Interface automation by reading configuration file and Excel content

Posted by deezin on Thu, 12 Dec 2019 20:59:01 +0100

The class libraries involved in this article, configparser, xlrd, xlutils, requests

Objective: to achieve a simple http interface test, put the data into the Excel table, test by reading the data in the Excel table, and write the test results back to the Excel table

1. Data preparation

2. Interface, port, path

baseurl =
port = 8000

3. Read the config file and Excel file and write the code(

import configparser
import xlrd
from xlutils.copy import copy

cf = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') # The reason why the file name can be transferred directly is that the py file and the config.ini file are in the same level directory
# fp = open(r'config.ini','w') # You must read it before open ing it, otherwise the content cannot be written into the config file

def getbaseurl():
    return cf.get('HTTP','baseurl')+":"+cf.get('HTTP','port')

def gettestdatakey():
    table = xlrd.open_workbook('11.xls')
    data = table.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
    return data.row_values(0)

def gettestdatavalue():
    array = []
    table = xlrd.open_workbook('11.xls')
    data = table.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
    for i in range(1,data.nrows):
    return array

def gettestdatadic():
    tmpvalue = gettestdatavalue()
    tmpkey = gettestdatakey()
    dic = []
    for i in tmpvalue:
    return dic

def gettestresult(resultdata):
    rb = xlrd.open_workbook('11.xls','w+b')
    rs = rb.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
    cols = rs.ncols
    wb = copy(rb)
    data = wb.get_sheet(0)
    for i in range(rs.nrows):
        if i == 0:data.write(0, cols, 'Execute Result')

4. Test examples(

import requests
from one import getbaseurl,gettestdatadic,gettestresult

url = 'http://'+getbaseurl()+'/api/add_event/'
data = gettestdatadic()
resultdata = []
for i in data:
    tt =,data=i)

5. Operation results

Note: the congfig.ini file should be in the same level directory as the file, otherwise reading will cause problems; it can also not be in the same level directory, but the absolute path of the file should be passed in when reading.

Topics: Programming Excel JSON