Collection class
Let's see what collection classes are included in JAVA first?
First, let's take a look at some classes related to List, and find out what implementation classes they have and what the usage scenarios of these implementation classes are.
Class diagram
This is a class diagram. We see that all collection classes are implemented
- Iterable
- Collection
- List
Let's first look at what they have implemented and explore how they have implemented it.
Iterators, mainly providing iterators, parallel iterators and defining all collection classes to support forEach methods. Things like forEach and parallel iterators are new in jdk8. I'll learn something new in jdk8.
Collection collection
The difference between toArray() and < T > t [] toArray (t [] a)
- toArray() can only return Object [] and cannot cast (String[]) strings.toArray(). Error will be reported
- toArray(T[] a) will not have this problem
containsAll method
@Test public void testContainsAll() { List<String> lists = new ArrayList<>(); lists.add("1"); lists.add("2"); lists.add("3"); System.out.println("============>" + lists.contains("1")); List<String> lists1 = new ArrayList<>(); System.out.println("============>" + lists.containsAll(lists1)); lists1.add("1"); System.out.println("============>" + lists.containsAll(lists1)); lists1.add("4"); System.out.println("============>" + lists.containsAll(lists1)); } =========Result========= ============>true ============>true ============>true ============>false
retainAll Union
@Test public void testRetainAll() { List<String> lists = new ArrayList<>(); lists.add("1"); lists.add("2"); lists.add("3"); lists.retainAll(new ArrayList<>()); System.out.println("============>" + lists); lists.add("1"); lists.add("2"); lists.add("3"); List<String> lists1 = new ArrayList<>(); lists1.add("1"); lists1.add("a"); lists.retainAll(lists1); System.out.println("============>" + lists); } ------------------- ============>[] ============>[1]
List interface
Take a look at what methods are available for this interface compared with Collection?
Sort sort method
default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) { Object[] a = this.toArray(); Arrays.sort(a, (Comparator) c); ListIterator<E> i = this.listIterator(); for (Object e : a) {; i.set((E) e); } }