()):
        for col in range(0, tmp.width()):
            r = qRed(tmp.pixel(col, row))
            g = qGreen(tmp.pixel(col, row))
            b = qBlue(tmp.pixel(col, row))
            # cv_image[row, col, 0] = r
            # cv_image[row, col, 1] = g
            # cv_image[row, col, 2] = b
            cv_image[row, col, 0] = b
            cv_image[row, col, 1] = g
            cv_image[row, col, 2] = r
    print('end cv_image type:', type(cv_image))
    return cv_image
  • test result

1.5 Opencv_to_QImage

Requirement: distortion occurs when the image is rotated by 90 °, as follows:

The whole process of image rotation is qpixmap - > qpencv - > qpixmap. I tested qpixmap - > qpencv ① and qpencv - > qpixmap ② respectively, and found that process ② is the cause of the problem, so I changed the whole process to:
QPixmap -> Qpencv -> QImage -> QPixmap

  • code
# Call QPixmap_to_Opencv
pixphoto = QPixmap(path)
pixarr = self.QPixmap_to_Opencv(pixphoto)

print('pixarr : ', type(pixarr))
img_rotate = np.rot90(pixarr, 1)

print('img_rotate : ', type(img_rotate))
plt.imshow(img_rotate[:, :, ::-1])

# Call Opencv_to_QImage
QtImg = self.Opencv_to_QImage(img_rotate)
self.QImage_to_QPixmap(QtImg,self.label_2) # This is qimage_ to_ Modified version of qpixmap

def Opencv_to_QImage(self,img):
    # Convert the picture to BGRA mode;
    img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
    QtImg = QImage(, img_rgb.shape[1], img_rgb.shape[0],QImage.Format_RGB32)
    # # Display pictures into label;
    # self.labImage.resize(QSize(img_rgb.shape[1],img_rgb.shape[0]))
    # self.labImage.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(QtImg))

    return QtImg
  • test result

See 2.1 case 1 - image rotation for the complete source code

2, Actual combat cases

2.1 case 1 - image rotation

  • test_resize.ui file
  • Image rotation source code
import sys
import cv2
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PyQt5.uic import loadUi

class QLabel_resize(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):


    def setupUi(self):
        loadUi('./test_resize.ui', self)
        plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['KaiTi']

    def resize_QLabel(self):
        path = r'F:\python\gradu_design\gra_des\compr\jasper_johns.jpg'

        photo = QImage(path)
        print('photo type:', type(photo), photo.width(), photo.height())


    def all_iamge_type_conversion(self,path,photo):
		# QImage_to_QPixmap reads the image first and displays it in QLabel

        pixphoto = QPixmap(path)
        pixarr = self.QPixmap_to_Opencv(pixphoto)
        print('pixarr : ', type(pixarr))
        img_rotate = np.rot90(pixarr, 1)

        print('img_rotate : ', type(img_rotate))
        plt.imshow(img_rotate[:, :, ::-1])

        # Call Opencv_to_QImage
        QtImg = self.Opencv_to_QImage(img_rotate)

    # Make the read image adaptive qlabel qimage - > qpixmap
    def QImage_to_QPixmap(self,photo,label):
        label.setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray") # Make QLabel border
        width = self.label.width()
        height = self.label.height()
        print('photo size:',type(photo),photo.width(),photo.height())

        size = QSize(width, height)
        # Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt.KeepAspectRatio,
        pixphoto = QPixmap.fromImage(photo.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio,Qt.SmoothTransformation)) # Qimage - > qpixmap ignoreaspectratio: ignore aspect ratio
        # pixphoto = QPixmap(photo)

    # QPixmap to Opencv   
    def QPixmap_to_Opencv(self,qtpixmap):
        print('qtpixmap type:',type(qtpixmap))
        qimg = qtpixmap.toImage()  # QPixmap-->QImage

        temp_shape = (qimg.height(), qimg.bytesPerLine() * 8 // qimg.depth())
        temp_shape += (4,)
        ptr = qimg.bits()
        result = np.array(ptr, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(temp_shape)
        result = result[..., :3]

        return result

    def Opencv_to_QImage(self,img):
        # Convert the picture to BGRA mode;
        img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
        QtImg = QImage(, img_rgb.shape[1], img_rgb.shape[0],QImage.Format_RGB32)
        return QtImg

def main():
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = QLabel_resize()

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Test effect


  • Reference resources
  1. matplotlib object-oriented drawing Xiaobai final version
  2. Convert Python Opencv picture object to QImage object in PyQt4
  3. The data structures of python pyqt5 pictures (QPixmap) and opencv pictures are converted to each other
  4. PyQt5 (1): little integration of PyQt5 and Opencv

Topics: Python OpenCV GUI matplotlib PyQt5