Introduction to Java database connection pool -- Introduction to vibur DBCP

Posted by slashpine on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 04:57:19 +0100

Vibur DBCP is a concurrent, fast and fully functional JDBC connection pool, which provides advanced performance monitoring functions. This paper mainly introduces   The basic use of vibur DBCP, the software version used in this paper: Java 1.8.0_191,vibur-dbcp 25.0,Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE.

1. Configuration parameters

1.1. Connection pool size and fairness configuration

parameter type Default value describe
 poolInitialSize int  5   Number of initial connections
 poolMaxSize int  50   maximum connection
 poolFair boolean  true   If true, ensure that the thread also obtains connections in first in first out order
 poolEnableConnectionTracking boolean  false   If true, the connection pool will record the stack information of each lending connection
 name String  "p" + auto-generated id   Connection pool name

1.2 basic configuration

parameter type Default value describe
driver Driver null

jdbc driver; The order in which the vibus looks for the driver:
1.driver parameters
2.driverClassName parameter
3. Determine the driver through JDBC URL

driverProperties Properties null The parameters of the driver will be used to call   Driver.connect() method
driverClassName String null Drive name
jdbcUrl String   jdbc connection url
username String   user name
password String   password
externalDataSource DataSource null External data source. If set, the connection will be obtained from the data source
allowConnectionAfterTermination boolean false Allow connection acquisition after connection pool interruption
allowUnwrapping boolean true Whether to allow getting the underlying object of jdbc

1.3 connection timeout and retry

parameter type Default value describe
 connectionTimeoutInMs  long  15000 Get the timeout of the connection (DataSource.getConnection()); 0 means unlimited
 loginTimeoutInSeconds  int  5   Timeout for creating a connection, which will be used to call   DriverManager.setLoginTimeout() method
 acquireRetryDelayInMs long 500    Time to wait for retry when connection creation fails
 acquireRetryAttempt  int   Maximum number of retries when creating a connection failed

1.4 connection verification

parameter type Default value describe
connectionIdleLimitInSeconds   int 5   When obtaining a connection from the connection pool, if the idle time of the obtained connection exceeds this setting, the connection will be verified. 0 means that the connection is verified every time, and a negative number means that it will never be verified.
 validateTimeoutInSeconds  int 3   Execute when getting connection   Timeout of testConnectionQuery, or create connection execution   Timeout for initSQL.
 testConnectionQuery String isValid   Check the connection query statement. If it is not set, use Connection.isValid(int) to check the connection; If the driver supports JDBC 4, it is strongly recommended to use the default value, which will make the verification efficient.
 initSQL String null   The query statement executed when the connection is first created; isValid indicates that the   Connection.isValid(int) method.
useNetworkTimeout boolean  false If true, in   testConnectionQuery or   initSQL enabled and not   isValid, when executing   testConnectionQuery or   When initSQL, the   Connection.setNetworkTimeout() method; Driver support needs to be guaranteed   Connection.setNetworkTimeout() method.
networkTimeoutExecutor Executor null When useNetworkTimeout is enabled, execute   The connection.setnetworktimeout (executor, int milliseconds) method requires   Executor object.

1.5. Query slow and large result set log settings

parameter type Default value describe
logQueryExecutionLongerThanMs long 3000 Whether to log the long-term query statements; A positive number indicates that the log is recorded when the query time of the SQL statement is greater than or equal to this setting, 0 indicates that it is always recorded, and a negative number indicates that it is not recorded
logStackTraceForLongQueryExecution boolean false If true, in   When logQueryExecutionLongerThanMs is enabled and logged, the stack information of SQL statements is recorded at the same time.
logLargeResultSet long 500 Whether to log large result sets; A positive number means that if the number of results obtained from the result set (the number of executions of exceeds this setting, the log will be recorded; A negative number means no record.
logStackTraceForLargeResultSet boolean false If true, when logLargeResultSet is enabled and logging is performed, the stack information of the SQL statement is recorded at the same time.
includeQueryParameters boolean true  Whether to collect parameter information of query SQL

1.6. Get slow connection and timeout log settings

parameter type Default value describe
logConnectionLongerThanMs long 3000 If the time of obtaining the connection (DataSource.getConnection()) exceeds this setting, a log will be recorded; 0 means always log; A negative number means no record; If   logConnectionLongerThanMs greater than   connectionTimeoutInMs, logConnectionLongerThanMs will be set to   The value of connectionTimeoutInMs.
logStackTraceForLongConnection boolean false If true, when logConnectionLongerThanMs starts and logs, the stack information of the obtained connection is recorded at the same time.
logTakenConnectionsOnTimeout boolean false The connection from the connection pool timed out. Whether to print the log; If true, the timeout will be greater than the status information and stack information of all lending connections. The format of the log can be   takenConnectionsFormatter settings.
logAllStackTracesOnTimeout boolean false If true, when logtakenconnectionstimeout is enabled and logged, the stack information of all other threads that do not get a connection is recorded at the same time
logLineRegex Pattern null When recording stack information (based on the following parameters: logstacktraceforlongconnection, logstacktraceforlargeresultset, logstacktraceforlongqueryexecution, logtakenconnectionstimeout, logallstacktracesontimeout), only the information conforming to the regular expression is recorded. null means full stack information is recorded.
takenConnectionsFormatter TakenConnectionsFormatter TakenConnectionsFormatter.Default When logtakenconnectionstimeout is enabled and logs are recorded, the log format can be set through this parameter.

