Before analyzing the source code of communication between EurekaClient and EurekaServer, we need to be familiar with several entity classes.
This class represents the EurekaClient instance, which will be carried by the client when it requests to register with the server. This instance contains some basic information of the current client:
private volatile String instanceId; private volatile String appName; @Auto private volatile String appGroupName; private volatile String ipAddr; private static final String SID_DEFAULT = "na"; @Deprecated private volatile String sid = SID_DEFAULT; private volatile int port = DEFAULT_PORT; private volatile int securePort = DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT; @Auto private volatile String homePageUrl; @Auto private volatile String statusPageUrl; @Auto private volatile String healthCheckUrl; @Auto private volatile String secureHealthCheckUrl; @Auto private volatile String vipAddress; @Auto private volatile String secureVipAddress; @XStreamOmitField private String statusPageRelativeUrl; @XStreamOmitField private String statusPageExplicitUrl; @XStreamOmitField private String healthCheckRelativeUrl; @XStreamOmitField private String healthCheckSecureExplicitUrl; @XStreamOmitField private String vipAddressUnresolved; @XStreamOmitField private String secureVipAddressUnresolved; @XStreamOmitField private String healthCheckExplicitUrl; @Deprecated private volatile int countryId = DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ID; // Defaults to US private volatile boolean isSecurePortEnabled = false; private volatile boolean isUnsecurePortEnabled = true; private volatile DataCenterInfo dataCenterInfo; private volatile String hostName; private volatile InstanceStatus status = InstanceStatus.UP; private volatile InstanceStatus overriddenStatus = InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN; @XStreamOmitField private volatile boolean isInstanceInfoDirty = false; private volatile LeaseInfo leaseInfo; @Auto private volatile Boolean isCoordinatingDiscoveryServer = Boolean.FALSE; @XStreamAlias("metadata") private volatile Map<String, String> metadata; @Auto private volatile Long lastUpdatedTimestamp; @Auto private volatile Long lastDirtyTimestamp; @Auto private volatile ActionType actionType; @Auto private volatile String asgName; private String version = VERSION_UNKNOWN;
This enumeration contains the possible states of the client
This class is used by the server to save the lease information of the client. The InstanceInfo object is held in the holder.
// Lease expiration time public static final int DEFAULT_DURATION_IN_SECS = 90; //Client instance private T holder; //Service offline time private long evictionTimestamp; //Registration start time private long registrationTimestamp; //Deregistration time private long serviceUpTimestamp; // Last updated private volatile long lastUpdateTimestamp; //Lease duration private long duration;
This object represents the cluster node information
/** * Service address */ private final String serviceUrl; /** * Eureka-Server To configure */ private final EurekaServerConfig config; /** * Batch task synchronization maximum delay */ private final long maxProcessingDelayMs; /** * Application instance registry */ private final PeerAwareInstanceRegistry registry; /** * Target host */ private final String targetHost; /** * Cluster EurekaHttpClient */ private final HttpReplicationClient replicationClient; /** * Batch task distributor */ private final TaskDispatcher<String, ReplicationTask> batchingDispatcher; /** * Single task distributor */ private final TaskDispatcher<String, ReplicationTask> nonBatchingDispatcher;
This is the communication interface between Eureka client and server.
public interface EurekaHttpClient { EurekaHttpResponse<Void> register(InstanceInfo info); EurekaHttpResponse<Void> cancel(String appName, String id); EurekaHttpResponse<InstanceInfo> sendHeartBeat(String appName, String id, InstanceInfo info, InstanceStatus overriddenStatus); EurekaHttpResponse<Void> statusUpdate(String appName, String id, InstanceStatus newStatus, InstanceInfo info); EurekaHttpResponse<Void> deleteStatusOverride(String appName, String id, InstanceInfo info); EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getApplications(String... regions); EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getDelta(String... regions); EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getVip(String vipAddress, String... regions); EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getSecureVip(String secureVipAddress, String... regions); EurekaHttpResponse<Application> getApplication(String appName); EurekaHttpResponse<InstanceInfo> getInstance(String appName, String id); EurekaHttpResponse<InstanceInfo> getInstance(String id); void shutdown(); }
This article is based on the platform of blog one article multiple sending OpenWrite Release!