1.7 callback function

The callback function can only be set in the configuration phase and cannot be modified after startup.

function type Default value describe
viburDS.getConnHooks().addOnInit(...) Hook.InitConnection null Function executed after connection initialization
viburDS.getConnHooks().addOnGet(...) Hook.GetConnection null Function executed after obtaining a connection from the connection pool
viburDS.getConnHooks().addOnClose(...) Hook.CloseConnection null The function executed before the connection returns to the connection pool
viburDS.getConnHooks().addOnDestroy(...) Hook.DestroyConnection null Function executed after the original connection is closed
viburDS.getConnHooks().addOnTimeout(...) Hook.GetConnectionTimeout null stay   Function executed after logtakenconnectionstimeout is enabled and logged
viburDS.getInvocationHooks().addOnMethodInvocation(...) Hook.MethodInvocation null Execute the function before executing the JDBC interface method; This function is not executed when inheriting Object methods, methods related to close, and java.sql.Wrapper are executed.
viburDS.getInvocationHooks().addOnStatementExecution(...) Hook.StatementExecution null stay   When the JDBC Statement is executed, the function will wrap around   Execution of Statement.
viburDS.getInvocationHooks().addOnResultSetRetrieval(...) Hook.ResultSetRetrieval null Execute the method after the result set is closed.

1.8. Connection default behavior settings

parameter type Default value describe
clearSQLWarnings boolean false If true, the SQL warning is cleared before the connection returns to the connection pool.
resetDefaultsAfterUse boolean false If true, reset the connection after it returns to the connection pool.
defaultAutoCommit boolean Driver's default Auto submit by default
defaultReadOnly boolean Driver's default Read only by default
defaultTransactionIsolation String Driver's default Default isolation level
defaultCatalog String Driver's default Default catalog

1.9. Statement cache settings

parameter type Default value describe
statementCacheMaxSize int 0 Maximum number of statement caches; 0 means not enabled   Statement cache, max. 2000.

1.10. Connection pool reduction setting

parameter type Default value describe
poolReducerClass String org.vibur.dbcp.pool.PoolReducer Classes that manage connection pooling
reducerTimeIntervalInSeconds int 30 How long will the number of free connections in the connection pool be reduced
reducerSamples int 15 stay   During the reducerTimeIntervalInSeconds time, how long does poolReducer wake up to count the connection pool information.

1.11 severe SQL status

parameter type Default value describe
criticalSQLStates String 08001,08006,08007,08S01,57P01,57P02,57P03,JZ0C0,JZ0C1 If an SQL exception appears in this setting, all connections will be invalidated and the connection pool will be closed.

1.12. Enable JMX

parameter type Default value describe
enableJMX boolean true Start JMX

For details, please refer to the official website:

2. Use

2.1. Direct use

2.1.1. Introducing dependency


2.1.2 application examples


import org.vibur.dbcp.ViburDBCPDataSource;

import java.sql.*;

public class ViburDbcpCase {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ViburDBCPDataSource viburDBCPDataSource = new ViburDBCPDataSource();
        viburDBCPDataSource.setName("vibur-dbcp Connection pool");
        viburDBCPDataSource.setTestConnectionQuery("select 1");

        Connection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = viburDBCPDataSource.getConnection();
            Statement st = connection.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select version()");
            if ( {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {

        //In practice, the data source is initialized when the application starts, and the application obtains the connection from the data source; The data source is not closed.

    private static void close(Connection connection) {
        if (connection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {

2.2. Use in SpringBoot

2.1.1. Introducing dependency

    <relativePath />





2.1.2 single data source

application.yml configuration:

      name: vibur-dbcp Connection pool
      driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
      jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
      username: root
      password: InsYR0ot187!
      pool-initial-size: 2
      pool-max-size: 10
      connection-idle-limit-in-seconds: 30
      test-connection-query: select 1
      log-query-execution-longer-than-ms: 5000
      log-stack-trace-for-long-query-execution: true
      statement-cache-max-size: 200

Data source configuration class:


import org.springframework.boot.jdbc.DataSourceBuilder;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.vibur.dbcp.ViburDBCPDataSource;

public class DataSourceConfig {
    @Bean(name = "dataSource", initMethod = "start")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource.vibur")
    public ViburDBCPDataSource dataSource() {
        ViburDBCPDataSource dataSource = DataSourceBuilder.create().type(ViburDBCPDataSource.class).build();
        return dataSource;


private DataSource dataSource;

2.1.3 multiple data sources

application.yml configuration:

        name: vibur-dbcp Connection pool 1
        driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
        jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
        username: root
        password: InsYR0ot187!
        pool-initial-size: 2
        pool-max-size: 10
        connection-idle-limit-in-seconds: 30
        test-connection-query: select 1
        log-query-execution-longer-than-ms: 5000
        log-stack-trace-for-long-query-execution: true
        statement-cache-max-size: 200
        name: vibur-dbcp Connection pool 2
        driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
        jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
        username: root
        password: InsYR0ot187!
        pool-initial-size: 2
        pool-max-size: 10
        connection-idle-limit-in-seconds: 30
        test-connection-query: select 1
        log-query-execution-longer-than-ms: 5000
        log-stack-trace-for-long-query-execution: true
        statement-cache-max-size: 200

Data source configuration class:


import org.springframework.boot.jdbc.DataSourceBuilder;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
import org.vibur.dbcp.ViburDBCPDataSource;

public class DataSourceConfig {
    @Bean(name = "dataSource1", initMethod = "start")
    public ViburDBCPDataSource dataSourceOne(){
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(ViburDBCPDataSource.class).build();

    @Bean(name = "dataSource2", initMethod = "start")
    public ViburDBCPDataSource dataSourceTwo(){
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(ViburDBCPDataSource.class).build();


private DataSource dataSource1;

private DataSource dataSource2;